Chapter 7

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Cole p.o.v

Skylar looks surprised then sits there quietly thinking about it, after a few seconds her eyes widen.

Skylar - you might be right Cole, but that would make you one of them.

She looks worried that me being part of a mafia family will change the person I am I take her hand in mine and lightly kiss her knuckles.

Cole - don't worry baby I won't be changing.

Skylar - good.

On the drive back we sang a couple of Christmas songs trying to get back into the spirit of Christmas but at the back of my mind, I couldn't help but think that my father was in the human mafia and from the things I've heard they are dangerous people. Do I really want someone so dangerous in my life? Then again, I am a wolf so I will be a lot stronger than them but why does part of me want to get to know them? To get to know my half-siblings? If they want that too, of course, mixed emotions are running through my head at the moment. I am hoping that the Alpha King will have some answers as to why he didn't tell me this before then I remember his words saying to be careful he must have known but not to tell me for my own protection which I can understand.

Before we know it we are back on our territory, we let the warriors on patrol know before we drive up to the house, packing outside Talia is the first to come out to greet us she throws her arms around Skylar I roll my eyes it's only been a couple of hours but they do have a strong bond. When we go inside it's nearly time for dinner so Skylar goes to get changed...again Talia goes up with her while waiting for both the food and for the girls to come back down John suddenly comes over to me.

John - hey Cole can I talk to you for a second?

Cole - yeah sure John, what's up?

He pulls out the chair beside me and sits beside me.

John - I wanted to share something with you but can I truth you not to say anything to anyone.

Cole - yeah you can trust me, what is it?

John - look...

Under the table, he pulls out a small box and opens it.

Cole - John are you gonna?

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Cole - John are you gonna?

John - yip I am hoping that she will say yes.

Cole - of course, she will man she loves you and you are a great couple both for the pack and for each other.

John - thanks, man I am kinda nervous tho.

That's confusing me, why would he be nervous for? We all know that John and Talia did a lot for the pack when the Luna Queen was taken alongside Leo and Rosie, they kept us together and gave us hope that everything will be ok.

Cole - why?

John - well she might say no...or someone will try and stop it to break us up.

Now I get it.

Cole - John there is no way she will say no and no one will object you have shown you are more than capable of being one of the Alpha Twins mates, besides if they did do you really think that The Alpha King or Luna Queen will let them try or Talia for that matter.

John - ha true guess your right.

Cole - have you told the Alpha yet?

John nods yes.

John - yeah I did I actually asked him yesterday.

Cole - good luck.

John - thanks, by the way, I meant to ask have you thought about marrying Skylar?

Wow, that caught me off guard, to be honest, I have thought about it but I haven't talked to Skylar yet but I don't think either of us are ready for marriage yet I mean we have only just marked each other. John looks at me like he's waiting for an answer but before I could give one the girls come down just in time because the Alpha announces that the food is ready to be served. Everyone takes their seats apart from the warriors on patrol who will have theirs, later on, the food is served by the omega's but nobody eats until the omega's have taken their chairs after a quick toast we dig into the food and its tastes so good. I wonder when John is gonna propose? Looks like I don't have to wait long because after everyone is done with the food John stands and taps his glass to get everyone's attention.

John - excuse me everyone but can I have your attention, please?

Everyone looks to John wondering what he had to say.

John - well first off I would like to say Merry Christmas to everyone here and to the ones who are on patrol.

Everyone says "Merry Christmas" back then John continues.

John - I want to thank you all for making me and my brother feel like we were born here and feeling like we were part of the family.

Everyone claps then settle down.

John - when I was a rogue I never thought for one minute that I would ever find my mate, let alone find a family like this one but then...

He turns and looks to Talia smiling at her.

John - then I met you, Talia, you turned my life around for the better and before I knew it I had a home, made amazing friends from the pack members, became a member of the biggest park in the country, I even found my little brother who I thought I lost years ago who became apart of the pack too.

Sebastian - have you written a bloody essay?

We laugh at that and John just flips his brother off not taking his eyes off Talia.

John - anyway...Talia, you are the best thing that's ever happened to me I dunno what I did to deserve you, I thank the Moon Goddess every day for giving me a beautiful, smart, fearless, strong, loving, sassy and honest mate. Nearly losing you almost killed me I never want that to happen again I want to be there for you to protect you from harm and to love you forever.

He goes down on one knee in front of her pack members gasp with excitement knowing what's coming as John pulls out the box from his pocket, talia covers her mouth as she gasped.

Talia - John...

John - Talia Quinn Luna princess of The Silver Rose moon pack will you do me the honour of becoming my wife?

Talia - yes!!! A thousand times yes!!

She is quick to answer before he slips the ring onto her finger then they kiss passionately as we all clap and say congratulations to the couple. Everyone is now celebrating the engagement for the meantime I can forget about my troubles and be happy with my pack and friends.

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