Chapter 9

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Cole p.o.v

I am not surprised that Skylar and Silver were quick to find us I am actually happy she did while our wolves lay down in a cave for the night I told Skylar everything through the mind link, she was shocked, to say the least, but said she will stand by my side no matter what. It's morning when we are awakened by the Beta's voice in the mind link.

(Beta Connor - Cole, Skylar get back to the house now!!!

We both wake up quick hearing that then Skylar talks to her dad.

Skylar - what's wrong dad?

Beta Connor - Cole, your father is here.)

Oh, fuck I don't wait for anything else to be said as both myself and Skylar take off running back to the packhouse, once we get near the house we go behind the trees to shift back into human form, my bones creak back into place which hurts but not as much as my very first shift which hurt like hell, there are clothes hidden in the trees which we put on before going to the back door but ever before I open it I can hear raised voices inside on being the beta's and the other is my father. I opened the door to rush in from what I read in the file my father wasn't a man who didn't like to get his own way and I sure as hell wasn't gonna let him hurt any of my pack members.

Getting into the living I am surprised to see my father, along with about 5 other guys two of which look like him and seem to have the same kind of scent, only the ranked wolves are here along with their children as well as both of the lead warrior's Tank and Abbie, You could cut the tension with a knife it was like a standoff.

Cole - What the fuck is going on here?!

Everyone turns their heads to look at me.

Riccardo - so this is where you live son?

Oh, he is not playing the "caring dad" card here I walk over and stand in between him and the Alpha.

Cole - what are you doing here?

Riccardo - we have a lot to talk about...

Cole - I think enough was said yesterday.

The men behind him look shocked that someone is talking back to their boss but I really don't care how dare he come here to my home like that I can see he's trying to keep his cool.

Riccardo - there is still more to be said son just come home with me.

Cole - excuse me? This is my home the only one I've ever known you have no right to come here and just take me away from my home, my family or my m....girl.

I had to stop myself from saying mate again after what happened yesterday I don't want him to know what I am, there is a look of sadness on his face then clenches his fists

Riccardo - I just want you to come home so we can get to know each other and you can tell me what happened to your mother.

Behind me, there are whispers from the ranked members than before anything else could be said the Alpha is standing beside me.

Alpha Blake - I am in charge here and I will have you upsetting my people or my family.

My father and the Alpha stare each other down even more tension fills the air, the Beta and Delta also come to his side however dads men don't back down either as two of his stand behind dad reaching for their guns also seeing this aunt Bella, aunt Amy and Luna queen go to their mates and try to calm the situation but when dads eyes land on aunt Bella their widen...fuck this can't be good.

Riccardo - why do you look so much like her?

She looks at him with a confused look on her face.

Bella - like who?

Riccardo - my Brittany!! Who do you look like her?

Aunt Bella turns her face away.

Bella - she was my sister...

Riccardo - sister? so you know what happened to her? Tell me.

Before she could answer I stand in front of her I won't let him intimate my family even tho he is my family but anyway.

Cole - dad enough just leave I will come to see you when I have had time to process all that's happened the last few days, I am not ready to leave or see you.

Riccardo - but...

Before he could even start the sentence uncle Ryan speaks up and puts a hand on my shoulder while aunt Bella looking at me with such pain in her eyes, all these years I knew aunt Bella was the one to kill my mum I've never had any hatred towards her

Delta Ryan - you should leave now, you are upsetting both my wife and Nephew.

Riccardo - he's my son.

Dads getting angry one of the other men comes forward and put his hand on his shoulder.

Enzo - brother I know you want to have your son after all these years, but we are kinda of outnumbered here.

Brother? So that must mean he's my uncle that explains his scent.

Enzo Adonis

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Enzo Adonis.

Riccardo - I am not leaving without my son, you know I want all my family under one roof, under my protection.

Salvatore - uncle my father and I guess cousin are right, even tho the women here are very sexy.

Salvatore - uncle my father and I guess cousin are right, even tho the women here are very sexy

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Salvatore Adonis

Oh great(!) I have a cousin who is a manwhore, his comment made mine and probably all the males wolves growl inside us but my dad is still being stubborn and pulls out his gun causing us to step back a little.

Riccardo - I am not going anywhere without my son.

While Silver bullets can kill or injure us normal bullets can only hurt us but not as badly as silver ones this is getting out of hand I have to do or say something before someone gets hurt.

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