Chapter 37

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Skylar p.o.v

After myself and Violet have two hot fucks both in the bed and in the shower, I head down with her to the gym room Talia, John and the others are already there doing their daily workout. Violet goes over to work out with the other human girls then Talia comes over to me as I start my warm-ups.

Talia - are you ok?

Skylar - yeah why shouldn't I be?

I try to put on a brave face but as usual, Talia sees right through it.

Talia - try again Sky, I've known you all our lives and I know when you are upset. Is it Cole?

I sigh as I answer and start doing some chin-ups with Talia.

Skylar - that easy to figure out?

Talia - whatever Cole is doing that doesn't mean that he isn't the same Cole we know...(grunts) and you love.

Skylar - I know that T but...(grunts) I am afraid that someone will find out he's a wolf, that he killed some...(grunts) humans and the wolf hunts will start, not to ...(grunts) mention that Violet and the other girls will get taken away from the pack.

Talia stops doing chin-ups and looks at me

Talia - Sky he's is Mafia now which means he will probably be killing people but am sure that won't change him.

I stop doing my chin-up and then head over to the training dummy without even saying anything I know she is right but I then notice that something is up with her.


Talia p.o.v

I had so many things on my head but the thing that was mostly on my mind was that bitch Cassandra if we keep arguing amongst ourselves we will never defeat her or her vampires it's me she is trying to get to so I have to take it upon myself and kill her. Skylar is worried about Cole but he's strong-minded I know they can work this out together but right now I need to think of a way to deal with Cassandra and I have one but no one is going to like it and will probably try to stop me if they knew what I was planning on doing, It might mean I am going to my death but I just can't wait any longer.

After I am done with my workout I go for a quick shower then put on my clothes and pack a small bag, I know that Selena, Aleister and their vampires will be going on their patrol soon since it's now getting dark, as I head down to the living room and sneak out the back John will be so mad if he knew I was doing this I am hoping he won't notice yet, at the moment he is talking with Leo and his brother Sebastian and he didn't notice me sneaking out.

I hope John and my family will forgive me for leaving like this but this may be the only chance we have. I walk for about 30 minutes when I hear the sound of a breach snap behind me, I swing around ready to fight I get surprised when I see who it is behind me.

Talia - Skylar? What are you doing here?

Skylar - I could ask you the same thing, I know what you are doing Talia and you're not going alone.

Talia - Sky...

Skylar - no Talia I am not only your best friend I will be your Beta one day which means I will never turn my back when you need me and don't forget she hurt my mate too I will always have your back no matter who or what we have to fight.

Knowing I can't change her mind I agree to let her come with me and to be honest, I am glad she is here with me.


Skylar p.o.v

I knew Talia was up to something when she was in the gym so after I left Violet a note saying I was going for a run I see Talia leave the packhouse and followed her, I know had a feeling she would go after Cassandra bit after what she did to John and Cole I won't let her do this alone. We are quick to make our way to the border of our lands before we crossed over, we checked to see if there was anyone around, there wasn't so we crossed over and shifted into our wolves then started to run.

It doesn't take long for the scent of vampires, it was a small group not giving a shit we easily killed them. By the time we reached the border of the Badlands we had killed 4 groups of vampires, our wolves are exhausted so we shift back and put on the clothes that Talia brought good thing we are the nearly same size only her chest is a little bit curvier then mine so her top is a little tight on me, Talia make her presence known using her Alpha voice she yells.

Talia - I know you vampires can hear me so listen up I am Talia Quinn and I am here to challenge your leader Cassandra to one-on-one combat!!!

We knew they were listening since we could smell them... all around us me and Talia go back to back before she continued.

Talia - what say you!! Will you fight your leader fight me or is she a coward?? What say you!!!

I whisper to her.

Skylar - nice touch with the coward line.

Talia - thanks.

Suddenly, vampires appear from all around us and then the bitch herself appears in front or us.

Cassandra - I accept your challenge but either one of you will be leaving here alive.

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