Ch. 44 The Ronin Playoffs Begin!

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"Fire release!"

The tanto Akari was holding in her hands erupted into fire.


"This is the fifth time you're doing it... I only shared the excitement till the first time," Takeo drawled.

"Her excitement lasts longer than Sara's whining about her hair getting all messed up," Akio grumbled under his breath. "And trust me, that's a long long time."

Sara looked appalled but ignored him.

"I can't believe we got roped into this samurai mission," Shikamaru muttered under his breath. "The Ronin Playoffs begins tonight, right? When is her match?"

"Tonight, the third match itself," Takeo answered. "Get your act together, kid, or General Mifune will kill me!" he called out to Akari.

"I think I'm doing pretty awesome!" she called back.

"Ne... Shikamaru-san, what are the Ronin playoffs?" Sara questioned.

"It's like... a show of power among B-Rank or lower sword users," he explained. "Mostly beginner samurais participate, but kenjutsu masters from other parts of the shinobi-world also show up. It helps maintain a balance of power among them, just like the chunin exams that us shinobi have."

"Then why is Akari preparing for it? Akio-kun is better than her! He can distract people long enough to complete whatever your mission is!" she exclaimed.

"Akio does not use swords," Shikamaru drawled. "And possessing the Sharingan draws more attention than anyone else performing excellent."

Akari froze. "... I'll have to showcase my Sharingan?"

"Yeah, that's the point," Takeo said.

"How many people would be there?" the Uchiha muttered uncomfortably.

"About a thousand in the audience, and three hundred competitors," Takeo explained. "Since swordsmen are rare, there are plenty of Lords who pick people for important positions for themselves, it's a great opportunity too."

Akari pouted. "I can do amazing without displaying my Sharingan."

"You displaying the Sharingan is important. No one really cares how amazing you do, this is a mission," the samurai pointed out. "Also, this kind of thing draws quiet a bit of attention. general was saying if someone was on your trail you better be careful on your way back to the village."

"I don't like samurais anymore," Akio dead-panned. "How selfish is this?"

"Every man looks out for himself," Takeo shrugged.

"I don't want to showcase my Sharingan," Akari piped up.

"Too bad, you'll have to," Takeo dead-panned.

Shikamaru sighed. "If she does that, the existence of another set of Sharingan will spread like wildfire. So for her safety, and that of the village, I request you to reconsider."

Takeo sighed, before scrunching up his face in thought. "It's the General's orders. I can't  really do much about it. However, as for her or the village's safety, if she does do amazing in this tournament, she will be labelled as a B-Rank ninja. That is if she manages to qualify for the first two rounds."

"Even if she did manage that, which is a huge if," Sara drawled. "What will that do?" she added.

"Idiot, being labelled B-Rank would at least make anyone who tries to capture her or attack her in the village be weary," Akio explained. "They'll think twice before making a move, and many might retreat."

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