Ch. 66 Behind a Certain Waterfall

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Matsuri sniffled quietly while laying on the ground, blood trailing down her forehead.

Calling her kidnappers 'a bunch of asshole incapable of growing eyebrows' didn't seem such a great idea anymore.

She tried to wriggle free from the ropes binding her, but it wasn't working.

What scared her even more was the huge red triangle she was lying in the center of. A part of her mind kept reminding her of what they had been sent on the mission for, to investigate Jashinism.

"Isn't she too small for a sacrifice?"

Matsuri tried to blink back her tears.

Just how did she end up getting kidnapped by the people they were supposed to be spying on?

"Well, Hidan-sama probably started with small too," another man proudly declared.

"No, he killed a thousand people to acquire his power. He slaughtered everyone around him! That's why the population of our village is so less!"

"How did he even kill a thousand people at once?"

"He was a powerful shinobi before he was  Jashinist."

Matsuri was listening to every piece of information she was getting, however she couldn't comprehend any of them.

The information would be useful if she survived, which seemed a huge if at the moment.

Suddenly, the person in front of her fell to his knees, his eyeballs rolling upwards, before he collapsed to the ground.

Matsuri spotted a senbon impaled in his back.

Her eyes widen before her body felt weak with relief. Their captain used senbons. How she dounf her location behind the waterfall that these hooligans dragged her to, she didn't know. But again, Akari was a powerful chunin. She had heard that she was an upper B-rank. Very close to being A-Rank and getting promoted to jonin.

If she was here then Matsuri could relax.

She jumped feeling a presence behind her, however calmed down when she recognized Maki and smiled, her eyes tearing up from relief.

Meanwhile the people who had been calling themselves 'Jashinists' until now were falling onto the ground one by one.

One of them, probably a man better trained in ninja arts than the rest, aimed a fire jutsu at them only to be deflected by a wind style.

Matsuri saw Akari jump in front of them before blowing a fireball in front of them. The opponent ducked behind a boulder, gritting his teeth, probably realizing that his fire style won't give him an advantage against another, probably stronger, fire style user.

"Maki, hurry up and get both of you out of here," she growled, before defending the two of them from another set of kunais.

She glanced back for a second, seeing Maki fumbling helplessly with the ropes. She groaned in annoyance, defending another set of attacks. She couldn't keep defending all of them. And their opponents were gaining in numbers.

They had had enough time to gather the rest of their comrades. She had lost the element of surprise.

And her two comrades, as much as she didn't want to think of it, were liabilities right now.

"Just cut the damned rope, Maki, are you even a kunoichi!?" she shouted annoyed, kicking another shinobi away and blowing a few senbons in their direction.

If only she had a better defense jutsu... God she needed Akio's water wall right now. As annoying as the evil toad was, they made a good team with his defense and her offense.

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