Chapter 36

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Cole p.o.v

Skylar was upset that I was getting ready to kill people but no other mafia family know that I am a shifter, I will still be breaking the treaty but being mafia I need to prove I have what it takes, don't I?


Skylar p.o.v

I can't believe he is doing this I know he's Mafia now but that doesn't mean he should jump to kill someone especially since we have a treaty with the humans if their leaders find out that a wolf shifter killed humans then the peace will be gone and they will start hunting us again not to mention that if wolves have human mates then they will get taken away from us, which means that they will take Violet and the other girls from our pack. Cole may be a mafia but he's only a wolf if they don't find out he's a wolf then maybe he could do it, I know he has that side of him I just wish he didn't I will admit that at times it had been useful against rogues or even vampires but maybe he needs this or it is me wishing he didn't?
I dunno if I am more worried that he will enjoy killing or if it will change him into a different person, I love him so much that I hope that doesn't happen.


Cole p.o.v

It didn't take long for dad to get his men together with their gear, we have just arrived at a warehouse that's about 15 minutes from another house that looks just as big as dads. In the warehouse dads men checking their weapons, the twins go over to a case on a table where they take out 2 shotguns along with a handgun each, Draco goes the same but takes out an SMG and a rifle, Carter is putting bullets into his handgun mag and dad comes over to me.

Riccardo - it's your turn to choose your weapon.

His face is different than before it's like he's in full mafia mood or that's what the twins call it when he doing a job or anything to do with the mafia. I do over to the table to see what weapons I can use my choice is an AK-47 and a military combat knife.

Gabriel - here, you will need it.

Gabriel hands me a bulletproof vest and I take it then put it on, he's right I will probably need it even if they won't be silver bullets normal bullets hurt like a bitch for wolves, good thing if I am hit it will heal fast. After we are all geared up it was time to move out, while in the car I was thinking I knew I couldn't shift or use my wolf so I would have to appear to be human. But the image of Skylar's disappointed and upset face when I left comes into my head, I will have some big making up to do when I get back wait...I can feel some arousal through the mate bond which means that Skylar and Violet are having fun without me not that I mind since they are mates too I just to be there if Violet decides she is ready to be marked by us.

I am brought out of my thoughts by someone nudging me looking next to me it's Griffin.

Griffin - we are here.

In front of us is a huge truck and it smashes through the front gate then we drive through, after all, cars have stop and we became under fire good thing for us that the cars are bulletproof so we could hide behind them at first I didn't know where to shot and thought "what about if these guys have families?" Suddenly Carter ducks beside me.

Carter - why aren't you shooting these fuckers?

Cole - don't these guys have families?

Carter - no, and if they did they wouldn't want anything to do with them.

I duck as a bullet flies past my head just missing me.

Cole - why?

Carter - long story short, but since this guy's son took over he's only employed rapers, murders and psycho's who should be on death row, to be honest.

He shots and hits someone right in the middle of their face.

Cole - nice shot.

Carter - thanks I am actually surprised they brought me along, watch out asshole on your left.

This time I shot someone who was running to a different cover position I got to ask him how he is but we get cut off as dad gives us an order to charge in. We all rush in shooting at the guards and who's men these guys are, Draco along with the twins take a few men and takes them down some stairs, dad sends his men up the stairs and then he grabs a guard.

Riccardo - where's your boss hiding?

When he doesn't answer dad just shoots him then one of dads guys comes over to tell us that they have found the guy he's looking for he's on the second floor but he has a hostage.

Cole - what are you gonna do?

Riccardo - you will see.

We both head up to the second floor there are dead bodies none of them are dad's men tho, we reach the door where his men are standing out me and dad go on either side of the door and kick it open we see that a guy who is probably the boss and he's holding a girl with a knife to her throat.

Riccardo - let your sister go, Sandro, it's over, your over.

Fuck that's his sister? Who is willing to kill their own blood to save their own skin?

Sandro - it's never over Riccardo, you went back on the deal you made with my father. You owned me a bride but instead, your daughter decided to be a slut and spread her legs for somebody else.

Dad steps forward pointing his gun at Sandro.

Riccardo - don't talk about my daughter like that!!, she's way too good for the likes of you anyway. You have run your father's name through the dirt.

Sandro - oh please my father was weak, especially in this business and as for your daughter should know her place in life, and that place is under a man. Women are only good for cooking, cleaning and breeding.

Ok this guy is really starting to piss me and Hunter off but suddenly out of nowhere his sister pulls a knife and stabs Sandro in the neck, it shocks everyone in the room as Sandro drops to the floor.

Luisa - that's for all the shit you have put me through, you son of a bitch.

Luisa - that's for all the shit you have put me through, you son of a bitch

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As he goes to say something she pulls out the knife and slits his throat then throws the knife onto the desk and looks up to dad.

Riccardo - I guess that makes you in charge now.

Luisa - I take it you have killed all his men?

At that moment the twins and Draco come into the room, the twin's mouths drop to the floor when they see both Luisa and Sandro's body.

Draco - what the hell did we miss?

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