Chapter 8

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Cole p.o.v

After a couple of hours the Alpha mind links me asking me to come to the office I guess it's time now, so I head up to the office. When I get to the door remembering what happened last time I knock and wait for the Alpha to tell me to come in.

Alpha Blake - come in Cole.

How he knew it was me I will never know, I open the door to go inside the office Alpha Blake is sitting at his desk, I take the seat in front of him I know he's in a good mood since his daughter has got engaged and I don't want a ruin that.

Cole - congratulations on the engagement of your daughter Alpha.

Alpha Blake - thank you, Cole, now I take it you have questions and want to talk about your father?

Cole - yes I do Alpha.

Alpha Blake - I will answer them as best I can.

Apart from uncle Ryan Alpha Blake has always been a father figure to me and to the pack I know that I can share my worries and secrets with him so I start from the beginning.

Cole - well as you know I went to visit my father to see if you could get some answers about why he was never in my life and I found out that I have 4 half-siblings and he told me how he meet my mother...

I go into detail on what happened at my father's house until I come to the question that's been on my mind since I left.

Cole - but there was one thing that has been in my mind since I left.

Alpha Blake - which is?

I gulp nervously wondering if I should ask Alpha most have picked up on it.

Alpha Blake - Cole if you are not up to it right noe we can always finish later.

Cole - no it's ok. Alpha I need to know if my father is a member of a human Mafia?

The Alpha sighs then gets up and goes over to the safe, what can he be getting out of there? The only papers in there are the most important ones along with the Alpha King and Luna Queen's crowns which they only wear on very special occasions. He puts in the code which makes it open and he takes out another file then comes back over, places it on the desk and sits back down sliding the file over to me he says.

Alpha Blake - before you read it I should tell you that after you were born I tasked someone to find your father and gather information about him and what he does, I am sorry for keeping this from you Cole I was only trying to protect you and this pack.

What does that mean? I open the file and read it, oh my goddess I can't believe what I am reading I look up to the Alpha and he nods... My father is not only a member of a human mafia but he's the fucking leader!! I can't deal with this right now and either can Hunter I need a run and time to clear my head.

Cole - Alpha may I take my leave?

Alpha - of course, Cole, let me know if you need anything.

Cole - thank you Alpha.

I then rush out of the office, down the stairs and out the back door once I am outside I let Hunter take control and shifts into his wolf then takes off running into the trees, while Hunter is running I can't help but think about this whole thing.


Riccardo p.o.v

Being the leader of the Mafia has been fun for me at times especially when I was young, the women always came back for more from me and my brother, then my asshole father arranged a marriage to Marrissa don't get me wrong at the time she was a fine little thing and was good in bed we most have had sex a dozen times our honeymoon hence why Draco was born soon after I thought I could love her as she loved me that was I met Brittany Miller. The moment I met her I wanted her and I got her I know I was cheating on my wife but something just pulled me to Brittany I dunno why I really couldn't care tho. It all went to hell when I told my father I wanted to divorce Marrissa to be with Brittany, he wasn't happy about it and threatened to kill her in front of my eyes, I had to break up with Brittany so her safety since my father was the type of man to follow through with his threats and nothing would stop him but why didn't she tell me she was carrying my child?

Now 24 years later I found out I have another son, mine and Brittany's don't get me know I love all my kids I just hate their money-grabbing, lying, cheating whore of a mother she must think that I am stupid I know that she has been sleeping with multiple guys what she doesn't know is that I took DNA tests on all the kids when they were born to make sure they were mine I have all the proof to leave her penny less after the divorce. Watching Cole drive away hurt like I lost Brittany all over again I need to find out how and why she's dead and to find Cole I want my son home.

Sitting in my office I take out my phone and dial my brother's number, he picks up on the third ring but unfortunately for me I catch him at a really inappropriate time.

Enzo - è meglio che sia un bravo fratello... cazzo sì piccola continua a rimbalzare... sono un po' impegnata qui.
(this had better be good bro...fuck yeah baby keep bouncing...I am kinda busy here)

Yep should have guessed he fucking I've no time for this right now even a phone call doesn't stop him from fucking.

Riccardo - il tuo cazzo può bagnarsi ogni volta che Enzo ho bisogno del tuo aiuto, ho trovato il figlio mio e di Brittany o più come lui ha trovato me.
(your cock can get wet anytime Enzo i need your help, I have found mine and Brittany's son or more like he found me)

Enzo - cazzo, ok fammi finire e poi finirò. a proposito, hai già scaricato Marrissa?
(fuck, ok let me finish up and then i will be over. by the way did you dump Marrissa yet?)

Riccardo - diga, giusto che cagna è fuori di qui il suo culo è già in un hotel Esmeralda non ne è contenta. ora sbrigati, cazzo!!!
(dam right that bitch is out of here her ass is already at a hotel Esmeralda isn't happy about it. now hurry the fuck up!!! )

Enzo - rilassati fratello non puoi avere fretta, tutte le donne adorano il cazzo magico di Enzo
(chill out bro you can't rush this the ladies all love Enzo magic cock)

Fuck sake.

Riccardo - Enzo non avrà il cazzo se non si farà venire il culo qui nella prossima mezz'ora
(Enzo will have no cock if he doesn't get his ass over here in the next half hour)

Enzo - cockblocker, ci vediamo tra 10
(cockblocker, fine see you in 10)

He hangs up, he may be a manwhore but he's got some unbeatable tracking skills, I was hoping he could find Brittany for me but we couldn't find anything now I know why and whoever kept my son from me and whoever killed Brittany will pay for it with their lives I send a quick text telling my brother to bring that son of his with him.

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