Chapter 31

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Cole p.o.v

My eyes slowly open and I can see both my beautiful girls sitting on either side of me holding my hands and they are sleeping, smiling I look over to the clock that's on the wall and I see that it's 3:30 am, I let them sleep As I mind link Hunter who's in a better mood than he's been the last few days.

(Cole - Hunter you awake?

Hunter - obviously.

Cole - so do we have all our memories back now?

Hunter - yes everything is back in place and I have to admit it feels so good to have our mates back.

Cole - you've got that right buddy.

Hunter - that bitch will pay for trying to take our memories, where we see her again I will rip her heart out of her chest.

Cole - that is if she has one.

Hunter - good point but still...

He yawns.

Cole - you sound a bit sleepy bud.

Hunter - me?...naw...I am...fine...(yawn)

Cole - clearly let's get so rest we will need it.

Hunter - ok.)

We both fall to sleep shortly afterwards only to get woken up by both the sunlight and someone touching my face by the sparks it's Violet or Skylar I keep my eyes closed then I feel two sets of lips on my face then on my lips.

Skylar - fuck sake Cole wake up I can see your eyes moving.

I open my eyes to see both my girls looking at me.

Cole - you know me so well my love.

She gasps in surprise as they both ask the same thing at the same time.

Violet - wait do you really remember?

Skylar - wait do you really remember?

I chuckle as I sit up before answering them.

Cole - I remember everything.

Wide happy smiles appear on both their faces, Skylar's eyes water with tears of joy so I cup her cheek and wipe away a stay tear.

Cole - don't cry baby girl we are all together again, now I have a question.

Violet - what is it are you in pain?

Cole - no but I do want to know why you haven't got our mark yet Violet? Or at least Skylar's?

Violet - I want to but...

She stops mid-sentence as the door opens, one of the omega's come in to tell us that Violet's family will be arriving soon at first I am confused as to why they are here but then Violet tell me what I have missed. Soon after I clean myself up and get dressed Matt discharges me after checking me over, he tells me to take it easy for a few days but I don't see that happening app. we are soon walking over to the packhouse, some of the warriors are training while some of the patrols are either coming back or going out I do wonder what Violet was gonna say before she got cut off I am hoping she will say yes to going on a date with me, obviously, Skylar will want to but I really need some time alone with my women I've missed out on so much time with them as it is.

I have remembered that her family are the vampire hunters we have been looking for so we can finally get rid of them, we walk into the house and head up to our room since none of our friends are here right now but while we are walking down the hallway I am behind Violet and Skylar I have no idea what they are talking about I can't pay attention to their conversation as Hunter has taken control of my eyes and have dropped them down to their backs to their beautiful shaped asses, it doesn't help that Skylar is wearing tight shorts and Violet is wearing black leggings both me and Hunter would like nothing more than to rip those off and ravage they bodies suddenly a flashback of Cassandra torturing me and John comes into my head which causes me to lean against the wall holding my head.

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