Ch. 30 Rescuing Godmother Emika!

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"Ne... Snow White-san?"

"Don't call me that!" came an annoyed growl.

Akari cautiously stepped over the snow-covered log in the way, pulling up her hoodie because of the cold weather.

"But I don't know your name," she innocently pointed out.

The white wolf let out an annoyed growl before grunting "Eisaku."

"Eisaku," Akari rolled the name on her tongue. "That's a pretty neat name-"

"I don't care," he cut her off.

The human behind him pouted. "So where are you going? You said I was the reason my Godmother was kidnapped-"

"She isn't your Godmother," Eisaku cut off annoyed. "And yes, that bastard Danzo's men took her away because you showed up at our house right around the time she was returning from the Land of Wolves."

"Why was she in the Land of Wolves? Where is the Land of Wolves? Wait... can only wolves go in the land of wolves!? Is my Godmother half-wolf like I'm half-Uchiha-"

"None of your business, somewhere you don't need to know, no, not your Godmother, no, and stop asking questions."

Akari sighed. "You said Danzo kidnapped her because I visited... why would he do that?"

"You visiting your birthplace means you somehow gained knowledge about the conditions you were born in. Danzo has something in the Uchiha massacre that he probably needs to keep a dark secret," Eisaku growled. "Filthy humans dragging innocents into their drabbles... should never have let that Uchiha woman in."

Akari didn't say anything to that, not knowing whether it was worth getting worked up on or not. She decided it wasn't.

"So we just need to rescue Godmother-"

"She is NOT your Godmother," the wolf growled, finally turning back at her to shoot her a glare.

"But she helped my mom when I was being born. So she's my Godmother," Akari pointed out. "And she's your master. See? We can both share!"

"No," Eisaku deadpanned. "Call her Emika."

"So how are we going to rescue Godmother Emika?"

The elegant white wolf groaned before sighing. "I'm working on that. And we aren't doing anything. You are going back to wherever you were going. Bye. It wasn't nice meeting you."

"Awh man, you were such a nice wolf when you were younger in my dream," Akari mumbled.

"You keep speaking of this dream, but you were just a newborn when all of it happened. You can't possibly dream it up out of nowhere."

"But I did! I told you, my mom did this thing with her chakra or something, I'm still working to find out how she did it. The book Scarecrow sensei gave me to read says 'Chakra was meant to connect people.' So maybe that's how chakra connected my mother and me even after she's dead!" Akari ranted happily.

"This world does not work on happy imaginations, and I still couldn't care less about that Uchiha woman or you for that matter."

"If you wanted me to go away then why did you come to me in the first place?" Akari questioned.

"Well, I couldn't figure out a plan to rescue Emika, so I figured I needed to vent out my frustration somewhere. The person who is responsible for all of this seemed a nice option," Eisaku grunted.

"Look, if I am responsible for this, then let me help! You need all the help you can get, right? We can figure out a plan! I am very good at sneaking into places!"

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