Ch. 20 Strength Training Sucks

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"Wow, that was pathetic."

Akari's eye twitched. Why did she expect training to get easier after he showed some humanity the previous day she would never know.

The previous day was really... unique. They didn't really train much after she got back from the hospital check up. Kakashi only taught her to meditate which got boring after five minutes, but he said it helped with chakra something.

And Kakashi didn't hate her!

Which made her oddly... happy?

She wanted to ask why, because... technically her clan member did betray him as a student before. And she heard somewhere (chakra suppressing skills right there) that Itachi had been under his mentorship in the anbu... so that made two. Obito Uchiha died so... that made three(?).

But she didn't ask him because mentioning that in front of Kakashi had been a huge no-no ever since he did that Sharingan thing.

Even though he did say he won't do it on her again... 

It also made her realize even though Scarecrow sensei was scary when pissed he was kind of cute when he was awkward with saying un-jerk-ish things to her. So she was sure she wanted to tackle-hug him just to get that reaction again!

Which wasn't an option in training because since the day she did that stupid challenge the training seemed to get worst every day. And she knew most genin didn't train that much, he was just doing it to get her to quit! That wasn't even fair!

"I hit most of the targets!" she panted.

"Did I say 'hit most of the targets'? No, I said 'hit the targets'. Which implies hitting all of them," Kakashi drawled.

"How am I supposed to hit them while dodging!?"

"That's the main point, chibi, anyone can hit a still target," he said, peering up at her from under his book as he lay on the grass. Akari sweat-dropped. For a jonin he was... lazy.

"Stop calling me that, sensei! And... you're lying down so... does that mean I get a break?" she asked hopefully.

"Nope," he smiled cheerfully. "That means it's time for strength building exercises."

Akari despised those strength building exercises. She still couldn't decide which one she hated the most. Taijutsu with Kakashi or that.

"Am I not strong enough?" she whined.

Kakashi glanced at her from his book. "Do you really want me to answer that?"

"...On second thoughts, no. But-"

"Great! We can add a hundred push ups today!"

Akari froze. "What?"

"Along with a hundred sit ups and a hundred squats!"

Akari blinked, horror setting onto her face. "Sensei... I'm really sorry for calling you Scarecrow sensei and shipping you with that random kunoichi who brought in your report and trying to get back Inu-chan and trying to read your book and making you search all of Konoha for me after I ran outside the hospital but-"

"I wasn't done," Kakashi interrupted. "Add those to the strength building exercises I already make you do!"

Akari remembered when Kakashi introduced that concept on their third day of training. She had never known exercise could be so terrible. She ran around all the time, but she still felt like dropping dead at her seventh lap around the training ground.

"I'll add weights if you don't quit by tomorrow."

Scarecrow sensei said her innocent puppy eyes were deceiving. And then he explained all that cruel training while doing his innocent eye-smile thing.

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