Chapter 21

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Cole p.o.v

Earlier the next morning when my eyes open and I feel two pairs of hands on my chest, looming down I can see both Violet and Skylar cuddling into me for a second I wondered how we got here but then it all came back to me. Damm I don't think I've ever had a night like that in a long while, don't get me wrong sex with Skylar is amazing and dominating now that Violet is now our Last night I had Violet then Skylar after that Skylar became more dominant as she handcuffed me to the bed and got teased by both of them, then had to watch as Skylar gave Violet an orgasm that was mind-blowing for her following that I had the both of them, I took Violet from behind while made out with Skylar playing with her clit at the same time fair to say I lost count of how many times we cam last night but my personal favourite was when I was on my bed with Skylar on my cock while having Violet on my face and I was licking out her sweet pussy while Skylar was sucking on her tits, Best night of my life we even tried some dominant/submissive with Violet and really pushed our limits, especially Violet since she is new to all that kind of stuff but we didn't go to fair with it tho we only did what she was comfortable with, with her anyway but myself and Skylar showed her a couple of things.

My alarm suddenly goes off both girls stir in their sleep I really should let them sleep so I reach across past Skylar and turn it off so they can sleep but I, on the other hand, can't as I have to go on patrol again. I crawl over Skylar as quietly and carefully as I can when my feet touch the floor I go into the bathroom for a quick shower, the girls are cuddling in bed when I came back out to get my clothes, as much as I want to stay and cuddle with them but I can't I have to go on patrol to protect both them and the pack. After I dry myself I put on my clothes and kiss both of them on their foreheads and leave the room quietly shutting the door behind me.

This morning I have patrol with Damon and John after we have a quick breakfast of egg, bacon and toast we head out. Even tho it's New Years Day but no one feels like celebrating it and we were meant to have a wedding today as well but it wouldn't feel right being happy not till these vampires are dead.  We reach the border but something is wrong.

John - where the fuck are they?!

Usually, we can see the camps the vampires have made as well as a few watching and taunting us but there's no one here, we can't even pick up their scent in fact the only ones we can smell are our allies back at the house. we have to report this it can't be right so I mind link Leo while the other two keep an eye out.

(Cole - Leo you awake?

Leo - yeah what do you have to report?

He really is turning into an Alpha King, he even sounds like one now.

Cole - well... The vampires are gone.

Leo - wait what?! What the fuck are you talking about?! Are you sure?!

Cole - we have just got here and there, isn't any sign of the vampires...hold on let me get back to you got to check something out.)

After cut off the mind link to Leo which I will probably get into trouble for later, we close the border to check out the camps spots they used but found only the marks from the tents that they used to stay out of the sun, even though we have a lot of trees in our territory, however, outside the border is another story there is only a hand full of trees so there isn't a lot of shade.

John - if I remember correctly, Dante and AJ were on patrol last night.

Damon - you think they might know of heard or seen something?

Cole - maybe not the marks are flesh meaning they left only a couple of hours ago while it was still dark.

John - you think they were moving to a new location?

Cole - must likely but the question is where are they now?

All three of us shift into our wolves and run along the rest of the border to check the other camps which are the same, the last one, however, the scent of vampires was still there it was fading away but it was still there which means that they have not long left. By the scent, they headed north away from our packs territory it may be good that they left but why? We need to find out what's going to happen if or when they came back. We shift back on the way back to the house but stay on alert but that doesn't Damon from opening his mouth as he raises an eyebrow at me, smirking.

Damon - so Cole did you have fun last night? It sounded like it.

I just roll my eyes at him, he may be my little cousin's mate but he still is a pain but I can be a bigger one.

Cole - jealousy doesn't look good on you Damon.

John laughs but Damon doesn't look amused by that but soon is smirking.

Damon - any tips on how I can make Ruby scream the way you did with your two mates?

Cole - you are not man enough to handle what I do.

I know he is just trying to annoy me since every member of the pack knows about it me, Skylar and Violet now. Most are happy for us well Damon and a few others like to tease the shit out of me tho. At first, I couldn't understand why Ruby chose him as her mate he's not even her fated mate but he does make her happy as long as he doesn't hurt her I won't hurt him. Out of nowhere John ends sniffs the air and starts to growl.

John - trouble guys.

Before we know it, we are surrounded by a group of vampires where the fuck did they come from? We can take them looking at each other we share a nod and get into a fighting position ready to defend ourselves suddenly a vampirette and by her scent, she was high ranked then we clicked on who she was.

Cole - you are Cassandra Fox, Victor Fox daughter

Cassandra Fox

Cassandra - so you know who I am, smart little beasts.

Damon growls furiously at her which causes her vampires to hiss back at us which made us growl at them.

Cassandra - awww the little puppy dog is angry, maybe we should teach you some manners.

Damon - bring it on bitch.

John - maybe we should teach you some.

Cole - remember our training and let's show these bastards who we are.

We clashed with the vampires letting out a huge roar.

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