Chapter 33

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Cole p.o.v

Wow, I didn't expect Violet to think about having pups with me when she told us that she doesn't know that she will be able to have any, it hurt me seeing her cry like that I hope she believes that whenever she is ready both me and Skylar will do what we can and support her through it. I know in my heart I do want pups with both of them but I didn't think we were comfortable talking about it yet, maybe I should talk to my dad or if Violet wants we could talk to Doctor Matt and get some medical advice but not now since we have guests. To be honest I am kinda disappointed about that since I was getting turned on again with having Violet naked on top of me and with Skylar lying next to us with a low cut vest on I was getting really hard but unfortunately my cock will have to wait until later.

After we get changed we go down to the living room once there we the Alpha and Luna are already talking to her father I am guessing since he is older, a younger-looking guy beside him looks over at us then looks at Violet and smiles before walking over to us and then pulls Violet into his arms Hunter growls at him, Hunter doesn't like another male touching our mates who the fuck is this guy anyway? but before I could do anything Skylar grabs my arm she must have felt Hunter's anger through the mate bond.

Skylar - calm down baby that's her brother.

Violet looks back at us and steps out of her brother's arms.

Violet - shoot sorry Cole I forgot you weren't in the room to know what my brother looks let me introduce you two, Cole, Skylar this is my older brother Elijah and Elijah this is my boyfriend Cole and my girlfriend, Skylar.

At first, Elijah looks more confused before looking happy.

Elijah - I remember the girl from the video chat and I remember you telling me about Cole but it's good to meet you both.

He sticks out his hand so being nice I shake it then he takes Skylar's hand and gives it a light kiss which caused me to growl out loud this time, she pulls her hand away then both of them look at me only to get me in trouble.

Violet - Cole.

Skylar - Cole stop it, please.

Suddenly our Luna comes over to us with The Alpha and the older man behind her.

Luna Scarlett - Elijah male wolves don't much like other men touching their mates, she-wolves are the same. And Cole these men are our guests.

I bow my head in respect.

Cole - Luna.

The older man comes forward I can see the look of disgust in his eyes when he looks at both me and Skylar, he looks like he wants to say something but Elijah gives him a "don't you dare" say anything look. He looks at Violet.

Steele - Violet.

Violet - father,

Steele - aren't you going to introduce me to your...

He clears his throat before continuing, I can feel Hunter getting annoyed by each word this man is saying with such disgust.

Steele - your lovers.

Violet comes over to me and puts her hand on my chest while Skylar takes my hand.

Violet - father, this is my boyfriend Cole and this beautiful girl is my girlfriend Skylar, My loves, this is my father Steele.

Steele - not only have you disgusted yourself by lying with a shifter but two of them one being a girl who I wouldn't call beautiful.

Hunter - watch your fucking mouth!!!!

Hunter takes over my body and voice I can feel his rage, how dare he talk about Skylar that way!! Using my body Hunter steps forward putting both girls behind us. But before anyone could make a move the Alpha is quick to step in between us he looks straight into our eyes and speaks using his alpha voice.

Alpha Blake - Hunter calm yourself, I know he disrespected your mate and you want revenge but we both know that we can not with the treaty in place.

Fuck I had forgotten about the treaty, knowing we can't disobey the alpha or break the treaty Hunter gives me back control Violet comes in front of me and takes my face in her hands, I glaze into her big beautiful brown eyes as she speaks to me.

Violet - baby, please calm down.

Cole - but he disrespected you and Skylar...

Suddenly the sound of a slap can be heard which makes us turn around to see that Skylar slapped Steele across his face.

Skylar - Cole might not be able to kill you but if you ever disrespect Violet, me or Cole ever again treaty or not I will personally castrate you. Do you understand?

Steele smiles...wait he is actually smiling about being castrated by Skylar?

Steele - now I see why you love this girl Violet, you passed my test.

Test? And I am not the only one who is really confused about this.

Violet - what test?

Then her brother stands beside their father.

Elijah - sorry sis I tried to talk him out of it but he wanted to make sure that the love that your mates have for you is true.

Steele looks to Skylar then to me.

Steele - tell me Skylar and Cole do you love my daughter?

I wrap my arms around Violet's waist gently pulling her into my chest then Skylar comes over to us and buries her head into Violet's neck which causes her to giggle, we both give our answers at the same time.

Cole - with all my heart, I love her.

Skylar - with all my heart, I love her.

But before anyone else could say anything we get interrupted by an annoying voice then an annoyed voice.

Pearl - make them stop my eyes.

Esmeralda - oh shut up Pearl at least your sister can keep her partner...well partners in this case.

Turning our heads we see Pearl coming into the room along with Esmeralda and the rest of my family behind them, Pearl still has sadness in her eyes I am guessing that from the fact Draco hasn't taken her back who also looks sad, my father, on the other hand, comes in smiling as he holds hands with my mother behind them are the twins who seem to have been enjoying their tone here or so I was told by Skylar, they seem to be enjoying the she-wolves more than anything else. Pearl comes over to us to give her father and brother a hug, they both hug her back.

Dad comes over to stand next to us but the look he gives Steele isn't good.

Steele - and you must be Riccardo Adonis I've heard you were looking for me.

Riccardo - so you know who I am?

Steels - Riccardo Adonis, everyone in the human world knows you, your family are bigger trouble than mine.

Everyone could feel the tension in the air it is a good thing that the Alpha is here as he comes forward to them both and is not in a good mood.

Alpha Blake - enough!! Steele, we asked you here for a reason so you could help us but maybe we don't need it, after all, if you aren't willing to help us then you can just fucking leave my packhouse, leave my territory and go back to wherever you came from.

Steele looks from my dad to the Alpha with a little surprise then smiles at him.

Steele - I never said I wasn't gonna help you, but judging by who you are up against I hope you have a good plan.

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