Chapter 6

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Cole p.o.v

Shit, I don't want him touching Skylar like he just did with Marrissa and we should be going back to the packhouse now suddenly as if on cue Alpha Blake's voice came into my head through the mind link.

(Alpha Blake - Cole are you and Skylar alright?

Cole - yes alpha we are ok.

Alpha Blake - have you met your father?

Cole - yes I have and I need to talk to you about it.

Alpha Blake - very well

Cole - we are coming back now.

Alpha Blake - we will talk after dinner then see you when you get back).

My dad's voice brings me out of the mind link.

Riccardo - are you ok?

Cole - yeah I am fine and what Skylar meant was that we already have a home that we should get back to.

He looks upset by that.

Riccardo - but you just got here, can't you stay? We have so much to talk about.

Cole - maybe another day, besides we need to get back it's a two-hour drive to our home and we don't want to be late for Christmas dinner for the

Had to cut myself off there I nearly gave what we are away and I don't want them to know that yet, dad and my brothers look confused for a second then dad looked annoyed.

Riccardo - I haven't seen you for 24 years I wanna get to know my son.

I want that too, I mainly want answers but right now I am worried for my mate's safety especially after what he just did to Marrissa.

Draco - dad how do you know he's even telling the truth about being your son and he's not a spy for the FBI or some shit?

Cole - Seriously I just showed our father my birth certificate my DNA is a match.

Dad rolls his eyes then looks at me and asks me.

Riccardo - he does have a point tho Cole let me ask you something, all my children have a birthmark do you have one that's shaped like this?

Riccardo - he does have a point tho Cole let me ask you something, all my children have a birthmark do you have one that's shaped like this?

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He rolls up his sleeve showing me the mark I nod yes but Draco looks like he doesn't believe me.

Cole - you don't believe me Draco?

Draco - you wouldn't be the first person to try and sneak their way into this family.

Cole - fine you want me to show you the mark? Fine!!

Unfortunately, my birthmark is on my shoulder blade which means I have to take my shirt off so I take off my jacket than before I take my shirt I hear Skylar letting out a little moan she always did love staring at my body, I pull it over my head I turn to show them the same mark as dad.

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