Chapter 3

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Cole p.o.v

Fair to say I was a nervous wreck as we pulled into the street after two hours of driving my mind is all over the place what is he doesn't want to see me? Or even tries to hurt me or stop it, Cole you are part of the strongest pack in the country not to mention your father is human, I am brought out of my thoughts when I feel Skylar's hand on top of mine causing me to look to her.

Skylar - we are almost there

I look to what she is looking at only to see that the houses around us are getting bigger than the GPS goes off telling us that we have arrived at our destination.

I look to what she is looking at only to see that the houses around us are getting bigger than the GPS goes off telling us that we have arrived at our destination

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This can't be the right address, can it? Stopping the car in front of the gate I check the address again.

Skylar - this is it?

Cole - I think so...

Skylar - baby? Are you ok?

I couldn't believe how big the house it but I snap out of it when I hear Sky's voice.

Cole - yeah let's get this over with.

She goes to say something but doesn't and we exit the car then go up to the gate only to get stopped by a guard.

Guard - what can I do for you?

Cole - I am looking for a Riccardo Adonis, does he live here?

The guard gulps but doesn't answer us.

Skylar - is everything ok sir?

He shakes his head out of whatever he was in then finally answers us.

Guard - yes I am fine thank you, and yes Mr Adonis does live here would you give me a moment?

Cole - of course.

He goes back into the security booth and we see him pick up the phone to call someone thanks to our wolf hearing we can hear what he is saying.

Guard - I apologise for interrupting sir but...I understand sir...(clears throat) sir there is a couple at the gate asking to see your father.

Father? What does that mean? It's quiet for a few minutes before the guard talks again.

Guard - yes sir I understand.

He puts down the phone before coming back out to us looking terrified.

Guard - please follow me.

The gates open, I take Skylar's hand as we start walking up the path to the house my heart was beating so fast, at the corner of my eye I noticed some workers looking worried but I do wonder why they aren't with their families. We come up to the door and the guard knocks after a few seconds the door opens up and an older woman comes out I think she is a maid by the way she is dressed.

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