Chapter 30

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Skylar p.o.v

Walking to the hospital I think about Violet's family, she did tell both me and Cole that her father hated all supernatural including shifters but I was hoping that he wasn't true and he could help us but after the way he talked about us I kinda wished Violet didn't call him to tell him about the vampires or about us. I could see how much it was upsetting her but when her brother phoned back to defended us and to give support to his sister about being with me and Cole I was surprised. Violet had told us that growing up both of her siblings hated her but her brother Elijah grow to love her and to see her as his sister, I just hope her brother was telling the truth and could help us finally kill that Cassandra bitch along with her vampires.

Another thought that comes into my head this one is about what happened to Cole when Violet kissed him, it's like he was trying to remember something? But it wasn't coming through or it was something that Cassandra did to him that was stopping it either way I am sure Morgan and her brothers will figure it out. I could tell that Violet was blaming herself for it I know it wasn't but I dunno how to convince her otherwise. We are almost at the hospital when I get a shape pain going through my head which makes me fall to my knees holding my head as I scream in pain.

Skylar - AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Violet is quick to come to my side she knows what this means...Cole is in pain, I've been feeling little bits of pain since the Tribrids took him but now we are so close to him it hurts, even more, I didn't wanna tell Violet about this pain because I didn't want to worry her even more than she already is. Knowing her touch soothes the pain a little Violet wraps an arm around my waist and turns my face so I am looking at her then gently puts her lips onto mine in a sweet kiss. Tasting her lips made the pain go slightly away so we continue our kiss for a few seconds when suddenly a loud scream causes us to look towards the was Cole


But then it suddenly was quiet and I couldn't take it I had to know what was happening so I rushed into the hospital and followed Cole's scent with Violet hot on my heels. I followed his scent end to the end of the hallway where I see two warriors standing outside the door as I come up to the door they stop me.

Warrior 1 - sorry Skylar but no one is allowed in while they are casting a spell.

Skylar - you have got to be kidding me!! By who's orders??

Warrior 2 - the Alpha's.

Skylar - my mate is in there and you want me to wait!!!

I am getting more and more pissed by the minute but then the door opens, Morgan steps out with her brothers behind her.

Axel - you know your voice can be heard even with the door closed.

Skylar - shut up Axel I am in no mood for your mouth.

I go to punch him in his stupid face when Morgan steps in front of me.

Morgan - Skylar Calm yourself I know you are worried about Cole but getting mad isn't going to help anyone.

Violet comes up beside me taking my hand in hers I know Morgan is right but me, Silver and Violet want to see Cole....wait what did they do to him anyway?

Skylar - what did you guys do to him anyway? I could feel the pain he was in the closer I got.

They share a look before Morgan tells her brothers to give her a few minutes with us, Axel goes off to find Jasmine I can't believe a guy like him has such a sweet, kind and beautiful mate, especially after all she has been through, Blaze goes to Blair who I didn't even notice was waiting for him Blair has started to help out both at the packhouse and at the hospital, I have to admit they do look great together. After her brothers are out of sights Morgan starts to tell me what they had to do to Cole.

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