Chapter 4

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Cole p.o.v

Skylar is behind me as my father is looking right into my eyes who knows why then he says something I didn't expect.

Riccardo - you look like her.

Say what now? Then he looks at Skylar.

Riccardo - can we talk alone?

There is no way I am leaving her alone in this place but before I could answer he says.

Riccardo - she won't be harmed.

I look to Skylar, she smiles at me and nods giving me an "I will be ok" look my father calls for the maid telling her to take Skylar to the kitchen for something to drink or something to eat and orders that if she is harmed that he will shot the person good thing we have trained our sense of smell so we can smell drugs easily now after what happened to the alpha king years ago, Skylar kisses me on the cheek before leaving with the maid. My father sits down crossing his arms while I lean against the wall.

Riccardo - I take it you have questions.

Cole - obviously.

Riccardo - well so do I but I suppose it's only fair I tell the truth but how do I know if you really are my son?

I reach into my pocket and take out my birth certificate then hand it to him, he takes it from me and reads it over on my birth certificate we have had a DNA test done when we are born or a few days after depending on where the father is in the world just in case the father thinks the pup isn't his or something like that, the results are printed onto the certificate as proof.

Riccardo - you really are my second born

Wait why is he getting upset? He's the one that didn't want me to start with fuck his fake shit.

Cole - don't you dare try and act all upset your the one that never wanted me in the first place!

He shots up from his chair saying something that shocks me.

Riccardo - I did want you!!.

Cole - you told my....Al..leader that you didn't want anything to do with me.

He sighs at me and looks like he wants to say something but doesn't and changes the subject.

Riccardo - can I ask a couple of questions?

I nod yes, knowing he will probably ask me about my mum even tho I don't know anything about her to start with.

Riccardo - you said your mother died so who raised you?

Cole - my Aunt and uncle, they raised me as their own.

Riccardo - what happened to her?

Say what now since I wasn't there when it happened I can only tell him what I know plus he doesn't exactly know what my mother was or what me and Skylar are, I walk over to the fireplace.

Cole - all I know is that she did something wrong and paid, it happened after I was born so I don't know much about it.

Ok, that was a lie I know exactly what she did but I can't tell him that he whispers something thinking I can't hear him.

Riccardo - my beautiful Brittany.

I sigh then turn to face him.

Cole - so what now?

However, before another word could be said that Draco comes rushing in.

Draco - father is it true? Is this our half little brother?

Riccardo - who told you that?

Draco - mother told me.

Riccardo - dannazione Marrissa
(goddammit Marissa)

Dad runs his finger through his black hair frustrated.

Draco - dad tell me...

Draco is in shock with the answer our father gives him.

Riccardo - yes he is, do your siblings know?

Draco - no but knowing mum she will tell them.

Riccardo - call them back in here there is something you all must know.

Draco rushes off to get his...well our I guess siblings myself and dad stand in silence so I take the opportunity to mind link, Skylar.

(Cole - baby?

After a few seconds, she answers her sweet voice calming my nervousness.

Skylar - yes handsome.

Cole - are you ok? Are you safe?

Skylar - yes to both questions but shouldn't I be asking you that?

Cole - I have mixed feelings about this, but I feel like he's hiding something.

Skylar - like what?

Cole - not sure babe, but he just called my I guess half siblings back into the room says he has something to tell us.

Skylar - oh that sounds interesting, but you know I am here if and when you need me besides I am still waiting for my punishment from this morning.

That little minx I hear her giggle as I say.

Cole - babe I don't wanna talk with my father and siblings with a bloody hard-on!

Skylar - oops hehe)

The image of her from this morning pops into my head causing my dick to twitch, fuck I need to get that image out of my head before anyone notices but she did look so good in that dress the way it curved to her body when her breasts bounced when she jumped on me, that perfectly shaped ass shaking as she walked out the room, the thought of me pulling her back into the room, ripping that dress off and plugging my face right into her fuck stop it Cole this isn't the time of that. Hunter lets out a very frustrated growl he must have been enjoying that image not saying I blame him.

(Hunter - killjoy

Cole - sorry bud but this isn't the time now help me try to get this boner down.

Hunter - but as soon as we get home I want mate)

Thanks to Hunter my boner is quick to go down and now a moment too soon as my half-siblings come into the room followed by their mother who is giving me one dirty stare, they sit down on the chairs but I stay standing up. After a few seconds, the door opens again this time it's my Skylar who comes over to me and cuddles into my side it might actually be a good thing that she is with me now.

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