Chapter 16

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Cole p.o.v

I couldn't believe my eyes was it really her? I've only ever seen pictures of her and more importantly how the hell is she even alive?! Even dad is confused.

Riccardo - Brittany? But how I thought you were dead?

Riccardo - Brittany? But how I thought you were dead?

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Brittany Miller

Brittany - I was but it's a long story.

Dad walks over to her and raises his hand to touch her cheek.

Riccardo - you're really here... it's really beautiful Brittany.

Without saying anything he kisses her much to our dismay as we all groan in disgust but dad doesn't care as he makes out with her, I don't understand it but I have to report this to Alpha Blake but either him or Luna Scarlett will like this. Come to think of it I don't think aunt Bella after all she was the one who actually killed her own sister, I am quick to excuse myself from the room before rushing up to mine once there I mind linking the Alpha.

(Cole - Alpha Blake, it's an emergency please answer.

He is quick to respond to me.

Alpha Blake - Cole I am here what's the matter?

Cole - it's my mother, she's alive.

Alpha Blake - that's not funny Cole.

Cole - I am being serious Alpha you know I don't lie I have no reason to.

Alpha Blake - show me Cole I need to see this.)

I quickly got my phone and went back downstairs, when I got close to the living room I saw that the others were also gone and when I looked in I saw my dad sitting on the couch with my mum on his lap, they were laughing at something. When I got a clear shot of a face I took a picture and sent it to the Alpha. Unfortunately, when I go to walk away my father calls me causing me to look back around to them.

Riccardo - Cole

Oh, fuck sake.

Cole - yes?

Riccardo - come here.

I go into the room dad gestures for me to sit down so I do that as I sot across from them.

Riccardo - Cole you told me that your mother was dead.

Cole - that's what I was told growing up.

Brittany - wait you're....oh my...

She looks at me and covers her mouth as she gasps I was also told that she tried to kill me as a pup so at this point I don't see her as my mother I just wanna know how she's fucking alive? She stands up then comes over to me and drops to her knees I can smell she still has her wolf, suddenly she says something I didn't expect as she puts her head on my knees.

Brittany - my boy please forgive me for all I have done I know I was the worst mother to you but I promise I can be better now.

After a few seconds of complete silence, I go to answer her to tell her how I feel However, before I could even say a single word or do anything there is a loud angry growl which causes everyone in the room to look at the doorway, standing there is a very angry Skylar with a bag pack in her hand which she drops to the floor.

Skylar - what the fuck is going on here?!

Her eyes are on mum and I can feel through the mate bond her anger is raising and Silver is close to coming out. Shit, I have to calm her down I stand up which causes mum to stand up too, dad comes over and takes her in his arm as I go over to Skylar who is on the verge of shifting. I stand in front of her and place both my hands onto her cheeks making her look at me.

Cole - baby it's not what you think I swear.

Skylar - then what's going on Cole? Please tell me cuz from where I am standing it looks like I come to see you and to support you then I walk in on this!! Who is this bitch anyway?!

Skylar has always never been a jealous type but she has had a temper, I give her a "calm down and let me explain" look she pledges her face into my chest and takes in a couple of breaths to inhale my scent which usually calms her but this time doesn't, using her speed she pushes past me and goes to attack mum but I am a little bit faster than her as I wrap her arm around her waist pressing her against my body. She screams a lot of abuse at my mother which is pissing off my father.

Skylar - you fucking slut I will kill you for putting your hand on my man!!! I will rip your head off you bitch!! Let me go so I can do her harm.

What I say calmly makes her look at me in total shock.

Cole - it's my mother Skylar.

Skylar - what did you say?

Cole - it's my mother Brittany Miller.

Skylar looks to mum in disbelief then her eyes widen in surprise and she looks back at me.

Skylar - but how? Answer me!!!

Skylar uses her Beta rank voice to get some answers before mum could answer dad does, I keep my arm around her.

Riccardo - son I know she is important to you but she must have some respect for my love.

Skylar - Fucking Respect!!! Tell me your joking right? That bitch doesn't deserve any after what she has done? She tried to kill Cole and you want me to show her respect??

Dad looks to mum with sadness in his eyes.

Riccardo - baby what does she mean? Did you try to kill Cole?

Mum sighed before finally talking.

Brittany - it's a long story one I think you all need to hear.

Then Skylar says something the confused dad and I was trying to keep to myself for now.

Skylar - does that include the Alpha and Luna? Not to mention your sister?

What surprises us is the answer mum gives...

Brittany - yes they should hear this too.

This can't be good for one what I've heard Luna Scarlett hated my mum after she tried to take Alpha Blake from her and that business with that Alpha Red guy as for aunt Bella how's that gonna work?

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