Chapter 43 Part 2

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Cole p.o.v

We clashed with the vampires and started ripping them apart, me and John were working as a team to take one down as he had Dante pinned to the ground it was so easy taking his head off but some vampires are stronger than others as one roughly shoves me into a nearby tree but I am too quick for him and shift into Hunter then kill him. Hunter tears through the vampires with our teeth and claws, I see John holding one so I run over to him and snap my teeth down into the vampire's head then I give John a cheeky smirk, he just rolls his eyes at me before shifting into Ghost and joins me into ripping these blood-suckers apart. While fighting at the corner of my eye I see Leo he's making a beeline for Cassandra''s but gets cut off by her third in command and starts to fight him I mind link him cuz I know he's not thinking straight by the way he's fighting, he is losing control of Shadow.

(Cole - Leo I know you are hurting but you to keep control of Shadow.

I realise by his reply that it was actually Shadow I was talking to.

Shadow - no!!! they have to pay for taking my mate from me.

I take control as Hunter takes over the conversation and talks to Shadow.

Hunter - Shadow, you are letting your anger control your fighting if you continue like that you will lose this fight, we will get justice for Rosie and Nymeria my friend this I swear.

Shadow - ok...we better make these blood-suckers pay.)

Leo kicks off the vampire and then grabs him by the throat, ripping it out before turning his attention to another nearby vampirette who's trying to sink her teeth into Azrael's neck and using his speed kicks her off him, together they kill her by driving a breach through her heart yes that's how Leo fights. After I bite down on a Newbloods neck I hear Violet's voice.

Violet - get the fuck off me!!!

Turning my head I see there is a vampire onto of her and her gun is out of reach of her hand...wait he's gonna bite her!!! I rush over, bite down on his legs and I pull him off her but before I can deliver the final bow Damon rips the vampire's head clear off, I give him a "thank you" nod before I go over to Violet and nuzzle my nose into her chest checking on her, she pets my fur.

Violet - I am ok Hunter or Cole whoever is in control...

Out of nowhere, she picks up her gun and fires at something behind me, when I look behind me it's a vampire I turn back to Violet and Hunter gives her a quick kiss causing her to giggle then I swing around as another vampirette comes towards us.

vampirette - cute a mutt with his bitch.

Hunter growls at the vampirette then she goes for Violet, however, before she can move I leap forward and pin her to the ground, as I bare my teeth in her face Violet shoots her right in the head and then again in the chest when I move out of the way. Stone, Elijah and Pearl soon come over before falling back to the house I've no idea what they are planning to do and to be honest I would have liked her not to be fighting but I know I can't stop her and she can take care of herself, especially with her family with her. By now most of our warriors have shifted into our wolves and we have taken down like a quarter of the vampires but that seemed to be only the first wave, the whole time we were fighting more have turned up and lined up behind Cassandra there must be over thousand of them, Alpha King Blake orders us to line up, so we line up alongside him they hiss at us as we growl at them and to make it worse it starts to pour down with rain, some of us have small injuries while others have deeper the ones who are badly hurt have fallen back to the shelter where Matt and the other healers can treat them.

Cassandra - it's over your highness, none of you will survive this I have dreamed of nothing else but your kind's death.

Alpha King Blake - Cassandra this isn't going to go the way you hope, I would have given you a chance to surrender and live out the rest of your days with your clan but...after what you did to my daughter and pack I'd rather tear you apart along with your clan.

I am sure all the warriors can feel his anger coming off him suddenly there is a howling coming from the distance which is followed by some more howls, and then comes the sound of feet...and paws coming closer and closer out of the tree line comes...wolves no way it's the other packs of the country Alpha King Blake and Luna Queen Scarlett sent out a message to all other packs asking for aid but only a hand full of them replied I didn't think they would come but here they are, Cassandra doesn't look happy with our reinforcements the warriors still in their human forms cheer really loud which pisses her off even more.

Cassandra - impossible!!! Enough of this I will destroy you all!!! Charge!!!!

The other packs join our side just as the vampire's charge at us, as they charge towards us, however, there are gunshots but not at us in fact it's for the vampires as some fall down died, looking back to the house I see that Violet and her family have set up special Sniper rifles and miniguns up on the balcony this might help us out a lot. After we charge once again we clash into the vampires Alpha King Blake leads the attacks we easily take another wave down and to our surprise the ones who were injured come back to fight with us.

After fighting for about 4 hours, half of the vampires are died but they aren't going to stop then again we aren't either, luckily we haven't lost any wolves but over half have been badly injured. I can feel Hunter getting tired I know he is one good fighter but everyone has their limit and he is reaching his so to give him a break I shift back into my human form. Cassandra hasn't been fighting in fact she has been watching the whole fight probably getting madder by the minute as she calls back her vampires, we hold our positions we won't go after them in case there is a trap set up for us and Violets dad has told us that they are nearly out of bullets. I am not sure how much longer we can last but one thing is for sure we aren't going to stop fighting.

Suddenly the Tribrids comes running over to us and stood in front of the warrior's everyone was wondering what they were doing.

Alpha King Blake - Morgan, Blaze, Axel what are you doing?

They didn't answer and started to chant something as they raise their hands into the air no one moves not even the vampires while that is until Cassandra orders a group of newbloods to attack so they obey and start to attack us, suddenly a magic portal opens in the sky and Morgan looks to us.

Morgan - hold on it's about to get windy...turbo.

Right after she says that a huge tornado-like thing comes down from the portal, we fall back to the house just in time as the wind sucks up the newbloods and most of Cassandra's army leaving her with only 100 hundred vampires.

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