Chapter 5

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Cole p.o.v

With Skylar by my side and the others, all sitting down my father was pacing around running his fingers through his hair, muttering to himself and walking over to the window before he finally stopped and turned to us then looks to me.

Riccardo - first off I want to say that Draco, Gabriel, Griffin and Esmeralda I want you to meet your half brother Cole.

They all looked at me in shock I can see a hint of anger in Esmeralda's eyes but the twins don't seem to mind in fact they were happy about it while their mum looks upset and looks at dad with begging eyes as if she doesn't want him to say what he wants to say to us.l

Gabriel - so you are our brother?

Griffin - cool

Esmeralda - "half" brother Gabriel, and it's not cool Griffin how do we know that's true what if he is trying to scam us?

Draco - I don't think he would be standing here Esme if he was, now shut up I don't think dad was finished.

Before anyone could speak dad starts to talk again.

Riccardo - Draco is right I wasn't done, you see...24 year's ago I was doing a job with your uncle Enzo and on the way back we had to stop for gas, Enzo went to pay so I went to find him only to find him balls deep in the cashier girl in the restroom so I went back out but before I could walk out the front door the most beautiful girl was walking past outside. I dunno what came over me but I rushed out after her I had to know who she was, once I got outside she was about to turn the corner but stopped turned and looked at me. We approached each other it felt like we were drawn to each other, we kissed and it felt like... I can't explain it but it felt like electrical. After we stopped kissing I asked her what her name was and she told me it after that we started to see each other.

Esmeralda - hold up... You said this happened 24 years ago.

Uh oh, I can see where this is going she didn't look happy to hear any of that.

Gabriel - sis what are you getting at?

Esmeralda - him and mum have been married for 26 years so that means you cheated on mum with this slut....

Our father gets mad and yells at her for that.

Riccardo - Don't call her a slut Esmeralda!!!

This causes her to flinch and look at him I can see the hurt in her eyes I am guessing he's never yelled at her like that before.

Marrissa - don't yell at her Riccardo, this isn't her fault.

He looks to Marrissa with anger in his eyes and says something I didn't expect.

Riccardo - no it's yours!!

Everyone is shocked by that even Skylar who has tightened her grip on my arm as the two starts to argue.

Marrissa - me? You were the one that was cheating on me when I was taking care of Draco!!

Riccardo - you knew that our marriage was an arranged marriage and don't you try and play the victim here when you were cheating within 6 months of us being married.

Marrissa - I loved you!! But you never gave me any attention or even tried.

Riccardo - because I loved Brittany but no you couldn't just let me be with her and let me be happy for once in my life, no you had to open your big mouth to my father!!!

What does that mean? He looks at me for a few seconds, takes a breath then looks back to his wife.

Riccardo - the only good thing that came out of marrying you is the kids, because of you I lost the woman I love and lost the chance to get to know my son who I wanted to raise along with his brother. Get out of my house I want a divorce!!!

The others don't do anything but sit there even tho Esmeralda is close to bursting into tears and she wasn't the only one

Marrissa - but this is my home...please...Riccardo.

He grabs her throat and says this to her in Italian.

Riccardo - ti darò fino alla fine della giornata per avere il tuo colpo e toglierti dal cazzo di casa perché se non lo fai ti riempirò di piombo poi i miei uomini ti fotteranno il cadavere e finalmente ti brucerò fino a diventare croccante

(I will give you till the end of the day to get your shit and get the fuck out house cuz if you don't I will fill you full of lead then have my men fuck your corpse and finally have you burned to a crisp)

What the fuck? What kind of man does that kind of threat? Or should I say what kind of man is my father and this family? He is choking her why isn't anyone stopping him? I have to stop him, I am quick to get over there and grab his wrist which causes him to look to me while the others look to me in shock and disbelief.

Cole - that's enough, you may hate her for what she did but doing this won't bring my mum back.

He looks back to Marrissa then let's go off her.

Riccardo - like I said you have till the end of the day to get out I don't want to see your face again. Go!!!

Marrissa rushes off out of the room crying her eyes out, Esmeralda goes after her while the boys are now standing up.

Griffin - Dad..

Riccardo - I am sorry that you had to see that boys I just don't want to be with your mother anymore.

Draco - how long have you felt that way for mum?

Riccardo - A long time Draco, a long time.

Gabriel - so we have another brother?

By this time Skylar was back at my side I can tell by the way she is behaving that she is getting uncomfortable with all this can't say I blame her that was uncomfortable to watch, Dad looks to me.

Riccardo - yes he is your brother and I want you to treat him that way.

Draco - but dad shouldn't he know what we do?

He looks straight to Draco then back to me.

Riccardo - not yet let him and his girlfriend settle in first...

Skylar cuts him off.

Skylar - hold on there, we can't stay here.

They all look to her which makes me go defensive of her and put her behind my body, and looks upset and a bit annoyed by that.

Riccardo - and why not?

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