Chapter 43 Part 1

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Cole p.o.v

A week later

It's been a while fucking week and either myself or Violet have seen or spoken to Skylar as she has refused to see anyone except for the healers it's so bloody frustrating. The whole pack has been preparing for war with the vampires so everyone is on edge, we are either training, patroling or getting supplies put into the shelter it keeps us busy but I can't stand not seeing Skylar. Since the argument, Violet hasn't spoken to any of her family they have tried to talk to her but she goes out of her way just to ignore them, especially Elijah not saying I blame her, He has been trying to apologies since the day after but she doesn't want to hear it.

We did have some good news...Talia woke up two days after Skylar did and Matt says she will be getting discharged soon hopefully she can talk to Skylar as I've already told Talia what's happened, of course, she blames herself but the truth is I don't there was no way they could have known Skylar was pregnant I don't think Silver even knew about it. Hunter had tried a few times to contact Silver but unfortunately, we can't get through since she had put up a block on our bond. To try and keep busy I've been spending time with my family when I am not training, patrolling or at the hospital trying to see Skylar, Violet is over there now trying to see her again while I am listening to my father who has something to tell us.

Riccardo - I have asked you here today because I...well we have something to tell you all.

Mum is standing beside him as myself, Draco, the twins and Esmeralda are sitting on the porch outside of the packhouse.

Draco - what's up dad?

Griffin - do we need to go for another job?

Gabriel - are you ill?

Riccardo - give me strength voi tre state zitti e lasciatemi finire!!!
(will you three shut up and let me finish!!!)

In union the boys say.

Draco/Griffin/Gabriel - sorry dad.

Me and Esmeralda both laugh before we let dad continue.

Riccardo - answer your questions, no I am not sick, no I don't have another job for us and I have an announcement to make...

He wraps his arm around mum's waist and pulls her close to him my eyes are quick to spot the diamond ring on her finger oh crap this can good one of two ways I hope it doesn't go the bad way.

Riccardo - as you all know myself and Brittany have been seeing each other with her also being my mate I've asked her to marry me and she said yes.

I knew one person wouldn't like it so much as I look over to Esmeralda, I hear her take a breath before she stands up and walks over to mum then does something none of us excepted as she throws her arms around my mum and hugs her, I am not the only one who's confused as the rest of us look on.

Brittany - Esmeralda what?

Esmeralda - thank you.

Brittany - what for?

Esmeralda pulls back and wipes away some tears from her eyes.

Esmeralda - for making my dad happy unfortunately something my mother couldn't do, I am so sorry I was a brat at the start, please forgive me.

Brittany - it's ok Esmeralda I forgave you a long time ago, I love your dad and thank you for saying that you will make a good big sister.

We click on to what she means dad and mum are expecting a pup Esmeralda is so happy to hear this as are the rest of us so they hug again before the rest of us give our congratulations, I don't wanna be the one to ruin the moment but I will need to tell them that Marrissa is down in our dungeon sooner or later. As we continue to talk I suddenly pick up Skylar's scent of Lavender which causes me to look over only to see Skylar, Violet, Talia and John coming over to the house I get up and go over to them.

Cole - Skylar...

Skylar - not now Cole, please I...

Unfortunately, she couldn't say anything more as we hear a loud scream.


There the Alpha kings voice cones through the mind link for all the whole.

Alpha King Blake - it's time, everyone to your positions now!!

Within seconds the warriors are outside along with Violet's family, the ones who can't fight are hurried down to the shelter which will be protected by Aleister and Selena's vampires as well as a barrier that the tribrids have made it and put around the packhouse and hospital, my family go into the shelter too but not before arming themselves with guns that have ultraviolet ammunition. Skylar and Talia both wanted to come but Alpha king Blake told them that they were needed in the shelter he probably wanted to keep them out of harm's way since they are just out of the hospital and he doesn't want them to get hurt again, of course, they protested but thanks to Luna Queen Scarlett and Beta Amy who eventually persuaded them to change their minds.

With Alpha King Blake in the lead, we head to the border however, we are in for a big shock when we get there...

Alpha King Blake - Release her now Cassandra!!!

A very frightened Rosie is being held by two of Cassandra's vampires how they got to her I haven't an idea, Cassandra just chuckles before walking over to Rosie.

Cassandra - how does that saying go? An eye for an eye? Well, this is my payment to you.

We go to charge but as quick as a flash Cassandra snaps Rosie's neck before driving her hand through Rosie's chest and ripping out her heart, Leo screams for Rosie as she falls straight to the ground.

Leo -  NOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!

The vampires charge at us so we start to run at them some of us even shift into our wolves, the battle now began's as we crash into each other.

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