Ch. 29 Mister Grumpy Snow White

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"Well this is a rare gathering," Asuma said through his cigarette, taking a seat beside Kurenai.

"We haven't really been getting time for gatherings, with all the missions," Genma muttered through his senbons.

"The missions and then the genin we're supposed to teach," Anko groaned from beside Kurenai.

"Who in their right minds gave you a genin?"

"Oh shut up Raidou! Ibiki got a genin too. Let that sink in," Anko countered.

"Poor child..."

"I'm sure it isn't that bad," Kurenai chuckled awkwardly. "Right, Ibiki-san?"

"He isn't dead or mentally traumatized yet," Ibiki grumbled. "It's just... this years rookies are under some strange circumstances."

"Only five graduates," Asuma agreed. "Without the survival test that jonin usually put them through."

"For real?" both Kurenai and Raidou exclaimed surprised.

"Yeah," Genma sighed. "All of us got one as an apprentice. Asuma, Anko, Ibiki, me, then there's Kakashi."

"Kakashi got another student?"

"Just like me, yeah," Asuma nodded. "None of them are that important though. Lady Hokage said she didn't see much potential in any of them when they graduated. Except probably that Akio boy."

"His parents are quiet good."

"Isn't the half-Uchiha in the same batch?"

"Yeah, she's with Kakashi."

"She doesn't show much talent though," Anko shrugged. "I mean she's average. The only thing noticeable about her is her age, she's two years younger than the rest of them."

"Eh," Kurenai drawled. "I'm sure you guys would do awesome with your apprentices," she chuckled and patted Asuma on the back. "You got a Yamanaka, didn't you?"

Asuma nodded. "She met Ino," he said in a voice full of dread.

Kurenai blinked. "Isn't that... good?"

"No!" Asuma groaned, face planting on the table. "You know how newly graduated kunoichis are, more focused on boys and makeup than ninja arts. Ino just fueled those flames and now it's close to impossible to get both of them to focus on training whenever they're together. Genma, I'm murdering your apprentice," he declared.

"What did Akio do!?"

"Sakura didn't used to train either when Sasuke was around, right? And now that he's gone, she's training. Ino still isn't training to her full extent, but she's less distracted. I'm telling you, toss Akio into a forest or something so Sara focuses on training."

Genma let out an exasperated sigh as Kurenai comfortingly patted Asuma's arm.

Anko simply crowed in laughter. "My apprentice used to run away from training until recently, but then something happened and he began training harder than ever," she shrugged, satisfied.

"What happened though?" Genma asked confused. 

Anko shrugged again. "He said he needed to protect someone, or something."

"Great," Ibiki grumbled. "My apprentice was doing wonderful so far. Not too ambitious, not too lazy. Then one of the prisoners turned out to be his father."

Everyone stared at him silently for a few seconds.

"What?" Raidou broke the silence.

"Not kidding."

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