Chapter 48

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Cole p.o.v

All of us are standing there speechless, so Lyanna is the girl who AJ was talking about all this time that does actually explain why he's not been around as much he was looking for her all this time. I glanced to Skylar who looks really embarrassed maybe she might calm down now and stop thinking I am going to leave her, she has been this way since she lost our pup, of course, I am not going anywhere I just want her to know that and stop being paranoid about it. AJ and Lyanna share a kiss before Damon been the dick that he is and clears his throat to get their attention.

Damon - you know there are other people here?

Ruby smacks the back of his head scolding him for interrupting their moment, after rubbing his sore head he asks him the most obvious question.

Damon - so AJ, Lyanna is the one you were looking for?

AJ rolls his eyes, the same as the rest of us.

AJ - yes Damon.

Lyanna looks confused at AJ.

Lyanna - AJ? I thought your name was Aaron?

AJ - AJ is my nickname kitten.

Lyanna - oh...can I call you that?

AJ - of excuse us guys we have some catching up to do.

Without warning he grabs Lyanna and throws her over his shoulder, all the girls giggle as he takes her back into the house I look to Skylar she looks happier as she giggles with Talia and Violet, I think about how much I love them both suddenly the thought of seeing them both with a pup growing inside their bellies puts a little smile on my face, I am suddenly brought out of my thoughts by a hand on my shoulder which causing me to flinch a little bit, I look to see its John.

Cole - fuck you scared the shit out of me.

John - sorry bud, is something wrong?

John has always been there for me when I have needed someone so as Skylar and Violet chat to the other girls about how "cute" of a couple AJ and Lyanna make I take the opportunity to talk to John.

Cole - it's nothing really I was only thinking about the future...well my future.

John - what about it? Please tell me you're not thinking of breaking up with the girls?

He has a look of worry on his face when he says the last part.

Cole - what! Fuck no John in fact I was thinking of the opposite.

He runs his hand across his forehead in relief I just roll my eyes.

John - thank the goddess of what were you thinking?

Cole - I want to talk to the girls about having pups and maybe asking them to marry me.

The looks of surprise and happiness comes across his face but then drops and looks like he wants to say something but doesn't want to hurt my feelings.

Cole - just say it, I know you want to.

John - I was just thinking that it might be a bit soon for the pup part, especially after what Skylar went through, however, I get the marriage part I mean you and Sky have been together for 6 years I am actually surprised that us aren't married already.

Cole - why do I feel a "but" coming.

John - but wouldn't it be too fast with Violet? Thought you were taking it slow with her?

I knew that was coming.

Cole - I don't wanna show favouritism between them I wanna show them that I love them equally, I have a few ideas on how to ask them but I would use help.

John - I've got your back but how are you gonna ask Skylar if she's ready to have another pup?

Cole - I am going to talk to her about it later and if she's not ready then I will wait....what's with the face?

I didn't even notice that John was trying to tell me to shut up until my nose catches the scent of both my mates and there are really close, in fact, they were right behind me I turned my head and saw them standing there. Fuck how much did they hear?

Cole - how much did you hear?

Skylar - oh just when John asked if I was ready to have another pup.

John - I think I hear Talia calling me bye...

Chicken bastard, he rushes over to Talia I look to both my girls who are standing with their arms crossed looking at me with unreadable expressions, I can't tell if they are pissed or upset Skylar takes a step towards me then out of nowhere throws her arms around the back of my neck and kisses me. I kiss her back until Violet groans.

Violet - I want some.

Rather than kiss me Violet takes Skylar's head and puts her lips on to Skylar's, Hunter groans in my head it really turns him on watching our mates make out its the same for me, I can feel Hunter wanting to take over and take both of them right here right now after Violet and Skylar pull apart Hunter takes control of my body than grabs Violet's shirt and pulls her to us smacking his lips onto hers roughly making out with hers. I am not sure what he did when he was in control cause he completely block my view so I couldn't see anything he was doing, when I eventually got control back I found myself in bed with my girls, we were naked and the girls were cuddling into me, they are both sleeping and I see that's it's now night time suddenly I hear Hunter's voice.

(Hunter - you can thank me later.

Cole - what did you do? And why do I feel so drained?

Hunter - like I said you can thank me later.

Cole - Hunter...

Hunter - ok fine I may have asked Sliver how she would feel about having another pup with us.

Cole - Hunter what the fuck?!

Hunter - don't yell you haven't heard the reply yet, she said that Skylar is thinking about having another pup with you she's just scared that she can't but Silver says they can as she has already checked herself out.

Cole - ok...but that doesn't explain as to why I feel so drained.

Hunter - not to get into too much detail but I may have filled them both with our seed.

Cole - Hunter!!

Hunter - you don't have to yell, I am in your head.

Cole - what if either of them feels rushed into this?

Hunter - they're not I asked before the sex last night, besides don't you have two proposals to think about?

Cole - oh yeah by the way I hope you didn't say or do anything to make us look stupid.

He doesn't say anything just hums to himself.

Cole - Hunter?

Hunter - well...we may have had a magic mike moment.)

What the fuck is a magic....oh, Hunter laughs in my head that's probably why he blocked my sight why does my wolf have to be such a crazy but funny one. After arguing with him again I fall asleep I just know I am gonna have a sore head when I wake up, tomorrow I will get to work on the proposals.

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