Chapter 20

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Cole p.o.v

I can't believe that the vampires managed to use a fucking catapult, loaded it with some vampires and fired it at the house, we left some warriors to protect the house as the rest of us fought the scum back. Soon they fell back the Alpha calls out to the pack but there is a deep feeling of sadness and grief... After we clear vampires from the house, we rush to the shelter Morgan and Jasmine had put up the shield that stops any vampire from getting inside the shelter it was only big enough to protect the shelter since it's only Morgan that's doing the spell and her brother were fighting with us, Jasmine is good with her magic but not as good as the tribrids all three of them together are a lot stronger.

Upon coming up to the shelter there's a lot of blood on the floor, the Alpha tells Morgan to lower the shield and it starts to go down but as soon as it's down the smell of blood catches out noses, fearing for who is hurt the Alpha and ranked wolves rush in then the warriors but we leave some along with Aleister, Selena and their group outside just in case the vampires come back. Getting inside I look around to all the elderly, women and pups sitting around the room and in the middle of the room surrounded by the healers, with a crying Luna Scarlett and Talia beside her is former Luna Sara bleeding with a hole in her gut uncle Ryan rushes over to them taking his mother's hand it's a very upsetting sight to see I then hear Skylar's voice calling me.

Skylar - Cole over here!!

I look over to see her cuddled up with Violet, I walk over and take both of them in my arms as we hear Sara last words then Luna Scarlett screams out in sadness at the loss of her mother the others cry out afterwards.

Sara - shred no...tears....for loves...your father is waiting for me...I love you all.......

Luna Scarlett - MUM!!!!!!!!!!!

Ryan - MUM!!!!!!!!!!!.

Talia - gran!!!!

Leo - gran!!!!

Raven - gran!!!!

The Luna breaks down into tears and the Alpha is quick to take her in his arms comforting her, even if Sara wasn't the Luna Queen everyone in the pack and the country loved her and will mourn for her.


New Year Eve

The past few days were really rough for the pack we lost not only 50 members of the pack but Sara too, everyone's mind wasn't on the new year but the vampires, the fuckers left 9 pups with no parents to look after them anymore so we have to get the sitters to look after them till we can find people who can look after them, we managed to fix the house up again and the tribrids have been working on a shield that can cover the while house and on a portal that we can use on the vampires to send them somewhere else hopefully into the sun in my best opinion.

We usually bury our dead but since we found out that the vampires were feeding on our dead so we have had no choice but to burn them instead to stop them from doing that but unfortunately, due to the death of her mother the Luna has gone into a deep depression and the Alpha stays with her 24/7. Leo and Talia have stepped in just like they did when the Luna was kidnapped while Matt checks on her to make sure the pup is doing ok she has around 13 weeks left to giving birth even though she looks 6 months pregnant. But what is bugging me is that Violet doesn't seem to want to leave not that I want her to but why hasn't Draco called her or even came to find her so when I come off patrol I go into the living room where the two of them are so we can talk but to my surprise, they aren't alone.

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