Chapter 35

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Cole p.o.v

After the Alpha King tells the pack members that were in the room to leave and give us some privacy, once everyone has left dad, mum and Draco sat down on the couch while the twins sit on the couch next to them. Myself and Skylar sit on a two-person couch with Violet between us on the floor along with Pearl who wanted to stay with Draco she sits in-between his legs I guess they had talked, Esmeralda sits across from dad with Carter beside her and takes her hand which causes dad to glare at his hand, when Carter sees the look on dad's face he goes to pull his hand away but Esmeralda doesn't let him, Carter smiles at her.

Riccardo - I am waiting for someone to explain before I shot you in the head Carter.

Esmeralda - dad leave him alone...

Riccardo - then you explain to me before I start shooting.

Dad is getting annoyed with no one talking but mum is quick to calm him down.

Brittany - babe how can they explain anything if you keep interrupting them?

Dad lets them talk, Esmeralda and Carter both look at each other before Esmeralda starts talking about how they got together.

Esmeralda - it all started when Cole went missing and you spend all your time and had all the staff looking for him, one time when everyone was out apart from Carter.

Draco - he was left to be your bodyguard not so you could fuck him.

Esmeralda - we weren't back then, we only spent time together and I started to develop feelings for him at first I didn't know what to do but after seeing other girls flirt with him last week I couldn't keep it in anymore so I confessed to him about how I felt and to my surprise he felt the same way about me.

Riccardo - what!? since when?

Dad looks straight to Carter who's trying to be brave but I can smell he's afraid especially after seeing what dad can do to people.

Carter - since I first met her, I thought she was the most beautiful woman I've ever seen in my whole life so I got to know her and she got to know me
then when Esmeralda told me how she felt I couldn't be happier and we started dating.

Dad looks to Draco who hasn't taken his eyes off Carter's hand which is on Esmeralda's knee.

Riccardo - Draco how did you find out about this?

Draco - well...

Riccardo - Draco? What were you doing?

I see that Pearl is blushing as Draco tells us what he was doing when he found out about Esmeralda and Carter.

Draco - well...Pearl wanted to talk, I wanted to as well so we went up to the balcony outside my window where she told me why she didn't tell me about her family and she loves me and I realised that I still love her so we decided to give our relationship another shot. While we were kissing when I heard some weird noises coming from the floor below. At first, it sounded like someone needed help so we went to the floor until we came to...a door and it said "storage".

Oh, shit, I can see where this is going I know exactly what door there are talking about some of the newly shifted wolves use that room for hookups even tho it's meant to be for storing equipment and supplies. Draco's face goes red with embarrassment.

Riccardo - go on...

Draco - I tried to open the door but it was locked, thinking someone was in trouble I kicked the door open...where we saw that...well...Esmeralda was on her knees with Carter's dick in her mouth.

The twins both started to chuckle but both stopped when dad glares at them, while Esmeralda groans in annoyance.

Esmeralda - thanks a lot never liked seeing me happy can you?

Draco - seriously Esmeralda? I mean you have your whole life ahead of you and you really wanna spend it with him? Your only 19 and he's 26 for god's sake

Esmeralda - so? Do you think I give a shit about his age or mine for that matter I love him and he loves me

The tears escape her eyes for the first time since meeting her I can see the sadness and the heartbreak in her face and her body language as she cries into her hands, Carter is trying to comfort her as he takes her in his arms, dad goes to say something but mum stops him by giving him a pleading look he then sighs deeply before saying

Riccardo - much as I would like to bless this couple...but I can't.

Especially suddenly stood up from her seat and yells at dad with tears and a look of rage on her face.


And with that, she rushes out of the room with Carter running after her. Fair to say I am confused why can't she be with Carter? I look at dad, mum is beside him shaking her head as if she can't believe it.

Brittany - how could you do that? She's your daughter.

Riccardo - I know she's my daughter...

I interrupt him before he can continue and I ask him what I wanna know.

Cole - dad why can't she be with Carter I don't understand why? Is it the age difference?

Riccardo - no it's not the age difference Cole I would love to let her follow her heart but...

Even the twins are confused about this.

Gabriel - but what dad?

Griffin - dad I don't get it either.

Draco seems to be the only one who knows what dad knows.

Draco - it's something dad organized after Esmeralda was born.

Wait can that mean? Oh no.

Cole - dad are you saying that you arranged a marriage for Esmeralda.

He nods yes, the twins lost it then I tried to calm things down.

Gabriel - dad are you kidding me?

Griffin - I thought our family wasn't going to do that shit?

Cole - dad arranged marriages are thousands of years old we are in different times now...

Draco interrupts me which pisses me off.

Draco - don't shifters do the same? It's not just a human thing.

Cole - only ones who haven't got a mate but that was outdated years ago tho but you wouldn't know that since you have never bothered to learn about shifters.

Riccardo - boys enough!!

We both shut our mouths but then dads phone starts to ring, he pulls it out of his pocket and checks the caller ID he's mutters something in Italian which only mum, me and Skylar can hear.

Riccardo - Fanculo!! questo non può essere buono
(fuck!! this can't be good)

He stands up and answers his phone.

Riccardo - what? I haven't forgotten....but there is a problem with that...she has her eyes on someone else...excuse me motherfucker that is my daughter you are talking what fuck the what we arranged I have one word for you...vendetta.

The twins, Draco and me all look at him when he says that and cuts off the call.

Draco - dad what's the word?

Riccardo - get your gear boys.

Cole - what did they say?

Riccardo - they disrespected your sister and our family so get your gear and the boys together...which includes Carter and you Cole it's time for you to show us the Mafia side of you.

Draco nods and the twins head off to get ready, I know what "vendetta" means and since my dad and brothers are mafia then I am guessing this will be worse.

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