Chapter 38

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Cole p.o.v

We are waiting outside the office since dad excused us from the room, I know he's not cheating on my mum cuz I can't smell sex or anything I can only hear muttered voices from inside and I believe that dad likes blondes but I did notice the looks that the twins were giving Luisa, not sure but there might be a little bit of romance there I can see them over in the corner whispering probably about her, Draco has got the men to clean up the mess we have made. It's nearly dark now and I don't know why but Hunter is acting up, the door opens and Luisa comes out with father.

Riccardo - our business here is done, our plan worked.

What is he talking about this time?

Cole - wait what plan?

He went on to us about the plan that Luisa put in place to remove her brother and give all their territory and businesses to my family in exchange for her loving this life to have a normal life, she had signed over everything except for her own trust fund which she wants to live on, turns out she never wanted to be involved with this life which I can actually understand that. Dad lets Luisa pack her stuff up since she has already got somewhere else to stay and Hunter really wants to get back to the packhouse.

(Hunter - Cole I wanna go home!!

Cole - what's wrong with you?

Hunter - I am not sure but I have a bad feeling.)

Before I could ask what he meant by that dad tells us that we are going back now which cuts my mind link short with Hunter, by the time we get to the cars Luisa is still putting boxes of stuff into her car both Gabriel and Griffin look at each other than rush over to help her which causes Draco to snigger while dad rolls his eyes. After a few minutes they come back over to the car with big smiles on their faces we get into the cars I know know that they are going to get teased mercilessly when we get back. When we are near the packhouse Hunter is really freaking out in my head then John's voice comes into my head via the mind link.

(John - Cole where are you?

Cole - I am on my way home why?

John - no one can reach Talia or Skylar and no one has seen them for hours.

Then I know why Hunter is freaking out in my head.

John - Alpha king Blake has the pack out looking for them now.

Cole - wait for me I am coming.)

I come out of the mind link and then look at my dad who is beside me.

Cole - can you step on it dad? There's a problem.

He nods yes and tells the driver to go faster, as the car pulls up John is outside waiting for me so after the car stop I jump out and we start walking off, I wonder why Violet is so I ask John.

Cole - where's Violet? Is she ok?

John - yeah she's with the Beta Amy and a few others, even she doesn't know where the girls are.

Suddenly, I get a thought in my head and it's one I don't like.

Cole - you don't think that they have gone to challenge Cassandra do you?

There is a look of shock on his face then we both know that I am right and rush to the border while running John mind links with the Alpha king who meets us there with a dozen warriors. Together with them we cross and run in the direction of the Badlands, both me and John never wanted to go near that place again but for our mates, we would go through hell and back for them. After an hour of running, I try to get in contact with Skylar but can't get through which means that she has put up a block on the both the mind link and the mate bond...ok now I am more worried than I was when we left.

As we are near the Badlands border we can hear yelling some of us shift as we get closer and then we see a huge group surrounding something...i smell Skylar's scent amongst them and...the smell of blood we change at the group ripping their heads off as we get through. I am in for a shock as I see my mate lying face down unconscious with Talia on top of her, both are covered in blood behind them I stop that bitch Cassandra with a hand over one bloody eye and is covered in scratches and bite marks. Some guy is pulling her away as the other vampires that we haven't killed fall back into the Badlands, when me and John get over to the girls I see Cassandra smirking at us but I am not the only one who noticed our Alpha king did to as he sends a ferocious growl in her direction.


But we are in for another shock as John is gently picking up Talia, that is on the back of Skylar's leg is torn open is already started to heal but it's not fast enough. I take off my belt and wrap it around her leg hoping it will stop it from bleeding more then I take off my shirt and wrap it around her leg too before I gently pick her up in my arms. Everyone gathers around us as we rush back to the packhouse hospital. As much as we would love to go after Cassandra and her vampires and send them off to hell but getting the girl's help is more important right now.

By the time we get to the hospital Doctor Matt, Rosie and the other healers are already there waiting for us, I could hear Skylar's heartbeat and it was getting slower myself and John put the girls onto the stretchers and the healers take them inside with us following but unfortunately Matt wouldn't let us into the emergency room with them.

Doctor Matt - sorry guys but you need to wait here don't worry we will help them.

Cole - please save our mates.

He nods yes then goes into the room I see the healers work on Skylar as the doors close, my heart is breaking and Hunter is whimpering in my head. Violet comes rushing over to me she is in tears when I take her in my arms, the Beta's arrive soon after with the royal family and Delta Ryan along with my Auntie Bella, we all are holding our breaths waiting for news on both Talia and Skylar I say a prayer in my head hoping the Moon Goddess will hear me, please Moon Goddess don't take her from me let them recover.

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