Chapter 27

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Cole p.o.v

It took us a while to sort everything out but now we are on the road to the packhouse, mum is nervous about stepping back into our territory but the Alpha has promised that she won't be harmed by him or the Luna but he couldn't promise that the other pack members would do the same. Dad called Enzo and Salvatore to check on them it's a good thing they went back to Italy when they did, dad also checked on which members of staff so he knew which ones were either killed or turned and the ones that were safe were sent home with full pay he told them to take some time off and he will call them when he wants them to come back.

I was actually surprised when I saw Violet had came here on Skylar's back it's not every day you see a human riding on a wolf's back. I still can't remember anything as I run alongside Silver since my dad, mum and siblings took the cars I could tell Skylar wanted to say something but was holding back from saying it. I wish I could feel and remember the bonds I had with them, Maybe I could make a new bond with them I mean I can smell their scents and I do have Skylar's mark on my neck as well as she has mine so it wouldn't hurt to try at least.

Myself, Skylar and Violet arrive before my dad and the others do which gives us time to shift back and grab some clothes from the trees so we can get dressed. The ranked wolves were standing outside the front door as the cars pulled up, I walk over as dad steps out of the car other pack members have also gathered as my siblings step out of the second car but when mum steps out of the car the older pack members start to growl at her and some were shocked but didn't make a move towards her that is until Beta Amy stomps over, slapping her hard across the face then gets into her face as she makes her threat known.

Beta Amy - how fucking dare you come back here, I don't care that you are alive but you have no place here, you are fucking lucky that our Luna Queen and Alpha King have asked us not to harm you while you live here but make no mistake I would gladly end your life all over again, don't even think of coming near my brother.

Both me and dad go to interfere but the Luna beats us to it.

Luna Scarlett - Amy enough.

They share a look, everyone can feel the tension between them which hardly ever happens between them since they are best friends, Beta Amy goes back into the house with her husband behind her while dad wraps his arm protectively around her waist as he whispers into her ear.

Riccardo - are you alright my love?

Brittany - yes, knowing what I did I most definitely deserve that.

He kisses her lips which causes Draco and the others to groan in disgust Alpha Blake walks towards us and then stops in front of us.

Alpha Blake - Skylar told me what happened but not all so we should talk about it, but first let's get you all settled in, I will have the omega's bring your bags up to your room.

Draco - if I may ask...where are our rooms?

Luna Scarlett - we have some empty rooms on the third floor...Dante, can you show them?

Dante - why me?

Luna Scarlett - cuz I asked you to so move it.

He groans answering.

Dante - yes Luna.

The omega's go to the cars to grab the bags, since I don't trust Dante that much I go with him as he shows my family to the third floor where our guest's rooms are, the twins get a room to share since that's what they wanted, Esmeralda gets the room across the hall from the twins while Draco gets his own room since he still isn't talking to Pearl who has the room across the hall from him. Mum and dad get the room a couple of doors down to give them some privacy, giving everyone a chance to settle in and get freshened up Dante being Dante opens his mouth.

Dante - so since you have forgotten that Violet is your mate can I.....

Cole - finish that sentence and I will ripe your tongue out of your mouth, and what about Elise? Your mate?

Dante - I was joking take a chill pill besides the only woman I need is Elise.

Cole - what happened to the womanising/manwhore who would fuck anything that moves? And who also wanted the Luna Princess not that long ago.

Dante - I grew up... When Elise came into my life.

Wow, I didn't expect that from him of all people, we head down to the living room where our friends are waiting. Upon entering the living room Ruby spots me and comes rushing over then jumps into my arms.

Ruby - Cole thank the Goddess you are alive, I thought I'd lost my cousin.

Cole - you can't lose me that easily, which reminds me did you find Damon?

Ruby nods yes but has a sad look in her eyes as I put her down.

Ruby - we did but he's...

Before she could finish her sentence there is another voice.

Damon - missed me already?

Ruby swings her head around to see Damon standing there.

Ruby - Damon!!

She runs over and throws herself into his embrace, he holds her tight as he looks at me.

Cole - you good?

Damon - yeah, still sore but nothing I can't handle.

Ruby - when did you wake up?

He looks from me to Ruby as the others look on speechless.

Damon - last night but Matt wanted to keep me in for another night just in case, I got discharged this morning. Did I miss anything good?

Ruby and Damon go off to their room leaving us in the room Dante sits down on one of the couches then Elise stands up from her chair and comes just to sit on his lap smiling at him. At the corner of my eye, I spot Talia giving me some right nasty looks which she has been doing and it's starting to piss me off.

Cole - problem Talia?

Talia - yeah actually...

Skylar is quick to interrupt her before she can even say anything, 

Skylar - Talia don't.

Skylar grabs Talia's hand and pulls her out of the room into the hallway they might have closed the door but we can still hear them arguing mostly about me.

Talia - are you kidding me Sky? You heard what John said.

Skylar - I know that Talia but I am not giving up on him just because he lost his memory doesn't make him any less of mine and Violet's mate.

She still thinks of me as their mate? That's good least I know that we can try again I can feel Hunter wanting

Talia - what are you gonna do if he can't get his memory back?

Skylar - then we will have to make new ones, I love him Talia just the same as Violet and you love John despite the fact he is part vampire now.

Wait what?! I look to John who's looking down at the floor.

Cole - John you are part vampire since when?

He looks up to me and lets out a deep regretful sign.

John - back when we were captured.

Cole - but how?

John - the short version is after you passed out that bitch Cassandra took my wrist and bite me,  and judging by what Doctor Matt says I am guessing her venom has somehow bonded with my wolf DNA.

Cole - and here I am thinking what she did to me was bad.

Azrael - so we had got to help the both of you.

Raven - don't worry guys there has to be a way to reverse what has been done to you.

I really do have great friends Talia and Skylar cone back into the room then after a few minutes my siblings come into the room I introduce everyone to each other but wait where are Violet and Pearl?

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