Chapter 18

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Cole p.o.v

Fuck!!!! I look around to see Skylar standing there with her hands on her hips with an unreadable look on her face.

Alpha Blake - I will leave you two to it.

Alpha Blake walks away back to the car and wraps his queen in his arms while I look at Skylar and become nervous as hell how can I tell her?

Cole - Skylar I...

She raises her hand to stop me from talking but I still can't tell if she is upset or pissed off at me, she crosses her arms again.

Skylar - so you have another mate huh?

I know if I lie to her she will hate me even more so I guess it's time for the truth, please don't hate me, Skylar.

Cole - I won't lie to you yes, I do but I...

She then cuts me off by saying something I didn't expect and shocked me.

Skylar - so it wasn't just me then

Cole - wait what did you say?

She giggles as she shakes her head at me.

Skylar - I swear men are hopeless, when I walked into the house I caught the light scent of warm ocean breeze at first I was confused about it since I am marked but when the girl came in with your brother I smelled the scent of her again that's when I knew she was mine...well ours.

Wow, I didn't expect that in a way I am relieved but at the same time more questions run through my head.

Cole - so you aren't mad that the moon goddess has given us another mate? And you aren't gonna leave me?

Skylar - of course not, Cole did you forget that I had a few girlfriends before finding out you were my mate?

Crap I had forgotten about that well it's good that she isn't mad about it but...

Cole - but there are a few problems.

Skylar - like what?

I don't think she knows that Violet is Draco's girlfriend and I was planning on rejecting her

Cole - well...Violet is Draco's girlfriend and I was kinda going to reject her so no one would get hurt...but.

Skylar - don't you dare!!

Cole - what?

Skylar - Cole, you can't reject her, the moon goddess gave us her for a reason and if I am being honest I always thought that there was always something missing in our relationship now I know why we were said her name is Violet?

I nod yes.

Skylar - it's not like I don't love you cuz I do I just need to feel a woman's touch.

Fuck me that's how she feels? I mean it's good that she is getting all this off her chest and if I am honest my cock twitched when she said that but why didn't she say anything before about this? I wrap my arms around her waist as I gently pull her close to me.

Cole - baby why didn't you say something before?

Skylar - I was scared that if I told you that you won't love me anymore.

Cole - baby I love you so much that I would do anything to make you happy.

Skylar - what about Violet? we need to talk to her about this and see if she wants us, Also let's not forget that if she does then that means we would have ruined your brother's relationship but we will have to do it sooner or later but it will get worse the later we leave it.

Cole - that's another reason why I thought it would be better to reject her I don't wanna hurt my brother.

She knows I am right and hugs me tightly but again she is right tho we will have to talk to Violet and Draco I don't know how they will take it tho. In a way, I like the idea of having two mates but at the same time it terrifies me, will I be able to give them the love and attention they both need as well as keep them both satisfied both in and out of the bedroom. Suddenly I get the feeling we are being watched whilst hugging Skylar I look around only to see Violet through a window looking at us for a moment we daze at each other then her eyes go to Skylar who looks to her and they daze at each other too. However, the sound of the Alphas loud growl gets our attention as we look over to him.

Alpha Blake - we need to get back now!!!

Knowing the pack is in danger I head inside to tell my father that I need to go and help at first he doesn't want me to go but mum convinces him that I have to but I will come back...hopefully. We pile into the car and the Alpha Drives off, even tho Luna is pregnant he drives fast when I reminded him of that the Luna tells me that Morgan has placed a protective spell on the Luna so the pup is in no danger if we crash which I can't see happening cuz the Alpha is a good driver and he knows shortcuts which are good for us. We get home fast only to see that rogue vampires are attacking our home, as soon as the Alpha stops the car myself, Skylar, uncle Ryan, and the Alpha all jump out to defend the house and join the fight.


Violet p.o.v

Hearing that Cole was a wolf shift got me to understand why I feel such a pull to him and to that girl with the pink and black hair. I have heard stories of shifters having human mates I never thought I would be one of them, however, my father hates shifters of any kind so he's not gonna like it that I am mated to two of them. Them there is Draco... I haven't a clue how I am gonna tell him but then again our relationship is fake anyway yip you heard me our relationship is fake we have been friends for a long time he only asked me to be his "girlfriend" because his mother was trying to set him up with some girl who is the daughter of her friend, I was just helping out a friend that I never expected to become the mate of two shifters.

As I watched them hug from the window I felt sadness then both looked at me and I felt warm and fuzzy inside, I got worried when they drove off I hope they will be ok, god I have heard that shifter mates can be passionate lovers...wait what I only met them a couple of hours ago but yet I can't get either of them out of my head I sit down on the bed then Draco comes in.

Draco - you ok?

Violet - yeah.

He sits beside me.

Draco - don't lie to me, come you are my closest friend.

Violet - just a lot on my head after what we heard today.

Draco - yeah it was a shock for all of us but I've got a feeling it will be ok it will be an adjustment for sure but it's not like it's unheard of and besides it might be cool having a wolf shifter or two in the family.

Violet - thanks Draco.

He hugs me for a second before this phone goes off, he pulls back from the hug to take it out and check it a huge smile goes across his face and I let out a giggle knowing full well who it is.

Draco - sorry gotta take this.

Violet - ok but this time let me get out of the room before you touch yourself.

I laugh as I get up and walk out the room leaving him to talk to his real love he doesn't even let me close the door before he answers the call.

Draco - hey baby.

Laughing to myself I walk down the stairs to the hallway then go outside into the back garden, there I take off my shoes and socks then sit at the edge of the pool dipping my legs into the water I think about Cole and the girl...fuck I need ask what her name is, she is really hot and Cole...fuck he is so handsome I would definitely be with them since I am bisexual but do they even want me? I mean I am just a human. I will need to talk to them if and when they come back I hope they do.

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