Chapter 45

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Cole p.o.v

Either one of us could believe what had came out of Violet's mouth but she insurance us that's what she wanted so we granted her wish, after Skylar marked her and then Violet had to give Skylar some of her blood so the second mark would appear on her neck it was my turn so I sank my teeth into her sweet spot just under Skylar's mark and then Violet gave me her blood, her mark then appeared on my neck. After we were done me and Skylar licked our marks so they would heal and far to say that Violet was exhausted so we let her take a nap while we all cuddled together.

10 weeks later.

It's been 10 weeks since we marked Violet and a lot has happened, first off Sebastian and Morgan finally got married and have marked each other, Blaze and Blair have got engaged and Jasmine has become comfortable enough to let Axel mark her. What surprised everyone in the pack is Dante he has changed so much since he meet Elise he's actually bearable to be around now and hasn't cheated once who knew. Our vampire's allies have gone back to their home, we did wonder what to do with Marrissa and I did tell dad that we had her but none of us had any ideas about what to do with her until Esmeralda came up with an idea and that was to let Aleister and Selena take her which they agreed to, but before Esmeralda and the others can safely see her now Marrissa is undergoing therapy to see if she can change before she kills anyone.

As for my little Mafia family, they have moved back into the mansion, Draco has forgiven Pearl and they have reconciled their relationship, Esmeralda is still dating Carter despite dad being annoyed about it Carter has even moved into the mansion along with his sister who I think has a little crush on Gabriel, speaking of the twins they both seem to be either at the mansion or the packhouse probably cuz of all the single she-wolves around. Of course, my siblings miss Marrissa and want to see her but they understand that they have to wait for a while before that happens. Finally, my parents are now engaged and we found out that mum is 3 weeks pregnant so I am going to have a little brother or sister again. In other news I've changed my last name so I am officially Cole Adonis now, the second-born son of Riccardo Adonis and Brittany Miller.

On to Violet's family who have moved into a cottage on our territory, Violet started talking to them again a few days after the marking well only to her dad and sister since she was still mad with Elijah fair to say Stone wasn't happy about the marks but he's slowly coming around especially since he seems to be getting sweet with one of our she-wolf who was widowed back at the fight with Fabian, Elijah had apologised to Skylar for what he said and Skylar forgive him then got Violet to talk to her brother again since he's going to be around now that he and Amelia have mated and marked each other which shocked everyone especially since she never marked AJ, speaking of AJ he doesn't even seem to care that Amelia is with Elijah now it might be because of the fact he has found someone else no one knows who it is tho since he spends most of his time outside the territory.

On to the royal family, Leo is slowly coming around to Rosie's death but he's still sad he knows that he has the pack's full support,  because he has been so down lately Talia and John have taken over the duties for our former Alpha King and Luna Queen but it's only until the pup is born.....which is today!!

The pack has been waiting for a couple of hours to hear news about the pup when out of nowhere Talia comes rushing into the room breathless.

Talia - it's twin boys!!

After a second of confusion, the whole pack erupts with cheers and howls we all thought she was having one pup, Talia goes on to tell us that the second pup was probably hiding behind his brother when they had their ultrasound scans, Talia always asked us not to disturb her mum since it was a hard birth and she needs to rest so we all respected that. After the pack went back to whatever they were doing Skylar walks over and hugs her best friend.

Skylar - congratulations on the birth of your brothers Talia.

I know that Skylar has been looking forward to this for a couple of weeks now I know in my heart that she will be a great mother when we have our own pups one day, it's good to see her smile again.

Talia - thanks Sky, I need to sit down.

She sits down on the couch next to John you can see the look of shock on her face, we congratulate her and ask about both her mother and the babies.

Ruby - do you know what your mum is going to call them?

Talia - yeah she did...

She takes out her phone and shows us pictures of the babies.

Talia - everyone meet...Jason and Levi.

Jasmine - oh my gosh they're so cute

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Jasmine - oh my gosh they're so cute.

Axel - just wait till we have our own.

Axel wraps his arm around Jasmine as he says that which makes her face go red as a tomato, over the next couple of hours everyone is so excited over the birth that it's all we are talking about, the Alpha King soon makes an announcement through the mind link.

Alpha King Blake - everyone, as is tradition there will be a small gathering to welcome the two newest members of our pack, my family thank you for all your love and support there will be a chance for you all to meet our twins at the gathering. We hope to see you all there.

The whole pack erupt with cheers through the mind link and we all start to celebrate that is until my phone starts to ring I take it out of my pocket and see that it's my dad so I go outside to answer it.

Cole - Dad?

Riccardo - Cole I know you are with the pack but we need your help with something, I have texted you an address can you make it here?

I take the phone away from my ear to check the text, I know I should stay and celebrate but dad only asks for my help when it's important.

Cole - ok I will let Skylar and Violet know then I will be right there.

Riccardo - ok son I will give you more details when you get here.

I hang up the phone and head back inside to tell the girls that my dad needs me for something, they understand and I give them both a kiss before heading back outside, taking off my clothes and shift into Hunter then head off I wonder what's going on?

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