Chapter 46

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Cole p.o.v

I soon arrive at the address dad gave me down on the waterfront I can see Draco waiting beside the cars just in front of one of the boathouses, Draco sees me as I go in between the cars so I can shift back to my human form since I ran with my clothes in my mouth I slip into them and then step out from the car, Draco walks over to me.

Draco - it still sounds very sore when you shift.

Cole - only my first shift was painful, now it's not so bad. So what's going on.?

I ask him as we start to walk towards the boathouse, Draco looks a bit annoyed by something this can't be good might it never is when it comes to Mafia business which is I am guessing what this is about.

Draco - you remember dads rules about this business?

Oh yeah after my first job dad had told me the rules his family lives by.

Cole - yeah why?

Draco - what are the top 3?

Cole - 3. Never be seen with cops, 2. Wives and Families must be treated with respect and not to be hurt in any way, 1. Never compromise the family. Why what's going on?

Draco - we have found where Sando was holding trafficked girls and women.

He opens the door and I am shocked to wait I see hundreds of dog cages each one with a woman inside of it, there is a strong scent of fear and sounds of sobs are everywhere.

Cole - what are we gonna do with them?

Draco - we dunno that's why dad wanted you here...

As Draco finishes talking dad and the twins walk over to us.

Gabriel - hey bro.

Griffin - hey bro.

I roll my eyes at the twins when they talk at the same time.

Cole - what's the plan?

Riccardo - that's why you're here Cole, we need your help to figure out what to do with them.

Cole - can we send them home?

Riccardo - that was the idea, but they are too afraid to talk or even move.

As dad is talking I get a whiff of a shifter in the room, I follow the scent to one of the cages and see a girl about 19 curled up holding her stomach I kneel down.

Cole - what's your name?

She doesn't respond to me, I look at the others standing behind me before I look back to the girl and try again to get her to speak.

Cole - you're a shifter aren't you?

This time she looks up just enough so I can see her eyes, they are golden brown which means she's a werecat I can also see anger on her face.

This time she looks up just enough so I can see her eyes, they are golden brown which means she's a werecat I can also see anger on her face

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Lyanna - Lyanna.

Cole - I am Cole, what pack are you from?

Lyanna - I...don't remember. Are you here to buy us?

I shake my head no, she had two black eyes and a busted lip that hasn't healed yet must be fresh.

Cole - No, how would you all like to go home?

She looks at me in disbelief and then takes a sniff of my scent.

Lyanna - you're a wolf...

I nod yes as I answer her.

Cole - I am from The Silver Rose Moon Pack.

Her eyes widen in surprise all supernatural know of The Silver Rose moon pack which is the Royal families pack and of course we wolves are taught about the other clans to just in case. I wonder if there are other shifters here? I look around as I ask her the question.

Cole - are there more shifters here?

Lyanna - there was but...

She drafts off and looks over to the corner so I follow her gaze to see a few cages which are covered in blood, I let out a sigh of regret that we didn't get here in time.

Cole - friends?

Shaking her head no she gives me a sad answer

Lyanna - family, my sister.

Cole - I am sorry.

Lyanna - why would you be? You are probably happy after all men only use women. Why are even wanting to even help us?

Wait what that shocked me.

Cole - not all men are bad and evil.

Suddenly in the cage beside her comes the sound of coughing and wheezing in response to it I look over to see a young girl who's struggling to breathe. I break off the lock to her cage which causes her to back up and bring her knees up to her chest. I can see the fear all over her face and by her body language I won't leave them like this so I turn to my father and siblings

Cole - open the cages, we are getting these girls' help.

Draco and the twins look to dad who agrees then goes off to start opening cages, I look back to the girl.

Cole - it's ok, your safe now.

Usually, my father's mafia doesn't get involved in this kind of stuff but he believes that it's time for a change, we will still be doing our other business so our enemies don't think we are weak but I do wonder why dad let me decide on what to do with the girls when Draco is going to take over when dad retires. Dad gets Gabriel to make an anonymous call to the police about this place and they soon turn up dad tells the chief to get these girls to safety give them food, and water and if possible try to get them back home, however before we go.

Lyanna - wait!!

Lyanna comes rushing over to us the twins try to flirt with her but she ignores them and cones straight up to me.

Lyanna - you said you're from The Silver Rose moon pack right?

Cole - yeah.

Lyanna - I have nowhere else to go so I ask for you to take me to your The Alpha King and Luna queen so I may request sanctuary.

Knowing it's a part of our testy with the other clans I have no choice but to take her back to the packhouse, I have to let The Alpha King and Luna queen or in this case, talk to Talia and John beforehand not to mention explain to Skylar and Violet why I am bringing another woman home that will be fun(!)

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