Chapter 44

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Skylar p.o.v

(Trigger warning, this may get upsetting)

I was so annoyed that I couldn't fight but at least I got to see Talia turn that bitch Cassandra into a block of ice but seeing her faint was hard for me, she pushed herself way too hard for that it's a good thing John was there but I do feel sorry for Leo tho since he lost Rosie. Speaking of mates I've been avoiding mine I know it sounds bad I am just too scared to face either one of them. Being in the hospital for a whole week and I couldn't face them but I did have a long think about what happened and both me and Silver agreed that we will mourn for our pup. Silver has been lonely without Hunter and I know sooner or later Cole will want to talk about it but I can't I just feel like wanna cut myself off from the rest of the world. Both my heart and mind are split into two on the one hand maybe it wasn't the right time for a pup and it will happen again sometime in the future but on the other hand maybe it won't I will never be able to have pups and I will lose Cole, who wants a mate that can't have pups? Tears come pouring out my eyes as I sit on my bed when suddenly the door opens and in walks Cole.

Cole - Skylar...wait have you been crying? Fuck baby what's wrong? Are you in pain? Do you need a healer?...

I guess it's a good time as any to have this talk.

Skylar - Cole, please sit we need to talk.

He hesitates but sits down next to me, I am so nervous as my hands tremble Cole must have noticed because he puts his hand on top of mine which makes me look at him.

Cole - I think we both need this talk.

Skylar - yeah we do...but what about Violet? Shouldn't she be here too?

Cole - let's have our talk first before we include her.

I know she should be here since I have been avoiding her too.

Skylar - Cole we made a promise that we would face problems together.

He let's out a sign and nods yes, taking out his phone he sends Violet a text since we can't mind link her and we haven't exactly marked her either. After about 5 minutes Violet comes into the room and closes the door behind her then sits on the other side of me. Since we are all here I start the conversation.

Skylar - ok, I know you both will have questions or concerns about me but I wanna start by saying that I am sorry for avoiding you both for the past 10 days I know it was a cowardly thing to do I didn't know what to do, I just wanted some time to think and I couldn't do that with you lot fighting like that and after finding out I just lost our pup it felt like I was suffocating.

Violet - Skylar it wasn't your fault that you lost the pup, you didn't even know no one did and I am sorry for fighting in front of you like that.

Skylar - maybe that was my fault I shouldn't have told Elijah that Amelia was a slut, we should have let him find that out on his own but I was trying to look out for him.

Violet - I know you were, maybe we were all in the wrong.

Cole growls as he says.

Cole - but he shouldn't have said it the way he did, he had no right to tell you that way I should have been the one to tell you.

Then he becomes a mix of annoyed with a bit of sadness as he stands up from the bed and paces around the room then after a few minutes he stops as Violet talks to him.

Violet - Cole please calm down it wasn't your fault that my stupid brother has a big mouth, we should focus on ourselves.

He then looks to me and asks me something I was expecting I could see his eyes starting to water.

Cole - Skylar I would to know why you thought you had to go through this alone? When I would have helped you it was my pup too.

Here goes nothing, the answer I give shocks them.

Skylar - I was scared that you wouldn't want me anything if I couldn't have your pups and you both would leave me.

Cole - why would you think that?? You know I would never leave you Sky I think I speak for both of us when I say we love you

Cole kneels in front of me while Skylar takes my hand into hers.

Violet - Cole is right Skylar, I am not going anywhere either your our sexy little she-wolf, and Cole is correct when he said we love you cuz I know I do.

Skylar - but what if I can't have pups after what happened?

Violet turns my face so I am looking at her.

Violet - do you remember what you two said to me when we first got together?

Skylar - that we are a team...

Cole - and we face our problems together.

Violet - your problems are our problems, so with that's been said, I can see how much being a mother means to you and if it comes to it I will carry your child.

I am shocked and surprised that she said that and Cole nods.

Cole - no matter what happens Skylar we aren't going anywhere, and who says you can't have pups did Matt say that?

I looks back to Cole as I answer.

Skylar - well no he didn't.

He then puts his hand onto my stomach.

Cole - then when the time is right we will have a pup.

Violet - and we will raise it together.

I break down in tears, how did I get some understanding and supportive mates? Suddenly Violet asks something we didn't expect.

Violet - I believe it's time for you guys to mark me.

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