Chapter 11

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Cole p.o.v

The drive back to dads place started off quiet no one knew what to say until dad introduced me to my cousin and uncle while I was staring out the window.

Riccardo - oh Cole before I forget, this is my brother Enzo and his son Salvatore.

I turned around to face them, they both stared at me like they were studying my face Enzo is the first to speak up.

Enzo - wow bro you won't kidding he does look a lot like her.

I am gonna guess that's they are talking about my mother I have only ever seen pictures of my mother so I know she wasn't a bad looking woman or from what I've heard from other pack members she was beautiful on the outside but ugly on the inside but then again I used to have dreams that when she was pregnant with me I could hear her talking to me I just dunno if they are real or not to be but I would like them to be. Dads voice brings me out of my thoughts and makes me look back to him.

Riccardo - Cole there are some things about our family you should know.

I already know he's the head of the mafia but I can't tell him that since he will ask who told me for now I will have to act like I don't know.

Cole - like what?

Riccardo - well...for one thing we aren't a normal run of the mill family.

No shit Sherlock.

Salvatore - that's a nice way of parting it, uncle.

In the backseat Enzo smacks his son on the back of the head then tells him off in Italian as Salvatore rubs his head.

Enzo - Stai zitto Salvatore, lascia parlare tuo zio.
(Shut the fuck up Salvatore, let your uncle speak)

Salvatore - geez sorry.

Riccardo - anyways...Cole our family has a lot of business from clean one to not so clean...

Enzo cuts him off obviously annoyed with how long he is taking to tell me that they are a mafia family.

Enzo - for fuck sake Riccardo stop sugar-coating it!... Cole, we are one of the biggest mafia families in the country.

Like I didn't know that already so I act surprised but don't say anything, there is silence for a few minutes before I open my mouth.

Cole -, I didn't expect that.

Riccardo - are you ok?

Enzo - that's a stupid question he just found out his fathers family are mafia how should he feel?

Riccardo - shut up Enzo I wasn't asking you if I was I would throw a bone.

Dad looks to his brother from the rearview mirror before looking back at me but doesn't say anything and keeps driving for the rest of the drive I stare out the window again. Soon we are back at his house as we stop at the gate which the guard is quick to open so we can drive up to the house. Once the car comes to a stop I open my door and step out, my dad is next then the other two once I get my bag out of the boot one dad gives the keys to one of his men then together we walk up to the door which dad opens and we go inside.

The twins and Draco are waiting for us in the hallway, but behind them are a lot of armed men and housekeepers I think dad shouts at them.

Riccardo - listen up all of you this is my son so I want you to treat him with the same respect as my other children. If I find out anyone is mistreating him I will make all of you suffer do you all understand!!!

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