Chapter 14

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Cole p.o.v

(Fair warning some violence in this chapter)

Once I went back to my room I took a quick shower after is I was getting dressed and thinking about these they did work for my dad but not anymore I wonder why? And could they be the same ones as before?. When I was done I went down to the living room where the twins were waiting for me once they saw me they told me to follow them, confused I followed them back into the hallway under the stairs Gabriel opened a secret door.

Griffin - hope you can handle this Cole.

Both Griffin and Gabriel have concerned looks on their faces I hope I am ready for this too but I am not looking forward to whatever it is. As we walk down the stairs they both keep looking back to me probably worried not to say I blame them they were brought up with all this I wasn't but then again I was raised by wolves and have fought in battles so maybe I can handle this but we will see. At the bottom of the stairs, it looks like a long metal hall following the twins we head down it passing a lot of doors, we stop at the end of the hall just outside of a door which Gabriel knocks on it dads voice comes from inside.

Riccardo - come on in boys.

How he knew it was us I will never know, the door opens and we step inside only to see the men I saw earlier tied to the wall both dad and uncle Enzo have crowbars in their hands all 3 men have black eyes, are topless fuck knows why with bruises all over their faces and bodies, one of them tries to speak but gets punched in the face by Draco, Esmeralda is leaning against the wall the twins go on either side of her while I stand beside Griffin.

Draco - don't you dare fucking speak unless spoken to you fucking traitors!!

Riccardo - now let's try this again shall we boys? What were you doing in the woods on my territory?

Traitor 1 - we...were....coming back to beg your forgiveness...

With force dad swings his crowbar which connects with the guys knee causing it to break as it snaps, he screams out in pain.

Riccardo - do I fucking look stupid to you boy?!

I know what they were doing but I can't say anything cuz they will wonder why I was so deep in the woods.

Riccardo - NEXT answer and it better be the right one!!

I look to the next one who is trying to be brave anyone can see his about to piss his pants.

Riccardo - what were you doing in my woods?!

Traitor 2 - we....hmmm....we......

Oh fuck sake this is getting us nowhere I can make them talk...well Hunter can and I am gonna have to prove that I can handle this life if I am going to be a part of it I can feel the twins and Esmeralda looking at me wondering what I am going to do. Probably wondering if I will stop him or not.

Cole - I can make them talk.

Hunter let's out an evil laugh in my head he really wants to get his teeth into these guys, I am not much into torturing but he is I have done it before tho so I know what to do, sometimes I wonder why the moon goddess gave me Hunter now I know why, however, this is the side of me Skylar doesn't like so I try to keep it trunked away unless it's needed. Dad and Draco look at me.

Riccardo - you don't have to Cole.

Cole - I want to, you want answers I can get them.

Dad then looks to Enzo.

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