Chapter 34

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Cole p.o.v

(A/N I've just noticed that I haven't been calling Blake and Scarlett by their full titles and that was my bad)

The Alpha King soon calls a meeting of the ranked pack members, Aleister and Selena, my family and Violet's family too the rest of the pack will be waiting for us to come up with a plan before we can tell them about it. We are in the meeting room I usually don't come to meetings like this since I am not a high ranked member but after everything that bitch did to me and John who's sitting with Talia, Alpha King Blake thought we should be here at least. Steele and Elijah we're shocked to see that we had vampires on our side and wanted to kill them but thanks to Violet that didn't happen. With everyone sitting we try to come up with a plan to take out Cassandra without our side getting more injured...which is going to be impossible in my opinion.

We have been sitting in this room for hours and we have come up with something of a plan but we still have got a full plan. Luna Queen Scarlett had some good ideas on how to kill Cassandra and she is the one who wants to do it but she can't because she is only 11 weeks or so off giving birth. One plan was to let the hunters go into the Badlands and assassinate Cassandra but there was no chance that they would come back, both me and Skylar won't risk Violet's safety, another plan was to gather other packs to join us in this fight but we can't risk their lives for a fight that we started, finally, we came up with a plan to fight them on the battlefield just like we did with Fabian's army but we were that would cause more casualties which we are trying to avoid this time.

While talking Talia suddenly stands up from her seat which causes everyone in the room to look at her.

Talia - I have an idea no one will like it tho but we have to try something.

Skylar - what do you mean Talia?

Talia - I am going to challenge Cassandra to one on one combat since I am the only she's after.

John then stands up from his chair.

John - Talia it won't be just you that she's after I mean am the one who killed Victor.

Talia - I know that my love.

John - and after what she did to me I should be the one to kill you I don't want you anywhere near that bitch.

He takes her in his arms as he talks but then Aleister asks something none of us even thought about.

Aleister - what about the sire bond?

Morgan - as far as I can tell there isn't one

But before anyone could answer or say anything more, Steele shots up from his chair.

Steele - just what are you boy?

Everyone in the room goes quiet I don't think Violet told her family what happened to me and John, Elijah tries to calm his father down but it doesn't work as he steps closer to John and Talia which causes Alpha King Blake to growl as he also stands

Alpha King Blake - Steele step back from my daughter and her mate.

I could feel Alpha King Blake's rage coming from his body Steele steps back slowly and I wasn't the only one who picked up on it as Luna Queen Scarlett takes his hand and puts it on her bump which is quick to calm him down. Violet goes over to her father and brother.

Violet - I forgot to mention that John here....well...I don't know how to explain it.

Violet then looks to me for help to explain it better but Morgan and her brothers beat me to it.

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