Ch. 5 Weedie sensei

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Shikamaru was off doing his thing.

Sara was sulking in a corner because of the scolding her master just gave her over discipline.

Akari was sulking in another corner because of the two bumps on her forehead, both from Sara and Asuma sensei respectively.

Haru gave her a sympathetic pat on the shoulder.

Akio couldn't care less because he was an arrogant evil frog (Akari's words).

Oda couldn't care less because he was too chill to care.

Asuma sighed. The latest lot of genin wasn't creating an amazing impression on him. Now he could see why the Hokage was so dead set on improving the academy standards after encountering this bunch. 

When Shikamaru graduated, seeing the talented individuals in his year had made the leaf village proud. Maybe they got a little too carried away in their expectations with genin. However, most of the shinobi in Shikamaru's batch where from important clans, many were from the main branches. Couldn't expect the same from these kids. 

Sara was from a side branch in the Yamanaka clan, but still possessed a good grip on her clan jutsus. The other children either belonged to smaller clans, heck Oda's parents were civilians. 

Then there was Akari. She could barely call herself an Uchiha. Nothing about her, except probably her early graduation and the possibility to awaken the Sharingan, even if only till one-tomoe, made her stand out as an Uchiha.

Neither her behavior, nor her talents. Kid couldn't even perform a fire-ball properly. Asuma sighed. He could see why Kakashi wouldn't bother with her.

"Ne, why is Kakashi sensei famous again?" he heard her voice while puffing out smoke.

"He is known to have copied over a thousand jutsus. He's known as Kakashi of the Sharingan," Asuma explained.

"Wait... why that nickname?"

"He posses the Sharingan."

"Oh... but he isn't an Uchiha... how does he- Oh wait! Then won't you be called... say... Asuma of the smoking weed? Pfft-"

She cut herself off noticing Asuma's glare.

"I-I was just kidding... hehe."

Another loud thunk was heard across the training field, as Akari clutched her head and Asuma blew the dust from his fist.

Yes. Asuma did not like this half-Uchiha.

"Alright," he clapped his hands. "Because all of you are here anyways, let's get some sparring practice. Anyone who doesn't wish to train can leave," he said in a tone that was begging someone to leave. Oda casually stepped away. Sara moved to do the same, before Asuma's voice stopped her.

"Sara, you are the only reason I'm providing training here in the first place. Remember, as your master, my responsibility is to only train you not your friends," he sighed exasperatedly.

Akari and Haru stood in a corner, depressed clouds surrounding them.

"I-I'll have to train with snake babies and that crazy snake mistress for the rest of my life?" Haru sniffled.

"S-Scarecrow sensei... is the one responsible for my training?" Akari added to the sniffling.

Akio sweatdropped. "Just take the training you're getting!" he shouted at them annoyed.

"I'm tired," Haru muttered honestly. "I'll join Oda," he muttered, slumping on the grass beside the mysterious classmate.

"Looks like we share similar thoughts," Oda commented.

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