Chapter 23

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Cole p.o.v

I can't believe how we got into this mess, one minute we are fighting the next we are being dragged, all bloody and beaten. They had pulled the numbers game on us and even had the cheek to throw Damon into the river calling him dead weight, I am not sure where they are taking us as I lost consciousness only to be awakened by something hitting my lower body. I start to my eyes my vision is blurry and I find myself not being able to move then another hit causes me to open my eyes fully to see that hands are tied together above my head and I am hanging from the ceiling. Looking beside me John is in the same way as me, we were both covered in bruises and cuts, our blood was all over us as well as over the floor.

In front of us, however, was a group of vampires smirking evilly at us, John had wakened up to by this time. Before we can even ask anything two vampires swing punches into my ribs hitting them again and again while John got the same treatment but they punched his face. They punched, Kicked and even hit us with objects for hours until a door opened and in steps that bitch vampire from earlier.

Cassandra - that's least for today.

The vampires groan in annoyance but Cassandra gives them a hiss which makes them leave the room, when the last one leaves she turns her attention to us and roughly grabs my face.

Cassandra - so cute such a shame you had to be a part of the pack that killed my father.

John - your father was an asshole he took our Luna Princess and tried to force her to be his!!!

She just slaps him right across his face I am guessing he's leaving out the part that Talia is his mate.

Cole - leave him alone you bitch.

She looks me up and down before slapping me hard then turns around...wait why is she shaking her hips at us? and she leaves the room slamming the door shut behind her.

John - now what do we do?

Cole - I don't know John somehow we have to get out of here and find a way home.

If it was only that easy it was only just the beginning. 2 weeks we have been here and every day seems to get worse, we get beaten every day, our wolves do their best to heal us but we only manage to get our wounds healed and don't have the strength to shift. Of course, Cassandra watches as the other vampires beat us sometimes she even joins in, nearly all my ribs have been broken by her but it's what she does when she is alone with us that bothers us. Today we have been moved to a different room but they still have us hanging with our hands above our heads you might be thinking"why not just cut the rope with our claws?" Well we did try that only to find that the ropes were dipped in wolfbane so that's a no go but we did manage to cut them, unfortunately, we didn't get far due to the fact we had no idea where we were and now it's worse since they have put silver chains on us instead, I can feel Hunter getting more angrier by the day he misses our girls the same as me every time they beat us I put up a block so Skylar doesn't feel the pain I am going through but I can still feel Skylar's sadness through the mate bond. Both me and John have tried to call for help but no luck I hope that both Skylar and Violet are safe, my thoughts are interrupted by the sound of a door opening which causes both of us to look over and see Cassandra standing there in the doorway holding a whip in her hand, giving an uneasy evil smirk she closes the door stepping into the room.

Cassandra - well boys seems like you both have been bad boys.

She goes to the back of us within seconds we feel the sting of the whip on our backs even though the shirts the weakest vampires gave us, neither one of us ever made a sound and just took in the pain. She whipped us about 5 times before we could feel the whip against our skin than other 5 come and I could smell and feel blood then she walks around and comes in front of us.

Cassandra - no screams again? How boring...oh well let's see since your mate took something from me how your mate will like this.

We both look at each other thinking what can she mean by that? Reaching into her pocket she pulls out a chapstick, opens is then runs it across her lips. Fuck no we try to struggle but neither of us have got the strength to, wrapping her arms around my neck I try to move my face but she puts her lips to mine and kisses me. After a few seconds, she pulls away I can taste the blood of her last victim so I spit the taste out of my mouth then she looked at John.

Cassandra - I only had enough of him so looks like I will have to figure out something else for you.

Suddenly, I start to feel weird, my head feels dizzy and my vision is becoming blurry I can hardly keep my eyes open, Hunter tries to keep me awake but I can feel myself getting weaker.

Cole - what's...happening to me?

John - Cole?

John looks at me with a concerned look on his face then a very sharp pain goes right through my head causing me to call out in pain for the first time in 2 weeks, it feels like a is going through my skull and my head is ripping apart I must have passed out from the pain cuz my eyes go into darkness all I can think of are my girls Skylar and Violet...

I must have been out for a while because I get awakened by a nudged and a voice...

John - Cole wake up!!

My eyes fully open only to see that there are flames all around us, we are tied to chairs and are back to back, but wait...what fucking stupid bloodsuckers or maybe they are smart but they tied us up with rope again with the fire getting closer I use my claws, cut the rope, we pull the rope off us since we have no fear of fire we run through the flames up some stairs to find we are in a burning cabin.

John - we have to get out of here...look!!!

He points over to a glass window that could be a way out but why does this feel way too easy? I don't have time to think about it as I feel the heat from the flames getting closer so I give him a "shall me?" Look.

John - Shall we?

Cole - let's do it.

Together we jump through the glass window and land outside, we run for a few minutes till we have put some distance between us and the cabin. Nearly out of breath John says.

John - let's get back home I need Talia and you will need Skylar and Violet.

I raise an eyebrow at him what I say back causes him to give me a confused and shocked look.

Cole - who?

John - your mates?

Cole - John what are you talking about? I don't have a mate.

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