Chapter 40

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Cole p.o.v

I had to wait until Skylar's parents had left before I could make my move, we have been here all day the Beta's have left to get some rest and to check on the pack even tho they didn't want to leave. Me and Violet are on either side of Skylar holding a hand each I look over to Violet she's probably gonna not like this but I can't let what they did to Talia and Skylar go unpunished.

Cole - Violet I am going to take a walk, will you be ok?

She looks at me and raises an eyebrow giving me an unimpressed look shit.

Violet - I know what you are planning on doing Cole I mean be human but I'm not stupid, I know exactly what you are planning to do.

Cole - Violet...

Before I can even start she walks around to me and wraps her arms around my neck at first I thought I was in trouble but what she says surprises me.

Violet - I know this is something you have to go and give them hell but just promise me two things?

Cole - which is?

Violet - come back in one piece and make those blood-sucking bastards pay for what they did to our Skylar.

I can see the hate and revenge in her eyes, I swear my dick slightly twitched I think it has a mind of its own suddenly she pulls me in and smacks her lips onto mine before pulling back.

Violet - now don't worry about Skylar I will watch her, now go before I change my mind.

I am hesitant to go at first but then after she gives me another kiss I head out. I already have a plan in motion first I mind link Sebastian since he's on patrol tonight fortunately for me he knows what I am doing and is coming along with John who meets me outside the hospital. Some well say we are stupid for doing this but it's about time we sent a message to Cassandra, we are probably going to get in trouble for this as we see Sebastian waiting for us with Dante. Dante is going to keep watch and mind link us if something happens here so we can get back fast,  myself, John and Sebastian then shift into our wolves and start to run towards the Badlands.

It doesn't take us long to get there and after shifting back I am quick to pick up the scent of vampires, I nod to the boys and we leap into the tress and mask our scents good thing we can do that within a few minutes 5 vampires show up one is that asshole Corey who is fucking Cassandra...he's our target...wait no way Marrissa is with the group he must be training them to hunt. They are too busy that they haven't even noticed our trap as he tells them how to use their speed to pin down their prey John and Sebastian quietly take two of them out as we follow them to the nearby town, dumasses don't even notice two of them are missing.

We can't let them get into the town so before they can clear the woods we jump down right on top of them. Sebastian rips the head of one of the new bloods then grabs Corey, John is quick to pin down Marrissa she may not like me but she's still my half-sibling's mother so if I can keep her alive then I will try to keep her alive. Corey isn't happy to see me in front of him as I grab his throat, he tries to struggle out of my grip so John knocks out Marrissa before rushing over and helps his brother.

Cole - remember me fucker?

Corey - are the Luna Princess mate.

Say what now? Even John looks both confused and furious with that as he lets out a growl.

Cole - first off your a stupid ass fuck if you think that, Talia is not mine mate, she's John's mate someone gave you the wrong information about that.

He realised he was given the wrong information, I growl as I apply pressure around his throat and I place my other hand on top of his chest.

Cole - secondly you stabbed my since you hurt my mate I get to hurt you but unlike you bloodsuckers...

As I talk I shove my hand into his chest, Corey groans in pain.

Cole - we don't take kindly to someone hurting the one we love but don't worry your little bitch will get the same thing.

He screams out Cassandra's name as I rip out his heart and he falls to the ground.

Sebastian - think we should burn the bodies.

Cole - good idea but what about her?

I point back to Marrissa whose still out cold.

John - we will take her back and stick her in the cells.

Then I get an idea in my head that will send a bigger message while the others go to get the bodies I take the opportunity to give Cassandra a little surprise. After the others come back we burn the bodies in a controlled fire, as for Marrissa we sure my belt to tie up her hands poor Sebastian as the lovely job of carrying her back, unfortunately, we have to tell the Alpha King what we have done as soon as we get back I am hoping he will understand why we did it and I am willing to get the punishment for the others.


Cassandra p.o.v

Cassandra - NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!

I can't believe it not only did those mutts kill and burn a few of my new blood, kidnap that Marrissa woman but they had the nerve to.....castrate Corey before burning him. When I heard him scream I lead some vampires to where it came from but we got there too late as we smelled the scent of burning bodies. I feel the rage going through my body and there was a small box next to a nearby tree and when I opened it I got the shock of my life, not sure how many there were since there is no scent of wolves anyway the fuckers must have masked their scents. First, they kill my father and now my beloved no more I look to my 3rd in command.

Cassandra - get the army together prepared, I won't let them get away with this.

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