Chapter 29

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Violet p.o.v

I knew sooner or later I would have to call my father for something or other but convincing him to help wolf shifters isn't going to be easy Alpha Blake asks for me and Skylar to come to his office so I can make the phone call, he probably asked Skylar to be there as support for me since she knows that I can't stand my father. Me and Skylar are sitting on the couch in the office with the Alpha King, Luna Queen and both the Beta's I wanted to ask about Cole before I made the call but Skylar beat me to it.

Skylar - Alpha where has the tribrids taken Cole?

Alpha Blake - don't worry girls, they only took him to the hospital. They are working on him now you can see him later I promise he will be ok.

We both understood and didn't want to push the matter, I dial the number Pearl gave me and was surprised to find it was a faceTime number. It took 4 rings for my dad to answer the call fair to say that he was shocked to see my face after two years.

Steele - Violet is that really you? It's been a while.

Steele - Violet is that really you? It's been a while

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Fair to say I am still mad at him.

Violet - seriously? That's the first thing you say to your daughter after Two years?!

Steele - that was you're doing if I remember.

Violet - let's not get into that, I am only calling cuz I have no choice.

Steele - ah yes Pearl said you were having a problem.

Of course, she would say something like that but did she tell him about me, Cole and Skylar?

Violet - of course, she did Pearl is always the golden child who shits gold.

Steele - your sister is...

I cut him off which I know for a fact he hates.

Violet - let's just get to why I am calling, shall we?

Steele - (signs) fine.

First, I explain to him the problem that we have been having with vampires but then he asked me why I was in a wolf shifter territory in the first place at first I didn't want to tell him but when he saw Skylar's pink hair and asked who she was I had to tell him the rest by the end he wasn't happy but he never is.

Steele - are you fucking kidding me?! Not only are you in a wolf pack but you are mated to two of the fuckers!!

Violet - we hunt vampires, not wolves they are good people I have gotten to know them and...

Steele - if it was up to me I would wipe all supernatural of the face off the planet I can't believe my daughter has spread her legs for not one but two.

After he said that I lost it with him.

Violet - ok first off, don't you fucking dare talk about the two people I love and their pack that way, you are such a fucking hypocrite am sorry I am not as perfect as your golden child who is dating the son of a mafia boss. You have no idea what I had to go through when you sent me on those missions, and you have no right to tell me who I can and can't love, know what fucking forget I called to ask you for help it was a fucking big mistake I will find a way to defend them myself goodbye, Steele.

By the time I hang up, I am already in tears as I throw the phone onto the table in front of me, Skylar takes me into her arms as I cry into her shoulder after a few seconds I suddenly feel a hand on my shoulder I turn my head to see Luna Scarlett sitting down beside me.

Luna Scarlett - I am so sorry Violet we would never have asked you to call if we knew how you felt about your father.

Before I could reply the phone lit up and starts to ring again, growling Skylar picks it up and answers.

Skylar - what....who the fuck are you?

Then I hear another voice I haven't heard in two years...My brother.

Elijah - I would like to speak with my sister Violet.

She turns to me then I give her a nod and she hands me the phone, I see my brother's face for the first time.

She turns to me then I give her a nod and she hands me the phone, I see my brother's face for the first time

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Violet - Elijah it's been a while.

Elijah - hello to you too little sister.

Violet - are you going to give me a lecture too?

To my surprise, he shakes his head no.

Elijah - no but I heard everything you said to father and you are right

Violet - say what now?

Elijah - vampires are our targets that's why we have trained all our lives, and as for you being with a wolf it doesn't bother me as long as you are happy that's all I care about.

I can't believe my ears.

Violet - ok who are you and what have you done with my brother?

He lets out a chuckling laugh.

Elijah - I've done a lot of growing up since you left.

Suddenly there is another voice in the background that I should have guessed he hasn't grown up that much.

??? - "Baby come back to bed"

I raise my eyebrow at him.

Violet - grown up huh?

He lets out a nervous laugh.

Elijah - ok maybe some things are still the same but anyway I will help you no matter what dad says but I will try to get him to help.

Violet - thank you, Elijah but you will be wasting your time with him.

Elijah - maybe...

Then we hear Dad's voice.

Steele - who's in charge there?

I look up to the Alpha king who gives me a "good ahead" look.

Violet - tell him that Alpha King Blake is in charge here.

Steele - I can hear you, Violet.

I roll my eyes as Elijah talks to dad.

Elijah - dad come on give her a break, would you rather have her happy or miserable?

Steele - but...

Elijah - dad stop she has every right to love who she wants you should know, or did you forget that you fell in love with her mother while you were married to mum?

We all hear dad groan in annoyance before he agrees and wants to talk to Alpha Blake, after I say goodbye to Elijah I hand the phone to Alpha Blake, me and Skylar give them privately as we head to the pack hospital to find out what happened with our man.

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