Chapter 13

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Cole p.o.v

That same night around 2 am I was still wide awake either I couldn't sleep without Skylar beside me or I couldn't sleep in a new place but it was probably because I was missing Skylar, it's not even been a day and I miss her already. Hunter has been pacing around in my head and it's giving me a headache, getting up I go over to the window and look out to see what the guards do on their patrol Hunter talks to me as we watch.

(Hunter - looks like none of them are going near the wood area let me run.

Cole - I know you want out bud but we can't let anyone see us, remember our training.

Hunter growls.

Hunter - I hate it here!!! He may be our father but we are still half-wolf.

Cole - don't you think I know that Hunter but we can't trust anyone here the now with our secret.

Hunter - I need to stretch my legs please Cole.)

Hunter only ever says "please" when he is desperate, usually, I shift into Hunter 3 times a week but I haven't had the chance to the last few weeks with getting the packhouse ready for Christmas, Sebastian and Morgan's wedding and New year it's kept me busy. I know it's risky but if I don't shift soon Hunter will become very crabby, grabbing a shirt and shorts I put them on then go to the window and open it. Hanging out of the window I don't see the motion sensor beside me.  I check how high I am up, I am two stories high so it won't be hard to get down I've jumped down from higher than this. I jump and land on the ground into the bushes, before coming out of bushes I check to see if the coast is clear...some men passed talking about who's girlfriend had bigger breasts I just rolled my eyes then once they were out of sight I left the bushes sprinting towards the trees. Once I had reached the trees I walked in a little bit and looked around before I  took off my shirt and shorts, hiding them in a tree I can finally shift.

Hunter is so happy to be out that he is quick to take over as we run through the trees, the wind feels so good as it's goes through our fur, Hunter runs in-between the tree testing his reflexes and even hunts a hare which u was surprised to find, after about two hours it was time to head back when suddenly there was a scream that caught our attention.


It was a terrifying scream not wanting to ignore it I follow the screams as they get louder. The screams lead me to a small clearing and I am shocked when I see where the screams are coming from...there are 2 men holding a beat-up man against a tree while the other is ripping the pants off a woman getting ready to rape her in front of that man with 3 cars nearby. He's begging them to let her go but they aren't listening as they tie him to a tree.

Beaten man - please no not my wife...

That's his wife? I can't just stand here but I can't kill them either but then again fuck that I have to help. I step out from the shadows growing and barring my teeth the guy stops as he is about to enter her, his eyes widen in fear as he sees and gulps and backs away from her. Suddenly there is little pain in my side I turn my head to see that one of the others has thrown a stone at me trying to scare me away, not today fucker...letting out a loud angry growl I launch myself at him I don't use my teeth no using my front paws I slam him into the tree with such force that it knocks him out cold. I turn my attention to the other man who just runs away....scoff...pussy...finally I look back to the one who was gonna rape the woman he is trying to crawl away...not today...I leap right onto his back causing him to go onto his back, once he is on his back I bare my teeth in his face, growling while the woman has got to her husband and untied him, holding up they both run to a car that's parked nearby. But suddenly I notice the other car... it's one of my dads?...did he set this up? I look back down to the man under my paws and recognise that he is one of my dad's men...fuck I snap at the man before getting off and running back into the woods leaving him in a frightening way. Hunter is just as disgusted as me as we talk on the way back.

(Hunter - we should have killed him and how dare that man do this grrrrrrrrr

Cole - trust me I wanted to but then they would be hunting for wolves out here and maybe even go to our pack.

Hunter - if they dare I will kill them all.

Cole - I know that bud that's why I wanna get out of here I don't want any part of this life, we were happy before knowing I feel so stupid.

Hunter - don't blame yourself, you wanted to know who our father was but it's what we do now that matters we can't let him do this to anyone else.

Cole - your right Hunter let's hurry and get back before anyone notices we are gone.)

It takes another hour till we see the house again I shift back and grab the clothes out of the tree it's 5 am so it should be wrong I am as I walk up to the house there are people running all over the place as I step up to the pool dad spots me and comes rushing over both worried and angry about something or another. He puts his hands onto my shoulders.

Riccardo - Cole where the fuck were you?!

Cole - I couldn't sleep so I went for a walk, why what's going on?

What he says surprises me cuz I didn't expect it or believe it.

Riccardo - my men picked up some traitors and they said they were attacked by a giant wolf, I was afraid it had got you when I went to your room and the motion sensor on your window picked up movement I thought...

There's a motion sensor on my window? Fuck but did he say, traitors? And was he really afraid of losing me?

Riccardo - never mind come in the house but go for a shower first, it's time for you to see what we do. 

He turns and walks back into the house as I follow him I think what did he mean by "it's time for you to see what we do" could it mean that he wants me to do something Mafia-like? Whatever it is I guess I will find out soon.

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