Chapter 42

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Cole p.o.v

Amelia looks straight at Skylar, they are both growling at each other I can see that Skylar wants to stand up but her injuries are still healing so she can't, Violet stands next to her as I stand in front as Skylar and Amelia continue to argue well more like yell at each other.

Skylar - are you really sinking so low as to make up that someone else is now your mate just so you can spread your legs for him and I won't let your mess with my mate's brother!!!

Amelia - he is my mate Skylar the Moon Goddess has given me a second chance!!!

Skylar - you have got to be joking, the Moon Goddess only gives second chances to people who deserve it, and you don't!!!

Amelia - what is your fucking problem, Skylar?! Why do you think you are so much better than me?

Before anyone could stop her Skylar jumps out of the bed and is toe to toe with Amelia.

Skylar - are you for fucking real?! I am not the only one who cheats on her mate and tries to sleep with all the men in the pack even ones that are taken with pups!!!

Amelia - that was when I was 17 but I didn't actually sleep with that wolf since he picked his mate, as for cheating on AJ it wasn't like that at all I have been trying to change and get better I've even started to see the pack therapist.

I didn't expect her to say that and either did Violet as she gasps in surprise but Skylar, on the other hand, doesn't believe her...


Dam I've never seen Skylar like this Violet stands beside me even though she can't believe it, wait...are those tears running down Amelia's cheeks Elijah must have noticed that too.

Elijah - Amelia?...

Amelia is quick to wipe away her tears and steps back from Skylar but Elijah does something he shouldn't have as he steps forward and puts Amelia behind him.

Elijah - Skylar stop it you have no right to talk to her like that, I don't care what she has done in the past maybe she's is the same as she was and maybe she is different and is trying to make herself better but you have not right to tell me or her that we can't be together if we want to, so back the fuck off.

Through the mate bond, I can feel Skylar's emotions go from angry to shocked with a little bit of pain mixed in, but before I could move Violet is quick to get to Skylar's side just as she starts to stumble, she falls backwards slightly I am quick to catch her on my arms I guess her adrenaline rush wore off, I guide her back to the bed while Violet has an argument with her brother but not before Hunter lets out an annoyed growl at Elijah.

Violet - Eli what the fuck was that?

Elijah - what? She shouldn't have been talking about Amelia like that.

Violet - we were just trying to look out for you, you fucking dumass they know what she was like before and don't wanna see you get hurt.

Elijah - at least Amelia wasn't stupid enough to go after vampires when she is pregnant.

Violet - ELIJAH!!!!!


Skylar p.o.v

As Cole sets me back into bed I am in shock I can't believe what I just heard...I was pregnant? Cole is mad then goes to fight Elijah but gets stopped by Violet and the three of them start to argue while I mind link Silver.

(Skylar - Silver did you know we were with pup?

Silver - No I didn't but I felt something deep inside of us as we were fighting those vampires.

Skylar - so our pup is...?

Silver - yes Skylar, our pup has gone back to the Moon Goddess I'm so sorry Skylar.)

I feel a sadness through my body and Silver is whimpering at the loss of our pup this is all my fault, I should have been more careful maybe it's the Moon Goddess telling me I am not meant to be a mother or maybe it wasn't the right time...grrrrr I can't concentrate with the voices in the room, I mutter "get out" but no one hears me so I say it again this time louder, well more like I shout at the top of my lungs which gets their attention.

Skylar - Get out!!

Everyone looks at me in surprise, Cole most of all as he gives me a "I don't wanna leave you" look but I give him a "don't mess with me look" I need some time alone, knowing I mean it and I wanna be left alone Cole takes Violet's hand were he turns to leave I can hear him growl at Elijah, all four of them leave the room leaving me with my thoughts. I curl up in the bed even tho my ribs are sore my mind isn't on the pain I pull the blanket over my head so I am in complete darkness. I need to do some deep thinking with some help from Silver, we talk for the rest of the night.

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