Ch. 42 The Land of Iron

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Itachi could have easily finished them off if he wanted.

All her brave words, all her speeches about choosing what she'll get sacrificed for and she was worth being trained because she won't die easily on the battlefield... all of them would've meant nothing if he had decided to kill her.

"The weak don't get to decide."

Those words did make sense. All her words were useless if she couldn't implement them with her actions.

All she did was talk.

She was an Uchiha and she couldn't even perform a proper fireball.

She didn't even like using her Sharingan because of how much people in the village disliked anything 'Uchiha'.

She didn't even know if she had the right to call herself an Uchiha.

All her thoughts suddenly stopped short.

She told Kakashi her dream was to surpass him. She liked the idea of knowing more than a thousand ninjutsu. But she could barely perform one.

She told Eisaku that she'd become strong enough and impress him into taking her to the Land of Wolves.

She told her classmates that she'd be the best jonin commander the village had ever seen.

Why was she focusing on her Uchiha-ness if there were so many more things to focus on!?

Like getting the fuck stronger than she was at the moment.

If Itachi would be coming for her, and there was an unknown threat for her in the village, then she better power up!

"Um... what's happening to her?" Sara muttered, looking at her youngest teammate who was laying on the ground wearily. "Why is she unconsciously clenching her fists?"

"Probably dreaming," Shikamaru sighed.

Akio sat quietly beside them near a tree, frowning, trying to ignore the other three.

He was supposed to be the rookie of the year, and yet, he was the only one who was unconscious the entire time Itachi made an appearance. And that sucked.


The three of them gave the youngest member of their group, who was unconscious till a minute ago, a blank stare when she fist pumped and sat up randomly.

"Do what?" Akio dead-panned.

Akari blinked a few times, looking around. "Oh... we're all alive!" she grinned.

Akio sighed. How could she be grinning? This mission was shit! They were barely alive, and she was the most injured of them all with all those stabs inside of her with kunais and overusing her eyes.

"Ow," she grumbled after a few seconds, squeezing her eyes shut again. "My eyes burn."

"You overused your Sharingan," Shikamaru explains patiently. "Your eyes were bleeding slightly when I found you unconscious. Sara cleaned you up."

"Thanks!" she grinned towards Akio.

"Idiot, Sara is behind you."

"Oh- hehe... thanks Sara!" she called out, randomly laying down on the grass again.

"Such an idiot," Akio grumbled.

"Hey! My eyes are closed!"

"But you opened them for a few seconds when you woke up!"

"You expect me to memorize where each one of you stood!?"

"Well, a person with an average brain won't need to make an effort to do it! Oh but I keep forgetting how much of an idiot you are, short stuff!"

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