Chapter 41

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Violet p.o.v

I knew I couldn't stop Cole from going and if I am honest if he didn't go then I would have, I just hope he keeps his promise and comes back to us. While sitting next to Skylar I suddenly feel her hand squeeze mine causing me to stand up from my seat and I see she's trying to open her eyes.

Violet - Sky take it easy please you are still hurt, rest a little bit more.

She moans before her eyes slightly open and she speaks weakly.

Skylar -

Violet - shhhhh baby don't talk, rest.

She lets out a breath before closing her eyes I am glad she is gonna be ok but I don't know how I am gonna tell her that she was pregnant not to mention she will probably blame herself for it, it's late and I really don't want to wall back to the house by myself or leave Skylar alone so I text my brother asking him if he can bring me a blanket, I will sleep here again tonight until Cole gets back. A couple of minutes later there is a knock on the door.

Violet - come in Elijah.

The door opens and sure enough, it is him, how did I know it was him? Easy it was the way he knocked on the door for some weird reason he always knocks twice then three times. Elijah comes into the room, walks over to me and hands me not only a blanket but also puts a tray on the nearby table, he looks at me as he says.

Elijah - since you haven't eaten all day I brought you some food and your favourite pudding a lovely fruit salad with a sneaky chocolate dip.

Violet - thanks I didn't even notice since I've not eaten all day.

As I walk over to the table I see that he has a very satisfied smile on his face.

Violet - what's with the smile?

He tries to act all innocent but I know him better than that.

Elijah - whatever do you mean?

Violet - don't try to play dumb Elijah, you have a very satisfied grin on your face so who's the girl?

He goes to protest but knowing I will find out one way or another so he gives up but what he says leaves a very unpleasant taste in my mouth.

Elijah - ok fine it was one of the she-wolves of the pack...Amelia, I believe her name was, blonde hair, hazel eyes with a curvy ish body with nice big t...

Violet - please stop.

He looks over at me confused much to my annoyance I have to tell him but knowing him he probably won't care anyway.

Elijah - why you wanted to know?

Violet - out of all the girls why her? Elijah, I don't know if anyone has told you but Amelia...well she actually already had a mate but she was constantly cheating on him so he rejected her twice.

He looks sad by that and I feel bad for telling him maybe it wasn't Amelia and he got her name wrong?

Violet - are you sure her name was Amelia?

Elijah - yeah it is but maybe she's charged.

Violet - Elijah I just don't wanna see you hurt especially with what I've seen and heard about her.

What he says both confuses and shocks me that I yell out loud without even releasing it.

Elijah - she said I was her mate.

Violet - WHAT??!!


Cole p.o.v

As soon as we got back to the packhouse the warriors put Marrissa who had woken up into the cells while me, John and Sebastian were called to the Alpha king's office not sure how much trouble we will be in tho. After about an hour of the Alpha King yelling at us telling us how stupid we were etc, etc, etc he surprised us by saying that he was planning on doing the same thing but he won't let us off easy and so our punishment was to have to get up two hours earlier than everyone else before training every morning for a month and set, clean and check the equipment, along with at least 4 patrols a week for each of us I guess it could have been worse.

Sebastian has gone off to his room probably to see Morgan but by the look that was on his face he's about have some fun, myself and John head back to the hospital but once John goes into Talia's room and I go to open the door to Skylar's room I get a whiff of another man then hear Violet shouting so loud that she probably has awakened the whole building.

Violet - WHAT??!!

I throw the door open to see Violet standing next to the table with a men's back facing me, just as quick as I go to get mad the person turns around and I relax it is only her brother...but why does she look so shocked? I start to panic as I look over to Skylar who's still sleeping then look back to Violet before I go over to Violet

Cole - what's going on? Why did you yell?

She takes a breath before answering me but I didn't expect what she was gonna say.

Violet - Elijah told me that Amelia is meant to be his mate now.

Say what now? I am confused I thought she still wanted AJ? Even if he's rejected her twice if am right cuz of her cheating on him before I could even speak we hear a voice that causes us to look over to the bed.

Skylar - say what now?

Skylar began to sit up so me and Violet go over to help her I did notice she rolled her eyes at us it's good to see that she is feeling better but I am not sure how she will take the news about the pup tho. She is still a little weak but gets straight to the point when she looks at Elijah.

Skylar - Elijah no offence but Amelia is one of the biggest sluts in the whole world, she would say anything to get into your pants...

He cuts her off and angrily yells at her and makes me let out an angry growl as a warning.

Elijah - that's a fucking lie!!!

Cole - watch it, Elijah.

Suddenly there is another growl from the doorway when we look over it's someone who we didn't expect...

Amelia - don't talk to my mate like that Cole.

It's Amelia and boy does she look pissed...

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