Chapter 28

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Violet p.o.v

I can't fucking believe this!! I mean I knew Draco was dating someone but I never thought in a million years that it would be my sister, well step sister actually, on top of the vampire's attacks and Cole's memory loss now I've got to put up with her living here but I do feel sorry for Draco tho he had no idea that she was a vampire hunter however, he didn't know I was either. I've not long told Skylar that I was one which did shock her too but lucky for me Skylar understood why I didn't tell her sooner as my father doesn't like shifters I still haven't told him I am mated to two of them tho but I've got a feeling I might need to tell him soon as Alpha Blake wants me to contact dad and ask for his help, which will be hard because I haven't spoken to my father for two years.

Both me and Skylar still want to be with Cole but we aren't sure how his memory loss will affect the relationship but we are willing to try and help get his memory back. It was so good seeing that he was alive and well when we got to his father's but it did hurt when he didn't come back when John had, riding on Silver's back was amazing I could hear her making happy noises as I ran my hands through her fur. I am thinking about letting her mark me but I want Cole to mark me too but I don't see how right now.

While Skylar goes to hang out with the others I am standing in front of Pearl's room, I have to ask her for Dad's number since I deleted it a while ago and I need to find out what the hell she is even doing here. I knock on the door and wait till she tells me to come in before I open the door and step inside to see her sitting on the bed in tears. Our relationship has always been love/hate no matter how hard we try as she has always been a bit of a drama queen she looks up to me.

Pearl - what do you want?

See charming right?

Violet - don't start being a drama queen I need our dad's number.

Pearl - really? Now you want to talk to him?

Violet - I don't have much fucking chance Alpha Blake needs to talk to him.

She snorts as she stands up from the bed.

Pearl - so what? That's you a lover of wolves now? You know our family hates all supernaturals.

Violet - no that's only you, our idiot brother and father.

Pearl - you mean "my" brother?

Fuck me this shit again?

Violet - really this again? How is it, my fault dad wanted a mistress and started seeing my mother?

Quick back story Pearl's parents were married until our father wanted to have another child but with someone else so he started seeing my mum behind his wife's back, but when his wife found out he didn't stop seeing my mum and even moved her in, of course, mum was in love with him so she did everything to make him happy. It was weird he was still sleeping with Pearl's mum at the same time but anyway after I turned 4 he only took me and sent my mum to "his private island" I haven't seen her since, adding insult to injury he made Pearl's mum raise me which made both Pearl and Elijah hate me at first but now only Pearl does.

Pearl - I guess it's like mother, like daughter.

Violet - what the fuck is that supposed to mean!?

Pearl - well looks like you are a mistress just like your whore of a mother!!

Oh hell no I completely lose it with her.

Violet - oh please you are one to talk!! You act all innocent and shy when you are nothing but the complete opposite. Unlike you, I've had to work on everything I earned while you were given the easy way out I was given the hardest missions of my life. And don't you fucking dare try to understand what I have with Cole and Skylar I love them both equally but you would know nothing about love cuz you have never known it!!!

I don't even wait for her to reply as I storm out of the room slamming the door behind me as I leave fucking spoiled bitch how fuck dare she, she actually thinks she is better than me tell that to my scoreboard. I never had a real childhood growing up as soon as we turned 5 dad started to train us and that's how we spend all our time until we reached 15 when he sent us out on our first mission. Dad would keep score on how many vampires we have killed only when we reached over several kills then he would let us go out to a club to celebrate. Of course, Elijah has the most kills with him being the oldest then it's me than Pearl.

I angrily stomp all the way till I am outside I don't even hear Skylar calling for me until she appears next to me but she wasn't alone to my surprise Cole was with her.

Skylar - are you ok baby girl?

Violet - just my stupid sister.

Cole - what did she say or do to make you this upset?

The both of them kneel down on either side of me I didn't even notice that I was on my knees punching the ground I must have been blinded by rage and not noticed. I don't want them to worried they already have enough to worry about so I will try to pretend that it's nothing.

Violet - it's nothing.

But it doesn't work.

Skylar - come on Violet I can tell that whatever it is it's really bothering you.

Knowing I can't keep it a secret forever long I ask them.

Violet - am I a mistress?

The question shocks both of them and I can see a little bit of hurt in Skylar's eyes but before I could say anything more I feel two arms going around my waist then a hard chest pressed against my back and a pair of lips brushing against the back of my shoulder.

Cole - I may not remember what's like to be with you but the one thing I do know is that you aren't our mistress but another part of our souls.

Skylar gets up and then kneels in front of us and wraps her arms around my neck with one hand she caresses my cheek and with the other plays with Cole's hair.

Skylar - Cole's right baby the Moon Goddess made you for us, you aren't our mistress and you never will be I am guessing your sister said something like that but don't you think for one second that it's true

She kisses me causing my heart to beat faster I feel so happy inside then an idea pops into my head I finish kissing Skylar and turn my head so I am looking at Cole.

Violet - Cole, how would you feel if I kissed you?

Cole doesn't waste much time and crashes his lips onto mine but after a few seconds he suddenly pulls away holding his head, did I cause him pain.

Skylar - Cole are you alright?

Cole - I am sorry, I wanted to kiss you both but...AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!

Violet - what is it, Cole? please maybe we can help you.

When he takes his hand away from his face we are shocked to see his eyes are black both of us touch his shoulders and he screams in pain what has that bitch done to him? suddenly I feel Skylar pull me away from him and the tribrids come running out of the house towards us.

Violet - Sky what's happening to him?

Skylar - I don't know baby.

We can't do anything as the tribrids stand around Cole and start chanting a spell, the Alpha and Beta come out unfortunately they tell us to go back into the house and wait, of course, we don't want to leave Cole but Skylar can't go against the Alpha's orders and drags me back in with tears in her eyes. I look back to him screaming in pain with his head to the ground my heart feels like it's breaking did my kiss do that to him? When we reach the back door The tribrids and Cole disappear where did they go? As if it couldn't get any worse I get a text message when I take out my phone I see it's from Pearl, she actually sent me dads number great(!)

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