Ch. 50 A Casual Day in Konoha

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"I-R-U-K-A  S-E-N-S-E-I~!" is what Iruka woke up to when all he wanted to do was sleep peacefully at the last day of the Rinne Festival vacations.

He groaned before sitting up on his bed and shouting out, "THE TWO OF YOU BETTER HAVE A GOOD REASON TO SHOW UP AT MY HOUSE AT THIS TIME!"

He slammed open the door in annoyance to see Akari and Haru looking up at him, grinning like the little devils they were.

Iruka raised his fist in annoyance, making the grins instantly disappear from their faces.

"Sensei! We needed your help!" Akari hurriedly explained.

Iruka took in a deep inhale to not let his annoyance show. "Could it have not waited until a time that is not seven am in the morning?"

"...I thought you would wake up early in the morning considering how you are a sensei and everything," Akari muttered with a pout.

"Pffft... hypocrisy-" Haru whispered before shutting up at Iruka's annoyed look.

"What's hypocrisy?" Akari blinked.

"It's when you preach about something to other but don't do it yourself. Like Iruka sensei!" Haru explained brightly.


"Ow," Haru whined. "What!? You are going to hit your students for trying to expand their vocab!?"

"You do not call your sensei hypocrites on their faces. And unlike you, I was up late celebrating the festival. Yes, adults are allowed to stay up late. Now-"

"With who?" Akari interrupted with a mischievous grin. "Kakashi sensei?" she wiggled her eyebrows.

"He's who we are shipping your master with now?" Haru asked with pure innocent wonder in his eyes.


"Ow," Akari whined holding her head.

Iruka was a little menace himself as a kid, but even he did not go shipping his sensei around!

"Disturb me again without a reason and you'll have a lot worse to deal with," Iruka said, annoyed.

"Wait! We have a good reason!" the Uchiha protested.

"Oh? Let's hear it then."

"I needed your and Weedie sensei- I-I mean Asuma sensei's help!"


"I'm trying to create a jutsu!" she said brightly. "I need help with seals for it! And because you are so good with seals, I figured I'd go to my favorite sensei!"

"I thought Kakashi was your favorite sensei..."

Akari blinked, before coming up with an answer. "Nah, he's my favorite master. There's a difference."

"...Alright. Wait, why don't you just ask him? Kakashi-san knows seals too, he was trained by the fourth Hokage after all."

"He knows seals too!?" she squealed. "Scarecrow sensei knows everything!"

"As flattered as I am with the praise, I won't say that's entirely correct," Kakashi's voice interrupted the conversation out of nowhere.

"Hatake sensei!?"

"Scarecrow sensei! When did you get here!?"


The annoying jonin cocked his head to the side in that annoying way of his before annoyingly jumping off and landing in front of him annoyingly gracefully.

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