Ch. 78 What's Wrong With Iruka Sensei - 2

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Iruka barely registered when Naruto left.

"Unlike you, Iruka, she isn't useless. Or a burden on missions."

"Kakashi-san died protecting you and Choji, ne?"

"I escaped... on orders."

Was that why... Kakashi ordered him to leave during the invasion? If Kakashi hadn't been focused on protecting him from Pein that day then he wouldn't have gotten stabbed through his shoulder...

He... had gotten the jonin killed...

He had been a burden... if it wasn't for Naruto... then Kakashi would be dead because of him...

An elite jonin would have been dead because of him... a useless chunin academy teacher...


The chunin snapped out of his reverie to look at the jonin.

"Did you understand what I just said?"

He... wasn't listening... cripes he wasn't listening-

"Y-Yes sir...," he was really bad at lying. Even Izumo would've been able to tell that lie apart.

"Repeat my order."

Iruka gulped.

Why did he even bother lying?

Kakashi sighed at the silence he received in response.

"I'm sorry," Iruka hurriedly apologized, bowing his head. "M-My mind was somewhere else-"

"Isn't focusing in class something you teach students at the academy? Or are you even bad at the one job you do?"

Iruka glanced down. He disagreed. He really did. Academy was the one thing he was confident about. He had done a great job nurturing students and he didn't give a flying fuck even if an elite jonin said otherwise.

"No sir," he muttered under his breath. He then stopped short.

nO SiR!? He wasn't supposed to disagree! Kakashi was already pissed at him- he just blatantly disagreed with the copy ninja and What the hell apologize you moron!

"I-I'm sorry," he hastily amended bowing his head down. "I didn't mean to say that- uh... I meant-"


He cut off his rambling.

"You were supposed to disagree at that..." Kakashi said, and Iruka could hear the slight frown in his tone.

"O-Oh! I mean... of course... right," Iruka trailed off. "I knew that," he muttered under his breath.

"Of course you did," Kakashi drawled before straightening up. "Stand."

Iruka sighed, before pushing himself to stand up. His legs felt like jelly. He really felt bad for Akari if this is how Kakashi had been training her.

He placed his hands behind his back and glanced down at his sandals.

"I'm repeating myself, Iruka, pay attention this time."

"Yes sir."

"The construction work for the academy is supposed to start two days from now. They need materials to begin. You're aware of how they transport materials, right?"

Iruka nodded. "With the help of a few genin, or sometimes chunin teams. From the village gates to the location."

"Correct," Kakashi eye-smiled. "There will be no genin teams assigned for transporting the materials to the academy. I want you to start right now. You are not allowed to go home until you are done taking every sack of wood, logs, cement, and whatever else is required, and deliver them at the academy."

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