Chapter 25

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Skylar p.o.v

I quickly shifted back and grabbed some clothes from a nearby tree as we heard the sound of paws running and getting louder as they came closer, within seconds everyone was outside the house waiting Talia stands next to me I really should say sorry for growling at her before but before I could she takes my hand which makes me look to her.

Talia - you are my best friend Skylar nothing will ever change that, I know you are sorry for earlier and I forgive you just don't ever do that again or I will be the one kicking your little ass.

Both of us smiled I am so lucky to have her as my friend, I feel the sparks from my other hand turning my head I see Violet who puts her head on my shoulder. Through the trees, we can see wolves and people running with Leo running at the front of the group and when they get closer that's when we see him...

Talia - JOHN!!!!

Talia lets go of my hand and rushes over to him throwing herself into his arms but wait something's not right, where is Cole? And what's that horrible smell? And I am not the only one who has noticed.

Talia - John what's happened to you?

Talia jumps down from John's arms and he sighs deeply as everyone gathers around.

John - some things happened and we aren't the same as we were before.

Skylar - what things? And where is Cole? John.

He says something that breaks not only my heart but Violet's too

John - I dunno how to say this so I will just come out and say it, thanks to Cassandra I am now part vampire, and Cole....well he has forgotten that you are both his mates.

What NOOOOOO!!!!! We all go back into the house where I burst into tears as John goes on to tell us what happened to them both.


Cole p.o.v

It took us a while to get through The Badlands unnoticed by any vampires but finally, we had made it out at first we had no idea where we were but after running for a while we were able to find our way back to our packs territory but I didn't go with John to the house cuz he was driving me nuts talking about how I've got two beautiful mates waiting for me but I couldn't seem to remember that. I knew who they were Skylar and Violet but aren't those two mated to each other? I could remember everything apart from who my mate is. While John goes onto our packs territory I go the other way and head to my dad's place I need some space every time I thought about who my name is my head starts hurting really bad, even Hunter couldn't remember maybe some time away from the pack will do me some good but why do I have a feeling that I should go back home? Ugh, I hate this. 

I arrive at the woods behind my dad's mansion I can't shift cuz Hunter needs some rest lucky for me I can run for a while. I walk through the trees till I see the house I am quick to spot the twins by the pool as I walk up both of their eyes go wide when they see me Griffin runs inside probably to tell dad while Gabriel runs to me, my little brother pulls me into a hug.

Gabriel - we heard you were taken by vampires, are you ok?

Cole - yeah ish, where's dad?

Just when I say that dad comes out of the house with everyone else behind him as I walk around the pool to them the first to hug me to my surprise is Esmeralda, I can tell she was worried about me even if we got off on the wrong foot I have been talking to everyone on the phone before I was taken so we can get that family bound then she pulled away from me and I see the tears of joy in her eyes, next up was Draco who gave me a fist bump he was never one for hugs or showing any emotions.

Draco - welcome back bro.

Cole - thanks Draco.

Draco - oh I almost forgot there is someone I would like to introduce you to...

A girl walks up beside him and he wraps his arm around her waist and kisses her passionately before looking back at me.

Draco - Cole this is my girlfriend Pearl.

Girlfriend? Wasn't Violet....oh yeah I remember that relationship was fake.

oh yeah I remember that relationship was fake

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Pearl - hello...

She seems nervous and I can smell that she is human but there is something more...

Draco - Cole?!

Draco pulls me from my thoughts.

Draco - are you ok?

Cole - yeah, it's nice to meet you Pearl.

Dad comes towards me and pulls me into a big bear hug.

Riccardo - my son, my blessed son Grazie al cielo stai bene...
(Thank goodness you are ok)

He pulls back from me.

Riccardo - sorry I forgot that you don't understand me.

I laugh what I say next makes everyone looks at me in shock.

Cole - è un bel padre, capisco benissimo quello che dici.
(its fine father I understand very well what you are saying.)

Riccardo - potresti parlare Italiano per tutto questo tempo?
(you could speak Italian this whole time?)

I nod yes.

Riccardo - you little shit.

Everyone laughs, I look over dads shoulder to see mum standing there looking nervous despite the fact of what she did in the past she is still my mother while I was getting the shit kicked out of me I thought to my that maybe it's time to forgive and get to know her, so I walk around my father to her.

Cole - mum, I think it's about time that we put the past behind us and if you are wanting I would like to try to get to know you.

I can see the tears of joy in her eyes as I talk, she wipes away a tear answering me.

Brittany - I would like that, I am so sorry for everything I wasn't in the right frame of mind.

I pull her into a hug...the very first hug behind us then after a few seconds we pull apart and Draco asks me.

Draco - Cole where's Skylar and Violet?

Cole - that's the thing, there is something I should tell you all.

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