Chapter 47

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Lyanna p.o.v

Being in that place for the past week was horrible I am glad all the girls are safe now but let me tell you about myself before I get into that. Obviously, I am a werecat, myself and my sister were the only ones left of our kind you see we weren't just any old cats but in fact, we are white tigers which were very rare in the cat clans. Once there were many of us but now there is only me, I can't remember where I am from or my family all I can remember is ever since I was 5 me and my sister were at an orphanage for supernaturals up till I turned 18 which is when I got my white tiger her name is Misty, my sister's name was Kayla and she was a year younger than me we have always been together, we even had each other's backs.

A couple of weeks ago I met the most handsome man I've ever seen in my whole life...he was my mate who was also a cat I knew it as soon as we made eye contact after we talked for some time he wanted to take us to the pack he was staying with so we agreed to go but that was the day we got taken. The day we got taken started off like any other day but soon turned into a nightmare, as me and Kayla were waiting for my mate Kayla went to use the bathroom but she didn't come back so I went to see what was taking her but when I got to the bathroom I saw her being shoved into the back of a van I went to help but unfortunately, I ended up getting caught too.

We were making up a plan to escape but as soon as we saw the girls in cages we couldn't leave them behind so we decided to take them with us, on the first night we were there some people came in, some girls were taken away while some came back with tears in their eyes, marks all over their bodies some even get forced to have sex while others don't even come back and get sold as working girls or worse. We had no idea who ran the place until he came in not sure what his real name was but the men called him "Mr Red" I say was because 3 nights ago he called for me to be brought to his room, of course, I refused to sleep with him but when he said that he would have my sister Misty went nuts and killed him, as punishment for that his second in command ordered for my sister to be...raped then skinned alive they made me watch as they beat me as the same time.

I was beaten for the whole three days until Riccardo I believe his name came into the boathouse and killed all of the men. Fair to say I was surprised to see a wolf among them who's a part of the Royal pack, I am hoping that they can give me asylum or even help me find my mate, I knew the wolf would help me since all shifters have a treaty that says we have to help other species if asked for help, Cole seems ok but after what happened how can I trust men again? Especially since I am sitting in a car with him, his brothers and his father, after about half an hour on the road we arrive at the Royal packhouse, wow it's beautiful here myself and Cole stepped out of the car, two others go to step out but they get told to get back into the car since their father has stuff to do. As the cars pull away Cole gets my attention by tapping me on the shoulder I look to where he is pointing a woman and a man are coming over to us.

Talia - hello I am Talia the Luna Princess and this is my mate John Snow, and you must be Lyanna, right?

I give a little bow I can feel her power I may be a cat but I still have to show respect for higher ranks.

Lyanna - yes ma'am.

Talia - Cole informed us that you asked for asylum?

Oh yeah, I forgot wolves can talk to each other like that.

Lyanna - yes that's correct, is there somewhere we can talk privately?

Talia - of course, my parents are waiting in the office, this way.

I follow them to the office where I meet the Alpha King and Luna Queen in the flesh with two small newborn babies.


Cole p.o.v

While in the car I mind linked Talia to let her know what was happening and to let her parents know that I was bringing Lyanna in, and then I mind linked Skylar who walks over and stands beside me as Talia and John lead Lyanna into the house.

Skylar - who's that?

Cole - that's Lyanna the cat shifter

She let out a growl I just roll my eyes than from behind us comes a giggle.

Violet - really Sky?

Skylar - what? Everyone knows cat shifters are little whores, she has better keep her hands off our man.

I roll my eyes again as I say.

Cole - I doubt that wolves are her type.

Violet cuddles into Skylar. 

Skylar - why is she here anyway?

Cole - my dad found her among other girls who were being sex trafficked or sold, she asked for help.

Both girls let out a gasp of surprise before Violet calmly says while looking at Skylar.

Violet - I guess you should never judge a book by its cover.

Skylar - not my fault I am territorial.

Violet - for sure, we aren't jealous but we are territorial

I am so confused right now what does that even mean?

Cole - what does that mean anyway?

Both girls laugh and Skylar rolled her eyes this time before answering my question.

Skylar - it means being jealous is when you want something that is not yours. territorial is protecting what's already yours.

Cole - oh...

They both giggle at me then I give them a "you'd better run" look which they pick up on and start running with me behind them.


Lyanna p.o.v

After I explained what's happened to me, the Alpha King and Luna Queen allowed me to stay and are willing to help me, then their daughter Talia gave me a tour of the packhouse and showed me to the room I would be staying in. After I get cleaned up Talia brings me to the kitchen where I meet the omega's of the pack who makes me a very tasty sandwich which I scarf since my stomach has been empty for days now since they didn't exactly feed us when we were in those cages. After eating Talia shows me the training area where I meet some of her friends/pack members, Cole is there with two girls one on each of him I learn that he has two mates and all three of them are in a relationship, The one with the pink hair looks to me and asks me.

Skylar - so Lyanna do you found your mate?

Cole - Skylar be nice.

Lyanna - it's ok I don't mind answering you see Skylar I...

But before I could continue someone comes into the area causing them to look.

Azrael - hey AJ, what's with the long face?

Damon - I am gonna take a guess here and guess that you still haven't found your mate?

The voice sends shivers down my spine and it's so familiar.

AJ - nothing I don't understand it tho...whos this?

Talia - oh right AJ this is Lyanna, Lyanna this is AJ he's a cat also.

I turn to look and I couldn't hold back the tears as I stand up and rush over to him throwing myself into his arms...he's here my mate.

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