Chapter 24

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Skylar p.o.v

The last 2 weeks have been hell for me, Violet and Talia every day we have had to feel the pain the boys are in before they block us out so we don't feel it, Silver has been whimpering none stop while I have been hardly able to sleep or even eat Violet has been doing the best she can to comfort me and I appreciate that from her but it easy to see that we are missing Cole and John so much. None of the warriors in the pack has been able to find any way into the Badlands without raising the alarm, Alpha Blake is trying to find these vampire hunters but so far there is no luck and as a last resort I contacted Cole's dad Riccardo I didn't want to but if my son was kidnapped I would want to know about it. I told him what had happened of course he didn't understand most of it being a human but Brittany explained things to him and then he wanted to help but that would put him and his family in danger but he still wanted to help so he's got his men looking for the vampire hunters in the human towns I couldn't have stopped them even tho I tried to.

Sebastian found Damon in a river badly beaten, the vampires even broke his leg which he is still healing from, Doctor Matt says that he was close to death when he was found it was a good thing they found him when they did. He's still unconscious and Ruby hasn't left his side since the Alpha is planning on talking to him when he wakes up which hopefully is soon. I've just come back from a run since Silver needed one I see Jasmine, Elise and Blair talking to Violet it's good to see her making friends with the pack members especially since both Elise and Blair are human too, I walk over to them Violet smiles when she sees me coming I give a small smile back before I plop myself down onto the couch beside her putting my head onto her lap even tho I miss we both miss Cole I feel a little bit happier when I am around Violet. She plays with my hair as she talks to me.

Violet - good run baby?

Skylar - yeah.

Blair - any news Skylar?

Blair asks, I sadly shake my head no.

Skylar - no...still nothing from Sebastian or the other groups.

Since Damon was found the Alpha was put groups out every day to find out any information of the Badlands, this Cassandra or of anything that can help us, since it's in groups it can be used for protection for them as well as the pack e.g when two groups are out the rest stay to protect the pack from any attacks which to our surprise hasn't happened for a while. Today Axel, Blaze and Sebastian are leading the groups so Blair and Jasmine are worried so is Elise since Dante is in Axel's group. We talk for a while then Amelia walks in who is back to her bitchy ways since AJ found out that she cheated on him on Christmas day no one who with tho I guess some things never change.

Amelia - what's with the long face Skylar?...oh that's right Cole is still missing, you know maybe he found himself a vampire girlfriend and started fucking her. Not surprising tho having the two of you for mates must be bad luck.

Silver lets out a growl as a warning for her to shut her mouth but she doesn't listen and starts on Violet.

Violet - fuck off Amelia, Cole isn't like that.

Amelia - remind me why the fuck are you here again Human? Oh yeah that's right the Moon Goddess gave Cole a weak human for a mate cuz Skylar is a stupid cunt who can't satisfy her man by herself or maybe it's because Skylar is a slut who wants both.

The others stand up and try to get her to stop but both me and Silver are getting close to snapping her neck.

Blair - Amelia that's enough.

Elise - yeah knock it off.

Jasmine - Amelia stop it, we don't have the time for your crap.

Amelia - oh boohoo Elise you can't talk I was fucking your mate a few days before he even met you and trust me I made him cum so many times in one day I've lost count, and you are nothing special, Blair you are only here cuz your man is a tribrid and don't even get me started on you, Jasmine. Did you girls ever think that your mates have had enough of you and aren't looking for Cole and John but having affairs instead? I mean let's be honest you lot can't hold a candle to me.

She runs her hand across her chest but within a few seconds, Silver has heard enough using our speed we have pinned the little bitch up against the wall by her throat, Silver punches her face twice before Amelia pushes us to the floor, letting out an angry growl Silver takes full control and shifts then we tackle Amelia out of the glass door, we land apart from each other. Standing up Amelia shifts into her wolf and attacks me, as we fight I snap my jaws onto her chest causing her to yelp in pain but she bites down onto my front leg bitch but I was never one to back down from a fight I am a fucking Beta's daughter!!! Using my claws I swipe at her back leg then when she turns to lick her wound I go straight from her throat pinning her to the ground. She struggles for a few seconds before her wolf submits even gives me a few whimpers of submission I want to let her go but Silver doesn't as she adds more pressure to our jaws sinking our teeth deeper into her throat.

(Skylar - Silver, stop she has submitted.

Silver - not a fucking chance this bitch dies)

Silver cuts off the mind link I try to fight her for control but she has had enough of Amelia and her crap just as Silver goes to deliver the final bite we are knocked off Amelia to our surprise the person that knocked us off was my best friend Talia.

Talia - what has gonna into you?! You know that once your opponent submits the fight stops if you are fighting against a member of the pack.

Talia must have noticed that Silver was in control as I get to my feet in her Alpha voice she says

Talia - Silver give Skylar back control now.

Silver just growls at her which shocks Talia I know that when Silver is in this kind of moods no one can reason why her usually I can get through to her but since Hunter and Cole have been gone it has got harder Talia didn't get a chance to say anything back as mum and dad come outside with Violet behind them.

Beta Connor - Silver calm yourself, you are scaring Violet.

Silver quickly realised what she has done and looks to Violet suddenly there is a loud howl from the border causing everyone to look, could it be?


Cassandra p.o.v

Cassandra - who the fuck puts normal ropes on werewolves you stupid cunt?!

I throw a Fledgling to the wall in anger, those fuckers should have burned alive in that fire but no my useless followers tied them up with rope and escaped ARGH!!!!!!!!! I told them to use chains.

Fledgling - I am sorry mistress, I thought that they were weak enough to use rope on them.

Cassandra - you had one fucking job!!! for your mistake, your punishment will come later, take her to the dungeons get her out of my face.

Two of my royal guards take the stupid fuck away, she's kicking and screaming begging for my forgiveness, that shit doesn't work on me. Sitting in my chair I order my guards to find those wolves I wasn't finished with one of them the one I kissed Cole I believe his name was what he might have not figured out yet is that when I kissed him the chapstick I used had a special use on it, one that will make him forget his mate...Talia the Luna Princess and the reason my father is dead I will have my revenge on her and on everyone in that pack. But that other one John I gave him a special surprise even as I sit here my venom runs through his veins and soon he will be part vampire which will mean he will have to listen to my orders but right now I need a release I am stressed out, I call for my plaything and take him to my room when I fuck him hard after we are done I get back to work on my plan to destroy the fucking pack.

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