Chapter 50

366 16 3

Cole p.o.v

---Final chapter---

5 years later

Wow-what a time we have had and more just keep coming, a lot has happened in the past 5 years but where to start...

Oh our cats AJ and Lyanna well after finding each other again Lyanna became a part of the pack and marked each other soon after, they got married a year later funny thing they actually got married on the anniversary of when they met and soon welcomed two kittens hybrids of white tiger and leopard, two daughters one was named after Lyanna's sister Kayla while the other their named Layla who has just turned 4, fair to say that AJ has his hands full.

Next up is Aleister and Selena's vampire clan after they got home they told us that Cassandra's vampires were too badly brainwashed by her so to be given a chance so they were given a choice to either join them or die some wanted to live but since most of them were loyal to Cassandra,  Aleister had no choice but to sentence them to death but since then things seem to have settled. Marrissa has come to terms with everything and has settled in the clan Brooke and Jared have helped her out with keeping her bloodlust in check so that she can see my siblings without killing them. Kelly and Lacey are still together they have even started to travel all over the world I believe they said that they wanted to "make love" in every city or something like that.

On to the Tribrids Axel and Jasmine, they got married last year, Jasmine has been practising her magic with Axel so she's gotten better with her spells. They haven't had any kids yet but they are trying for kids, Axel still helps Blaze and Morgan out if they have any troubles as well as the pack when we need it. Sebastian and Morgan have since had two pups a 4-year-old son Asher and a 2-year-old daughter Amani they both get spoiled and I believe Asher will have the red-eyed wolf when he shifts but we will see. Blaze and Blair are now married with a 3-year-old son Beau who is going to be his dad's double and follows Asher around everywhere.

Next to my little mafia life Gabriel and Griffin are still single and still little manwhores which is no surprise to anyone probably because of what happened with Luisa, they both wanted her and did date her for a while but unfortunately, it didn't work out as she wanted to have a normal life so she ended it with the twins which effected them. Carter and Esmeralda are now engaged he asked her when they were in Italy visiting my uncle and cousin I just can't believe he asked for mine, Draco and dad's blessing first maybe I should have done that...oh well. Speaking of Draco he has taken over for dad with Pearl at his side of course with a baby soon on the way as Pearl is pregnant. As for dad and mum, they welcomed my little sister into the family Athena who's 5 years old, she's the family's little princess.

Onto the pack members starting with Dante and Elise who have marked each other, Elise wanted to see the world before settling down I guess being trapped as one of Fabian's Mistresses will make anyone want to see the world Dante went with her and they came back last year engaged which surprised all the pack. However what surprised everyone was Elijah and Amelia, Amelia has actually become a better person she is still making up for all her wrongdoings tho the first thing she did was apologise to everyone, she and Elijah got married 3 years ago and have a 2-year-old son together they called him Taylor. Damon and Ruby are now the Delta's of the pack since her parents have stepped down from their roles while Azrael has taken over the training of the warriors with Raven they are engaged and are planning to get married next year as well as having a pup. Dean put himself into training since Olivia died and has become a captain of the royal guard.

As for Matt he finally found his mate, Jordan he was a rogue who turned out to be the sweetest gentleman ever, he is so kind to everyone in the pack however some at concerned with the age gap between the two since Jordan is 10 years younger than Matt but they don't care they are happy and that's all that matters. Leo went into a deep depression for a while which lead him to drinking every day for a year the good news is he got help for it, he doesn't want to be one half of the Alpha King anymore but he does help out when he can, he has come to terms with Rosie's death and he has sworn that he will never fall in love again.

Our former Alpha King Blake and Luna Queen Scarlett have stepped down from their roles so that they can raise the twins Jason and Levi without worrying about the territory now that Talia and John have taken over completely they don't have to worry. Speaking of Talia and John they have a pup on the way which will be their second since soon after Skylar and Violet got pregnant Talia did, Talia gave birth to twins which is no surprise since she is a twin she had twin boys Kai and Kyle who are 5.

Strangely enough, Talia and John actually got married soon after me and my girls did, everyone was shocked to hear that all three girls were pregnant, of course, the girls loved it and soon enough Skylar gave birth to my firstborn son Adriano who's 5 then two years later pup number two Mike who's 3, while Violet gave birth to my daughter Aria and is now pregnant with our third child. The kids love having two mommies we know there might be problems later in life for them but for now at least their happy. Since the Beta's stepped down me and Skylar took the positions it may keep us busy but we will always have time for our pups or for each other or for my mafia life I still help out there from time to time too.

As I stand on the balcony looking out onto the territory it's fair to say my life has been a roller coaster ride from finding out my father was a mafia boss to my mum still being alive to finding out Violet is both mine and Skylar's mate to all the stuff with Cassandra and the fight, yet I won't change a thing for it made me into the wolf I am. I suddenly feel arms going around my waist and the scent of Lavender invades my nose I turn my head to see my beautiful wife.

Skylar - you ok my love?

Cole - yeah just thinking about all that's happened.

Skylar sneaks under my arm and cuddles into me.

Skylar - at least we are all here together, I wouldn't change the fact for the world.

Cole - me either my love.

I kiss her lips and smile at her as she smiles back at me.

Skylar - oh right the reason I came out here is because Violet wants ice cream and fries.

Cole - again?

Skylar - what? It's her cravings.

Cole - and here I thought you had weird ones.

She rolls her eyes as I chuckle before she slaps my ass.

Skylar - chop, chop hungry wives waiting.

She giggles running back inside, I shake my head laughing at her I still remember the look on the priest's face when he saw that he wasn't just marrying me and Skylar but me and Violet and Skylar and Violet at the same time the poor guy nearly passed out. I still wouldn't change anything  I love my family and they love me I've got everything I could ever want now time to get my wives their food.

---The End---

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