Chapter 12

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Cole p.o.v

I couldn't believe it why would he give me all that money? But before I could ask the twins anything more Gabriel's phone starts to ring so he leaves the room with Griffin behind him leaving me in the room alone. I take the opportunity to look around a little more, I step my bag on the bed and look out of the window at the garden and the wooden area it looks big enough for Hunter to run around unseen but I would have to ask how dads land is before I even think if shifting. I stare out of the window for a while until a knock at my door gets my attention I wonder how that is.


Cole - who is it?

Draco - it's Draco

What does he want?

Cole - come in.

I hear the door open then his footsteps come into the room, the door closes then more steps come close to me until he's right beside me.

Draco - beautiful isn't it?

Cole - yes it is.

Draco - and it's all ours.

I don't want any bad blood with him or the others I mean it wasn't my fault our father loved my mother right?

Cole - Draco, I don't want any bad blood between us so...

Draco - I don't blame you.

He cuts me off but I didn't expect him to say anything like that at the same time we turn to look at each other.

Cole - you don't?

Draco - nope and if I am being honest, I've known there is no love between my parents for a long time, well between my dad and mum anyway.

I am having a heart to heart with my big brother? I must have had a very confused look on my face.

Draco - what's with the face?

Cole - what face?

He points to my face.

Draco - that face?

Cole - just wondering why you are being like this to me now when yesterday you didn't like me so much.

Draco - would you prefer me being a dick to you?

Cole - well no

Draco - look dad says that it would be good for the family if we all at least tried to get along with each other and none of this was your fault, you are technically my little brother so it would be nice to get to know you.

Cole - wow I didn't expect that.

Draco - don't get used to it

Before anything else could be said there is another knock on the door this time Draco answers it.

Draco - WHAT!!!

Through the door comes a shaky woman's voice.

Maid - sir....dinner is ready.

Draco - fine.

Both of us walk down from my room to the dining room.

Both of us walk down from my room to the dining room

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Dining Room

After we walk into the room and take our sits the twins come in, then dad along with Enzo and Salvatore, for some reason Enzo has got a huge satisfied grin on his face and when he gets closer to the table I can smell it...he's had sex. I thought they were gonna see some guy but why does only Enzo smell like sex? Everyone sits except for Esmeralda who still hasn't shown up but just as I think that she comes into the room with around 6 bags in her hands but her eyes land on me.

Esmeralda - so he's here then.

But before u could reply...

Draco - Esmeralda enough you haven't even given him a chance.

Esmeralda - why should I?

Gabriel - for one thing, what happened wasn't his fault.

Griffin - and whenever you like it or not he's our brother half or not, yes dad may have cheated on our mother but that wasn't Cole's fault.

Esmeralda - not yous two as well!! Dad throws our mother out and is divorcing her cuz of him!!

Dad slams his hands down onto the table in a rage causing us all to look at him

Riccardo - That's a fucking lie and you know it, Esmeralda!!.

He takes a quick breath calming himself down before continuing.

Riccardo - Esmeralda I've already explained this to you and your brothers, I no longer have any feelings for your mother it wouldn't be fair to stay married to someone that you can't stay it has nothing to do with Cole. For a long time, I didn't know Cole was even alive if you want someone to blame then blame me.

I guess I can see where she is coming from if I was her I would be angry too I can see the tears of anger in her eyes and something clicked inside of me, I shot up from my chair causing it to fall to the ground.

Cole - that's enough, leave her alone!! I understand where she is coming from if I was her I would be upset and angry about this too. I came here to see if I could try and get to know my half-siblings and my fathers family but I wouldn't force anyone to like me or not but what I won't stand for is men talking to a woman like that I wasn't raised that way.

Moving away from the table I go over to Esmeralda.

Cole - you may hate me which I can understand but the last thing I've wanted was to cause you pain, I only want to know my little sister but like I've said I won't force you so if it's what you want I will leave and never return.

Riccardo - Cole!!

I keep my eyes on Esmeralda as I answer my father.

Cole - No father I may be your son but I am also their half-sibling, I was raised to believe that a family sticks together my uncle Ryan says Blood is thicker than water.

He says a lot more than that but I can't say what he says about the pack.

Cole - so what will it be Esmeralda?

She doesn't answer me then dad starts to chuckle and the other clap then says something that confuses me even more.

Riccardo - well done Cole you passed the test.

I look around at dad.

Cole - what test?

This time Esmeralda speaks as she walks around me to the table and sits in her chair.

Esmeralda - dad wanted to see if you would stick up for me if the other ganged up on me.

Gabriel - of course, we love our mother and it's sad that she isn't in the house anymore.

Griffin - but we all saw that there was no love between them not for a long time.

Draco - in this family we may fight but soon get over it so we wanted to test you to see how you were raised congrats you passed.

So this was a test? I wonder how many more there are? They all laugh about it I soon join in until Salvatore groans.

Salvatore - come we eat now?

Everyone rolls their eyes and Enzo smacks him at the back of his head, it was a nice dinner least the food wasn't poisoned and the conversation was interesting but I still needed to somehow let Hunter out for his run without anyone seeing him it seeing me shift.


A/N sorry for this chapter being so boring but I am getting sick of this story and thinking of deleting my stories but not sure yet it's really affecting my mental health so I might take a break from it for a little while.

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