Chapter 19

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Cole p.o.v

We aren't sure where or why these vampires are attacking us but we had to fight them for 3 fucking days and nights every time we killed some another fucking wave would come in. Luna Scarlett has contacted Aleister and Selena to see if they know anything about this and for their aid, they came yesterday and it's a good thing they did it gave us time to heal our wounds but we couldn't ask them anything. The one's who couldn't fight yet are in the shelter with the Luna, the female Delta along Elise and Blair who are human, at first, we thought that's why the vampires were attacking us but it wasn't.

The vampires seemed to have stopped for now we may have taken a number of them down unfortunately on the first night we lost our healer Olivia, Dean's mate and Damon's mum she was trying to protect Ruby but was killed. Both Dean and Damon are saddened and angry as we all are especially Ruby who feels like it was her fault and now she won't talk to anyone, the rest of the females have tried to reassure and comfort her but no luck. Along with that Beta Female Amy was hurt bad but is now healing thanks to our healers and is now resting.

The Alpha finally got to ask Aleister and Selena about this and they told us that some of the vampires aren't happy about the death of Victor Fox and wanted revenge on us and wanted to wipe out all wolves, not only that but it's Victor's own daughter Cassandra who is leading them we have sent word to the other packs telling them about the vampires, none of us knew he even had a daughter even the tribrids were shocked to hear that they have another sister not surprising tho after what we all heard about him he could have a lot of kids around. The scouts have told us that the vampire's army is outside the border, we aren't sure how many there are since they have spread out along the border, we have set up warriors to keep watch at night and during the day. I do feel sorry for Morgan and Sebastian tho cuz of the attack we have had to postpone the wedding, for now, it was a shame since everyone was looking forward to it.

I am still wondering if my parents, my half-siblings and...Violet are ok I wanted to go and check on them yesterday but couldn't thanks to another wave of vampires and the Alpha has put us into a lockdown, only the warriors are allowed to be outside until we have dealt with the fucking vampires. Myself and Leo are on watch when there is an alert from the main path And then Alpha calls us there, so after Damon and Dante take our places we head over. When we are close I get the scent of a warm ocean breeze....wait that's Violets scent but she can't be here...we arrive when we see a couple of our warriors gathered around something so we came closer once they stepped away I saw what they were protecting.

Cole - Violet?

She looks up to me, her eyes full of fear and she's exhausted.

Violet - Cole...

She goes to pass out I am quick to use my speed and catch her before she hits the ground, holding her in my arms I look up to the warriors and the Alpha I want answers.

Cole - what happened!!

Alpha Blake - the patrol saw her running after her car got hit by the vampires, we managed to fight them off and save her, but what is she doing her Cole?

Cole - I don't know.

Leo looks confused as the others do.

Leo - Cole who is she anywhere?

Cole - I will explain later, but Alpha can we give her sanctuary?

I don't take my eyes off the Alpha as he nods yes the warriors are confused but the Alpha is quick to dismiss them apart from a couple who escort me back to the packhouse, on the way I mind link Skylar and tell her that Violet is here which she is shocked about then tells me to bring her straight to our room which I was planning to do anyway, i am quick yo her to my room once I get to my door it opens before I can even open it and Skylar stands there then looks to Violet and growls.

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